This project contains a Java client for Snowstorm generated using the openapi-generator-maven-plugin. The aim of this project is to make Snowstorm's APIs easier to use from Java code without writing additional boilerplate.
To build this project you'll need Java 17 or later and Maven 3 or later.
It can then be built by running
mvn clean install
To use the library include it in your Maven dependencies
Then create a client and use it in the specific clients that divide up the Snowstorm API
WebClient webclient;
ApiClient client = new ApiClient(webclient);
ConceptsApi conceptApi = new ConceptsApi(client);
return api.findConcept(branch, id, "en").block();
Look in the generated package au.csiro.snowstorm_client.api
for all the various API clients. These are divided based on the OpenAPI definition of the Snowstorm API.
Versioning is based on the Snowstorm release version.
If you are interested in contributing or would like a change, please check out the contributing guide.
Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE for more details.