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Releases: accordproject/template-archive

Cicero v0.9.1

26 Oct 18:51
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Cicero v0.9.1 Pre-release

Cicero and Ergo are now using the brand new Composer Concerto modeling language! (Contribution @dselman @mttrbrts and @jeromesimeon)

This release also includes API changes to support generation of Ergo archives which are used by the Accord Project Template Studio

Install the latest release of the Cicero command-line tool with
npm i -g @accordproject/cicero-cli

💔 Both of those new features involve breaking changes. If you are upgrading from Cicero 0.8.0 look at the release notes below for the relevant changes.


  • 💔 The root namespace has changed from org.hyperledger.composer.system to org.accordproject.base.
  • 💔 The org.accordproject.base namespace is now reserved for built-in types. If you have CTO models or Ergo code depending on it you should consider renaming to a new namespace.


Cicero 0.9.1 is now running Ergo 0.5.2!

  • 💔 If your Ergo code depends on any of the previous system Hyperledger types (Event, Transaction, Concept, Asset, or Participant) those will now be considered by the Ergo compiler to be in the org.accordproject.base namespace.


  • 💔The Template.toArchive call now takes a mandatory language parameter. To recover Cicero 0.8.0 behavior, replace toArchive() by toArchive('javascript').

Security fixes

  • 👮 Update to npm package dependencies to avoid known security vulnerabilities (Contribution @mttrbrts)


⚖️ 🎉 The new Accord Project Template Studio is live! Create and edit Accord Projects without leaving your chair (or your browser)! Give it a try and give us feedback on the template studio's GitHub. (Contribution @jeromesimeon)


💔 The published Accord Project templates archives now contain Ergo rather than JavaScript.

🏦 Simple variant for Late Delivery and Penalty Clause is a simpler form for the popular late delivery and penalty clause (Contribution @hshadab)

Cicero v0.8.0

11 Sep 21:05
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Cicero v0.8.0 Pre-release

This week's release includes bug fixes and support for now-strongly-typed Ergo 0.4.0 for safer contract logic.

💔 Unsurprisingly, this means we have again some breaking changes in this release on the Ergo side

Install the latest release of the Cicero command-line tool with
npm i -g @accordproject/cicero-cli


This is a release for strongly typed Ergo! The type checker is now enabled on the compiler as well as the REPL.

Additional changes include:

🍸 Ergo Type Checker


  • Cleaner and faster Ergo build from source in CircleCI

Bug fixes

  • 🐞 bug in optional chaining implementation (accordproject/ergo#321)
  • 🐞 bug in importing type hierarchy from CTO files


  • Updated VSCode plugin understands Cicero 0.8.0 & Ergo 0.4.0 and reports type errors


🏦 One Time Payment has a better natural language text (contribution by @hshadab)

Cicero v0.6.0

16 Aug 12:16
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Cicero v0.6.0 Pre-release

This week's release includes bug fixes and performance improvements. It also includes support for Ergo 0.3.1, which comes with a brand new tool for interactive construction, execution and debugging of Ergo program.

💔 Beware that we have again some breaking changes in this release on the Ergo side

Install the latest release of the Cicero command-line tool with
npm i -g @accordproject/cicero-cli


  • 🐞The creation of hashes for templates is now more robust and consistent (Thanks to @mttrbrts! PR #186)
  • 🐇Avoid loading external models when we don't have to which improves performance (Also Thanks to @mttrbrts ! PR #188 )
  • 🐞Inlining bug for constants (accordproject/ergo#389)
  • 🐞Prevent redefining types with the same name (accordproject/ergo#408)


Ergo 0.3.1 is out!

🍸 Ergo REPL!

There is a brand new tool for interactive development and testing of Ergo programs called the REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) (@kach and @jeromesimeon)

Try it by installing the latest release of Ergo with:

npm i -g @accordproject/ergo-cli

Then start the REPL by typing in a terminal:


You can type in Ergo expressions (or even load contracts) and try them interactively. The REPL showcases the upcoming type system for Ergo. When you write an expression or load a contract, it will check types for you and tell you if it finds mistakes in your code.

Sample Ergo contracts that work in the REPL can be found in

screen shot 2018-08-15 at 6 23 27 pm


  • Output types on functions and clauses are now optional
  • Built in functions on DateTime renamed from moment* to dateTime*
  • Optional values use none and some(...) consistently
  • Empty value (resp. type) now called unit (resp. Unit)
  • match expressions now understand the composer models type hierarchy


  • New VIM mode (contribution @kach) can be found in ergo.vim


🚗 Payment Upon Delivery (in English). A new payment clause thanks to @DianaLease and @Michael-Grover-C


🏁 And finally, thanks to @FelixKuehl for some improvements to the Quick Start tutorial in the documentation,

Cicero v0.5.0

02 Aug 14:26
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Cicero v0.5.0 Pre-release

Momentum is building 📈 ! We're really starting to see the benefits of the stack now.

