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File metadata and controls

143 lines (105 loc) · 4.53 KB


npm version

This is a picklist page. It supports:

  • Single Level or Multiple Level data.
  • Single Select or Multiple Select.
  • Show or Hide the internal components.
  • Customize the UI component.
  • Search in the data automaticlly.
  • Section style page.


Same UI on Android.


Install by Yarn:

yarn add @abdulmatinsanni/react-native-picklist

Install by NPM:

npm install --save @abdulmatinsanni/react-native-picklist


Import the module in the file:

import PickList from "react-native-picklist";

export default class TopPage extends React.PureComponent {
  static navigationOptions = PickList.navigationOptions;

  render() {
    return (
      // ...

If you want to use button in navigationOptions, you should set following items:

import { HeaderButton } from "react-navigation-header-buttons";

HeaderButton.defaultProps.getButtonElement = props => {
  const { title } = props;
  return <Text>{title}</Text>;

You can set the following properties or see example project to learn how to use it.



  • title: Page title.
  • data: Data to show. We will construct a virtual root node to contain it.
  • navigation: Navigator's props.


  • firstTitleLine: First item displayed in TitleLine when it has the multi-level data and show the title line.
  • isCascade: When multi-level and multi-select are true, auto-cascading selects child nodes or not. Default is true.
  • multilevel: Has multi-level data or not. Default is false.
  • multiselect: Is multi-select or not. Default is false.
  • onFinish: Pass the selected items when finish selecting.
  • rightTitle: Button title on the right corner.
  • rightClick: Button click callback on the right corner.
  • renderRow: Customize a row display. You can override this property to make the list readonly. Default implement is in DefaultRow.js.
  • renderHeader: Customize header of page.
  • renderSingleSelectIcon: Customize single-selected icon.
  • renderMultiSelectIcon: Customize multi-selected icon.
  • showBottomView: Show bottom bar or not.
  • showSearchView: Show search bar or not.
  • showTitleLine: Show title line at the header or not.
  • showAllCell: Show select all or deselect all cell or not.
  • showCount: Show not leaf item's children count and selected count.
  • numberOfTextLines: Max number of lines of Text component in one row. Default is 0, means no restrict of lines. You can set to 1 for single line text mode.
  • directBackWhenSingle: Directly go back to previous page or not when single-select data.
  • cancelableWhenDirectBack: Selected item is cancelable or not when single-select data and directBackWhenSingle is true.
  • selectedIds: Initial selected item's identifier list.
  • selectable: Can a tree node selectable or not.
  • childrenKey: Children key of tree node.
  • idKey: Identifier key of tree node, supports array of string or one string only.
  • labelKey: Label key of tree node.
  • searchKeys: Normal search keys of tree node.
  • sort: Sort method for data list.
  • split: Split method when generate sections of data list.
  • flatListProps: Props of FlatList when data is flat.
  • sectionListProps: Props of SectionList when data is splitted to sections.
  • searchListProps: Props of FlatList when searching.
  • buttonProps: Props of HeaderButton in navigation bar.
  • labels: Label text in component.

You can change labels globally by following statement: = "xxx";

You can call function with PickList view reference:

    ref={this.picklist = ref}

Following functions supported:

  • getSelectedItems: () => Tree[]: Get current selected items. You can handle these with Tree API.
  • backToPreviousPage: () => boolean: Auto go back to previous page. If it is the first page, it returns false. Otherwise it returns true.

Example Project

You can open the example project by following steps:

  1. Enter example. Use yarn or npm install to install the modules. Run npm start in a seperate terminal.
  2. Create a example project with entry file index and module name test.