Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | Primary ID of the business unit. | [optional] |
partner_user | \Ageras\Api\PartnerContractBusinessUnitPartnerUserResource | [optional] | |
partner_business_unit_grouping_id | int | Partner business unit grouping ID. | [optional] |
wants_digital_leads | bool | Does the business unit accept digial leads? | [optional] [default to false] |
display_name | string | Display name. | [optional] |
geo | \Ageras\Api\PartnerBusinessUnitGeoResource | [optional] | |
revenues | \Ageras\Api\PartnerBusinessUnitRevenueRangeResource | [optional] | |
sectors | \Ageras\Api\SectorResource[] | Desired sectors. | [optional] |
industries | \Ageras\Api\IndustryResource[] | Desired industries. | [optional] |
client_types | \Ageras\Api\LeadTypeResource[] | Desired client types. | [optional] |
geo_regions | \Ageras\Api\PartnerBusinessUnitSegmentationGeoRegionResource[] | Desired geo regions. | [optional] |
allocation_quota | \Ageras\Api\PartnerContractBusinessUnitQuotaResource | [optional] | |
allocation_limit | \Ageras\Api\PartnerContractBusinessUnitQuotaResource | [optional] | |
wants_exclusive_leads | bool | Flag whether business unit wants exclusive leads | [optional] [default to false] |
revenue_segment | \Ageras\Api\RevenueSegmentResource | [optional] |