This week's release includes support for Cicero in the browser, support for module import in Ergo, and an external contribution from @dlkconsultancy to provide a contract Car Rental template in Turkish, teşekkür ederim! 🇹🇷

Note that we plan to support multi-locale templates (with legal text in multiple locales, backed by a common data model and logic) in a future release. See issue #174.

💔 Beware that we have some breaking changes in this release on the Ergo side, but don't worry, the migration is pretty simple (accordproject/ergo#326)

Install the latest release of the Cicero command-line tool with
npm i -g @accordproject/cicero-cli



🏖 Cicero is escaping from the server into the browser! This opens up all sorts of fun possibilities, Cicero Template editing online, client-side validation of templates. We're really excited to see where this leads. HT @mttrbrts

<script src="[email protected]/umd/cicero.js"></script>

See the following minimal repos for examples that use the webpack'd library.


🎂 Ergo is now at v0.2.0.

🍸 Delegate!! Ergo 0.2.0 supports modularity: you can create your logic in multiple Ergo files or import libraries! For instance:

// In money.ergo:
define function compoundInterest(annualInterest : Double, numberOfDays : Double) : Double {
    return (1.0 + annualInterest) ^ (numberOfDays / 365.0)

// In logic.ergo:
  clause check(request : Payment) : Result throws ErrorResponse {
    let compounded =  request.amount * compoundInterest(contract.interestRate, numberOfDays);



  • Brand new inlining phase (contribution @kach)
  • Revisions/bug fixes to namespace resolution and context management
  • Compiler and REPL share common compilation pipeline
  • Automatically reorders input CTOs and Ergo modules based on dependency
  • Initial compiler support for type checking


  • new ergodep command line tool calculates dependencies

REPL (contribution @kach 🌯, @jeromesimeon)

  • Interface improvements (multiline input, better error reporting, handles empty input gracefully)
  • Support for state changes
  • Support for match, set contract and call
    REPL now checks/infers types (alpha)

Document Object Model

🐶 Eating our own dog-food... @dselman has published a DOM (document-object model) to describe the structure of a Cicero template. This formal structure gives us much more power to parse, generate and manipulate templates within the engine and using Ergo code.

Get a sneak peek of what's to come at and by following the issue #171.


🚗 Car Rental Agreement (in Turkish) via @dlkconsultancy. This is the first non-English template, great job Umut and Serkan!


See the latest version of the documentation at


🐞 Something screwy happened with our version numbers but @jeromesimeon & @penguinbroker put us back on track! (215e3da)

🐞 The cicero-core API now exposes the TemplateLibrary class properly (2469c1d)


16 Jul 16:21
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v0.4.7 Pre-release

Cicero v0.4.7

Install the latest release of the Cicero command-line tool with
npm i -g @accordproject/cicero-cli


  • 🐜 Template libraries can now be filtered by latest version and by cicero version.


09 Jul 19:41
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v0.4.6 Pre-release

Cicero v0.4.6

✨ The community is growing! This week we're indebted to our new contributors @kach, @jbesq777 @jcarpenter67, @jhoogstraat & @peterhunn. Great work guys!

Install the latest release of the Cicero command-line tool with
npm i -g @accordproject/cicero-cli


  • 🏋️‍♀️ composer-common has been on a diet, which means that Cicero can grow on even more exciting environments. Smart Contracts on FaaS, anyone?
  • 📜 Ergo. Now at v0.1.2 from 0.0.68, @jeromesimeon & @kach have been busy! Updates include:
    • 🗺 Improved compiler & error messages with location information so that you know exactly where things went wrong.
    • 👓 Namespace resolution support & standard library functions clean up your Ergo logic so that it's easier to read.
    • 🗽 Syntax changes: declare variable is now declare constant in declarations and let in expressions
    • 🔁 Ergo now has a sexy REPL (read-eval-print-loop) tool thanks to @kach. This lets us execute Ergo snippets on the command line, and there's lots more to come I'm told! accordproject/ergo#272
  • 💰 @jcarpenter67 has seen the money with his first commit. Thanks John for your contribution of a digital currency model to the Models Repository
  • 🏛Template libraries can be filtered to just retrieve the latest version of each template. #153 . As seen at


  • 🐞Instead of throwing errors, Template.getRequestTypes, Template.getResponseTypes, Template.getEmitTypes, Template.getStateTypes now return empty arrays if the template doesn't have any logic. #154
  • 🐞 Error when installing the ergo-cli with npm (thanks to @jhoogstraat). accordproject/ergo#270



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26 Jun 07:20
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v0.4.5 Pre-release

Cicero v0.4.5

Install the latest release of the command-line tool with
npm i -g @accordproject/cicero-cli




15 Jun 05:12
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v0.4.4 Pre-release
  • Upgrade to Ergo 0.0.66


13 Jun 19:21
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v0.4.3 Pre-release
  • Add language to metadata


12 Jun 00:19
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v0.4.2 Pre-release
  • Support for state intialization
  • Ergo 0.0.65
  • Bug fixes