SAVer (SVM Abstract Verifier) is an abstract interpretation based tool for proving properties of SVMs, in particular we aim at proving robustness or vulnerability properties of classifiers.
Given a point x and perturbation function P, SAVer symbolically computes an overapproximation of P(x), the region of (possibly infinite) points which corresponds to perturbations of x, and runs an abstract version of the SVM on it, returning a superset of the labels associated to points in P(x). Whenever such set contains a single label, the concrete SVM classifier is definitively robust on point x for perturbation P.
When SAVer returns more than one label, it may happen either due to the classifier really being not robust, or because of a loss of precision induced by the abstraction process.
More information can be found on Robustness Verification of Support Vector Machines.
- Any C99-compatible C compiler
To install SAVer you need to clone or download the source files from this repository and compile them. There are no additional requirement nor dependencies:
git clone
cd saver/src
make install
The executable file will be available under saver/bin/saver
Every piece of code is documented using Doxygen. If you have Doxygen installed and wish to generate the documentation pages (HTML), run:
cd saver/src
make doc
Documentation will be available under saver/doc/html/index.html
Run saver
without arguments for a quick online help message. Full syntax is:
bin/saver <path to classifier> <path to dataset> [abstraction] [perturbation] [perturbation parameters]
- path to classifier: path to classifier file; must be in the appropriate format (see below)
- path to dataset: path to dataset; must be in the appropriate format (see below)
- abstraction: optional, tells which abstract domain to use for analysis; must be one of interval, raf, hybrid (default: hybrid)
- perturbation: optional, type of perturbation; must be one of l_inf, frame, from_file (default: l_inf)
- perturbation parameters: list of parameter specific for the type of perturbation
You can find data sets and trained SVM classifiers in our data-collection repository.
SAVer will display both per-sample analysis results and a global summary as in the following example:
classifier dataset id epsilon label concrete abstract
../classifiers/mnist-svm.dat ../datasets/test-set.csv 0 0.01 7 7 7,9
../classifiers/mnist-svm.dat ../datasets/test-set.csv 1 0.01 2 2 2
../classifiers/mnist-svm.dat ../datasets/test-set.csv 2 0.01 1 1 1,7
../classifiers/mnist-svm.dat ../datasets/test-set.csv 3 0.01 0 0 0
../classifiers/mnist-svm.dat ../datasets/test-set.csv 4 0.01 4 4 4,9
../classifiers/mnist-svm.dat ../datasets/test-set.csv 5 0.01 1 1 1,7
../classifiers/mnist-svm.dat ../datasets/test-set.csv 9999 0.01 6 6 6
[SUMMARY] Size Epsilon Avg. Time (ms) Correct Robust Cond. robust
[SUMMARY] 10000 0.01 53.719 9837 4707 4703
The summary section (last two rows) displays a header and some statistics (from left to right):
- number of samples in the dataset
- magnitude of perturbation (same given as input)
- average analysis time per sample, in milliseconds
- number of samples on which classifier computed the correct label with respect to the one prescribed in the dataset (correctness)
- number of samples on which classifier assigned the same labels to every point of an adversarial region, regardeless of correctness (stability)
- number of samples on which classifier is both correct and stable at the same time (standard notion of robustness)
The per-sample section contains one row for every sample in the dataset. Every row shows, from left to right:
- path to the classifier file
- path to the dataset file
- index of the sample in the dataset (starting from 0)
- magnitude of the perturbation, same given as input
- label of the sample prescribed by the dataset
- labels of the sample computed by the classifier
- sound superset of labels of points in the adversarial region of the sample
When reading last column keep in mind that SAVer's analysis is:
- sound: if a label is not in the list, it is guaranteed that not point in the adversarial region can have that label
- incomplete: if a label is in the list, it is not guaranteed that there exists a point in the adversarial region which has that label
bin/saver ../data/mnist/svm-rbf-60k.dat ../data/mnist/test-set-normalized.csv raf l_inf 0.01
classifier dtaset id epsilon label concrete abstract
../classifiers/mnist-rbf-60k.dat ../datasets/mnist-test-normalized.csv 0 0.010000 7 7 7,9
../classifiers/mnist-rbf-60k.dat ../datasets/mnist-test-normalized.csv 1 0.010000 2 2 2
../classifiers/mnist-rbf-60k.dat ../datasets/mnist-test-normalized.csv 2 0.010000 1 1 1,7
../classifiers/mnist-rbf-60k.dat ../datasets/mnist-test-normalized.csv 3 0.010000 0 0 0
../classifiers/mnist-rbf-60k.dat ../datasets/mnist-test-normalized.csv 9999 0.010000 6 6 6
[SUMMARY] Size Epsilon Avg. Time (ms) Correct Robust Cond. robust
[SUMMARY] 10000 0.01 53.719 9837 4707 4703
will evaluate whether the classifier in ../data/mnist/svm-rbf-60k.dat
is robust on each point taken from the data set in ../data/mnist/test-set-normalized.csv
, with respect to an L-infinity perturbation of magnitude 1% using the RAF abstract domain for the analysis. Analysis will reveal that classifier computes the correct label 98.37% of the times, exhibits a stable behavior (i.e. it consistenlty assigns the same label to points in the same adversarial region) 47.07% of the times, and it is both correct and stable 47.03% of the times. There exist 4707 - 4703 = 4
samples in the dataset on which classifier is provably stable, but does not output the expected label: by checking the per-sample results it is possible to identify those samples.
SAVer supports OVO SVM classifier files in the following format:
<feature space size>
<number of classes>
<kernel type and parameters>
<class 1> <number of support vectors for class 1>
<class 2> <number of support vectors for class 2>
<class N> <number of support vectors for class N>
<alpha coefficients>
<support vectors>
Where alpha, support vectors and biases are stored as described by Support Vector Machines - scikit-learn documentation. You may also want to check our data collection repository for some examples, in particular the easy-to-read Iris linear SVM classifier.
In particular, every SVM trained with scikit-learn
and libsvm
is compatible with this format.
See dedicated section on our data-collection repository, from which you can also download some ready-to-use datasets and models.
SAVer supports hyperrectangle perturbations read from a text file. Each line of the file will be matched with the corresponding sample in the dataset, i.e. i-esim sample will be tesed using i-esim row, every row describing a hyperrectangle through pairs of lower and upper bounds, one pair for each component. For example, a perturbation file for N samples in a space size of K will look like:
sample1_l1 sample1_u1 sample1_l2 sample1_u2 ... sample1_lK sample1_uK
sample2_l1 sample2_u1 sample2_l2 sample2_u2 ... sample2_lK sample2_uK
sampleN_l1 sampleN_u1 sampleN_l2 sampleN_u2 ... sampleN_lK sampleN_uK
Note that a hyperrectangle region defined in this way does not need to contain the sample it is associated to.