Shadow generator for your .png pictures. The utility was created to acheive the parallax effect, but you can use it whatever you would like to.
- Gets your picture by drag'n'drop.
- Turns your picture to monochrome.
- Applies blur to the result.
- Saves this pretty cool shadow.
The resulting shadows are placed near the original images with shadow suffix in filename.
Application is pretty intelligent with detecting picture's target device by its filename. So you can generate shadows for your original pictures and put them together to your app bundle. When you need to load your picture and shadow, you should look your app bundle for picture and picture-shadow. Automatic blur radius doubling provides equal results for retina and non-retina images.
If the original filename includes @2x then shadow suffix will be added right before @2x. Additionaly you can double blur radius for that pictures simply checking checkbox.
For hero@2x.png the result filename is hero-shadow@2x.png
If the original filename includes ~ then shadow suffix will be added right before ~.
For hero~ipad.png the result filename is hero-shadow~ipad.png. But for hero@2x~ipad.png the result filename is hero-shadow@2x~ipad.png
In other cases shadow suffix will be appended to the filename.
For hero.png the result filename is hero-shadow.png
You definitely should try this. You can use code from ShadowGenerator class to turn the resulting CGImageRef to representation you need with very little changes. The transformation code should work on both iOS and OS X.