Marketing Analytics Jumpstart consists of several components - marketing data store (MDS), feature store, ML pipelines, the activation pipeline and dashboards. This document describes the sequencing of installing these components.
- Set up Google Analytics 4 Export to Bigquery. Please follow the set-up documentation. The current version of MDS doesn't use streaming export tables.
- Set up Google Cloud Data Transfer Service to export Google Ads to Bigquery. Follow these instructions.
Make sure these exports use the same BigQuery location, either regional or multi-regional one. You can export the data into the same project or different projects - the MDS will be able to get the data from multiple projects.
The Terraform scripts which are used to create the infrastructure don’t create Google Cloud projects themselves. These projects need to be created before the scripts can be run and their ids will be provided to the script via Terraform variables. It is possible to install the whole solution in a single project if the projected BigQuery data volume is small (megabytes or low digit gigabytes of additional data per day). For larger installations or when more granular access control is desired multiple projects can be used:
- MDS data storage project for all the data curated by the solution.
- MDS data processing project for hosting the Dataform scripts and running BigQuery curation jobs.
- ML pipeline features engineering, model training, model inference and activation application.
- Dashboard query processing project. In case of high volume Dashboard usage this project can enable BigQuery BI Engine to accelerate the query originated from the dashboard.
There are multiple ways to configure Google Cloud authentication for the Terraform installations. Terraform's Google
Provider documentation
lists all possible options on how the authentication can be done. This installation guide assumes that will be using the
Application Default Credentials. You can change this by, for example, creating a dedicated service account and
environment variable before you run Terraform scripts. We will refer to the
identity which is used in the Terraform scripts (your email or the dedicated service account email) the "Terraform
principal" for brevity.
The Terraform principal will need to be granted certain permissions in different projects:
- the Owner role in all projects where the solution is to be installed. Required to install products related to the solution.
- the BigQuery Data Owner role on the datasets containing the GA4 and Ads data exports. Required to grant data read access to a service account which will be created by the Terraform scripts. Follow the BigQuery documentation on how to grant this permission on a dataset level.
MDS uses Dataform as the tool to run the data transformation. Dataform uses a private GitHub or GitLab repository to store SQL transformation scripts. Customers will need to create a repository and copy the SQL scripts from a companion GitHub repo before running the Terraform scripts.
- Create a private empty repository in your GitHub or GitLab account.
- On your computer, check out the blank GitHub or GitLab repository. Instructions below assume that the repository will be hosted on GitHub.
- On your computer or in a Cloud Shell, check out the GitHub repository which contains the MDS Dataform scripts.
git clone
- Push the contents of the source repository to your private repo
cd marketing-analytics-jumpstart-dataform git remote add copy<your-account>/<repo>.git git branch -M main git push -u copy main
- Clean the checkout directory
cd .. rm -rf marketing-analytics-jumpstart-dataform
- Generate a GitHub personal access token. It will be used by Dataform to access the repository. For details and additional guidance regarding token type, security and require permissions see Dataform documentation. You don't need to create a Cloud Secret - it will be done by the Terraform scripts. You will need to provide the Git URL and the access token to the Terraform scripts using a Terraform variable.
The activation application uses sensitive information from the Google Analytics property, such as Measurement ID and API Secret. These information is stored temporarily on environment variables to be exported manually by the user.
- A Measurement ID and API secret collected from the Google Analytics UI. In this article you will find instructions on how to generate the API secret.
- Editor or Administrator role to the Google Analytics 4 account or property. In this article you will find instructions on how to setup.
Once all the prerequisites are met you can install these components using Terraform scripts.
Follow instructions in terraform/
Looker Studio Dashboards can be installed by following instructions in ../python/lookerstudio/