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File metadata and controls

78 lines (66 loc) · 3.67 KB

AccuKnox CIS K8s Job

Instruction to perform CIS Benchmark on Cluster via AccuKnox CIS K8s Job



Variable Sample Value Description
accuknox.url AccuKnox CSPM Endpoint URL
accuknox.tenantId 2 AccuKnox Tenant ID
accuknox.label CIS AccuKnox Label
accuknox.authToken $token AccuKnox Token
accuknox.clusterName $clusterName Cluster Name
accuknox.cronTab 30 9 * * * CronJob (UTC)
toolConfig.platform "GKE" OR "AKS" Name of the platform. Default: empty
toolConfig.nodeType master OR controlplane For node selection
toolConfig.targets "master,controlplane,node" Ref
toolConfig.benchmark "gke-1.6.0" Ref
toolConfig.check "1.1.1,1.2.3" Control IDs to check
toolConfig.skip "1.1.1,1.3.1" Control IDs to skip

Schedule CIS Job on cluster

Clone GitHub and switch to CIS K8s Job folder

git clone && cd accuknox-jobs/cis-k8s-job

Helm Command to deploy AccuKnox CIS K8s Job locally:

helm upgrade --install accuknox-cis-k8s . \
    --set accuknox.url="" \
    --set accuknox.tenantId="$tenantId" \
    --set accuknox.label="$label" \
    --set accuknox.authToken="$token" \
    --set accuknox.clusterName="$clusterName" \
    --set accuknox.cronTab="30 9 * * *"


  • You can get AccuKnox Token & Tenant ID from AccuKnox SaaS under navigation Settings > Tokens
  • You can get AccuKnox Label from AccuKNox SaaS under navigation Settings > Labels

Manual Procedure

Instruction to perform CIS Benchmark manually using kube-bench binary


Steps to follow:

  • Getting output file as results.json on current-context of selected cluster
kube-bench run --config-dir ~/test/KubeBench/cfg/ --json --outputfile results.json

Make sure you provide correct --config-dir.

  • Adding Metadata to above output file
cat <<<$(jq '. += {
    "Metadata": {
    ' results.json) >results.json

Replace value of $cluster with cluster name & $label with AccuKnox Label

  • Sending output file to AccuKnox SaaS
curl --location --request POST '$tenantId&data_type=KB&save_to_s3=true' --header 'Tenant-Id: $tenantId' --header "Authorization: Bearer $token" --form 'file=@"./results.json"'

Replace value of $tenantId from AccuKnox Tenant ID & $token from AccuKnox Token

  • You should be able to see a successful message as {"detail":"File received successfully"}