Name | Type | Description | Notes |
token | string | Token provided the by the Ageras API, used to access. | [optional] |
expires_at | string | The date that the token expires. | [optional] |
user_id | string | Id for the given user. @deprecated See $employee, $partner_user, $client | [optional] |
user_type | string | The type of user that currently is associated to the token. | [optional] |
employee | \Ageras\Api\EmployeeResource | [optional] | |
partner_user | \Ageras\Api\PartnerUserResource | [optional] | |
client | \Ageras\Api\ClientResource | [optional] | |
partner_sign_up | \Ageras\Api\PartnerSignUpResource | [optional] | |
client_sign_up | \Ageras\Api\ClientSignUpResource | [optional] | |
string | Email for the given user associated with the token. | [optional] | |
password | string | Password used to post when logging in, will always be blank when resource is retrieved from server. | [optional] |
permissions | string[] | Available permissions | [optional] |