Example of computing proofs for the zkdrops-contracts sample repo in the browser. The majority of the work is done by the zkdrops-lib which in turn uses the work of the iden3 team's Circom libraries.
Proof computation takes 20-60s in the browser depending on the machine.
This example front-end depends on the following locally served files:
– Sample merkle tree fromzkdrops/zkdrops-contracts/test/data/mt_8192.txt
– ZKey used by proof generationcircuit.wasm
– Circom wasm used to generate circuit proof by snarkjs
The zkdrops-lib includes imports for server-side only libraries. Because this usage is browser based, this repo ignores them during webpacking in next.config.js
key | secret |
0x009e6e111670ade65619330a1c34a3dc531ef3984749c9d69dea04b03a3a4f7f | 0x0078f4345cf4ecf7a0ce60629c3b830a723f5ba57654fa5b3140f75cbdcf49d4 |
0x00c06a7aa765bc92bab643baf757ee456f1ee890f690c09ba9a6be7533cf8e17 | 0x009968cc4b34a8a1dc99d503565c2c29707d336d877a1c5510a8679eb8398be2 |
0x0018491a8a8fb0348df12c944819aa152acf74f8294f769594df72163ed12974 | 0x008388a500abd0b0e1d912813a283b920d1bf479aeb16aa951132e92d5caa191 |
0x001db57ac6f56e91d3a8a6f888bced61de39b357ac6fe0c5d7857c2bcc660a3a | 0x0019175b472bb5285c43db00eb7065905606882bfb4857c1c8216b249443c0f7 |
When using hardhat + metamsk and the local chain is rebooted, you will need to go to Settings -> Advanced -> Reset account to reset your account nonce to 0.