This tool estimates the carbon footprint for a hypothetical, average business software project. A set of decorators allows to play around to see the impact of different emission reduction measures.
This estimator uses a pragmatic approach to get a rough understanding. Is is in no way intended to be scientific and might have major flaws.
The easiest way to start is to run and adopt AllDecorators
in the api
- Clone repo
cd api
npm i
npm run test -- AllDecorators.test.ts
- Inspect the console log. You'll see the estimates for the baseline plus the decorated (aka. optimized) version. It's a CSV, so for advanced analysis, copy it to Excel.
There's a frontend, but not much visible there.
- Clone repo
cd api
npm i
npm start
cd ../web
npm i
npm run dev
- Open given URL in browser. You will not yet see much though.
The emissions are estimated for an "average enterprise software project". Here's a description of the project at hand:
The software is developed by 8 developers during 2 years. The developers work in a near-shoring setup and the whole teams comes together every 6 weeks.
After the software is developed it is maintained by 2 developers until the end of life of the software which is after 8 years. The maintenance team does not use near-shoring.
The software is used by 9000 users distributed across Europe. Each user uses the software during 1h per business day during 8 years.
The usage is equally distributed over the day - except for the time between 11 and 14 o'clock where the load is doubled.
The application is a single page application served by a web-server which gets the data from a database-server. A job-server takes care of long-running jobs.
contains an Express REST endpoint with the estimation logic/web
contains a React user interface/talks
contains preparation files to present the findings