Periodic coupled cluster Green's function for realistic solids
Authors: Tianyu Zhu ([email protected]), Katelyn Laughon, Jason M. Yu
- PySCF 1.7 or higher, and all dependencies
- fcdmft (Optional,
You need to set environment variable
to export kccgf to Python. E.g. if kccgf is installed in/opt
should beexport PYTHONPATH=/opt/kccgf:$PYTHONPATH
k-point CCGF (hybrid MPI+OpenMP parallelization)
k-point CCGF with model order reduction
k-point CCGF with active-space self-energy correction (CCGF+GW)
To run a periodic CCGF calculation, use the following steps:
- Run periodic HF calculation and save the GDF integrals. Example:
. - Run periodic CCSD calculation and save the CCSD amplitudes and MO integals (ERIS). Read GDF integrals and HF results
from the last step to save time. Example:
. - Run periodic CCGF calculation, either in parallel or using batch serial jobs. Read CCSD amplitudes and ERIS from last
step to save time. For full CCGF, see example:
to submit batch jobs
to collect GF and DOS). For MOR-CCGF, see example:/kccgf/examples/silicon/MOR/
To run a MOR-CCGF+MOR (active-space self-energy correction), follow these steps:
- Run periodic HF (same as in full CCGF Step 1).
- Run G0W0@HF calculation and save GW self-energy files. Example:
. - Run periodic CAS-CCSD calculation and save the CCSD amplitudes and MO integals (ERIS). Copy
from GW folder to CAS-CCSD folder to enable loading GW results. Example:/kccgf/examples/silicon/MOR-CCGF+GW/CAS-CCSD/
. - Run MOR-CCGF+GW calculation, either in parallel or using batch serial jobs. Read CCSD amplitudes and ERIS as well as
GW self-energy from Step 2 and 3 to save time. See example:
to submit batch jobs
to collect GF and DOS.
- K. Laughon, J. M. Yu, and T. Zhu, arXiv:2208.07478