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- Ph.D. Student in Robotics at Georgia Tech
- Atlanta, GA
- Northeastern University
- B.S. and M.S. Electrical Engineering
- Concn. in Machine Learning & Computer Vision
- I am currently a 4th year Robotics Ph.D. student at Georgia Tech advised by Dhruv Batra and Sehoon Ha. Previously, I graduated with my BS and MS from Northeastern University. My research interests involve scalable learning methods that will teach robots to effectively perceive and interact within various environments in the real world by training them within realistic simulators before transferring the learned skills to reality.
- Currently, I am interning with the Machine Learning Research team at Apple under Alex Toshev and Harsh Agrawal. During my PhD, I've also interned at the Boston Dynamics AI Institute with Bernadette Bucher and Jiuguang Wang (Summer 2023), at Amazon with Gaurav Sukhatme on deep reinforcement learning for robotics with reward decomposition (Summer 2022), and at Meta AI with Akshara Rai on mobile manipulation for object rearrangement (Summer 2021).
- Previously I also worked with Taskin Padir in the Robotics and Intelligent Vehicles Research (RIVeR) lab at Northeastern University. There, I led Team Northeastern in mutiple international robotics competitions such as the 2019 RoboCup@Home competition in Sydney, Australia, the 2018 World Robot Summit in Tokyo, Japan, and the Robocup@Home 2018 in Montreal, Canada, where we placed 4th internationally and 1st in the USA.
- I have also had the pleasure of mentoring other students, such as Qian Luo (MS@GT), Simar Kareer (MS@GT), and Marco Delgado (BS@GT) in research projects.
- One of my hobbies is taking photos. You can see some here.
- Naoki Yokoyama*, Ram Ramrakhya*, Abhishek Das, Dhruv Batra, Sehoon Ha
- IROS 2024
Trained transformer-based open-vocabulary ObjectNav policies using DAgger and released new dataset.
- Naoki Yokoyama, Sehoon Ha, Dhruv Batra, Jiuguang Wang, Bernadette Bucher
- Best Paper in Cognitive Robotics at ICRA 2024. 1 of 3,937 submissions (0.025%).
- Workshop on Language and Robot Learning at CoRL 2023
State-of-the-art ObjectNav performance using vision-language foundation models.
- Tsung-Yen Yang, Sergio Arnaud, Kavit Shah, Naoki Yokoyama, Alexander Clegg, Joanne Truong , Eric Undersander, Oleksandr Maksymets, Sehoon Ha, Mrinal Kalakrishnan, Roozbeh Mottaghi, Dhruv Batra, Akshara Rai
- CVPR 2023 Demo Track
- CVPR 2023 Meta AI Booth
Open-vocabulary mobile manipulation using LLMs to generate plans from natural language commands.
- Naoki Yokoyama, Alexander Clegg, Joanne Truong, Eric Undersander, Tsung-Yen Yang, Sergio Arnaud, Sehoon Ha, Dhruv Batra, Akshara Rai
- RA-L 2023
- ICRA 2024
Near-perfect mobile pick-and-place in diverse unseen real-world environments without obstacle maps or precise object locations.
- Karmesh Yadav*, Arjun Majumdar*, Ram Ramrakhya, Naoki Yokoyama, Aleksei Baevski, Zsolt Kira, Oleksandr Makysmets, Dhruv Batra
- Naoki Yokoyama*, Simar Kareer*, Dhruv Batra, Sehoon Ha, Joanne Truong
- ICRA 2023
- Best Paper Award at Learning for Agile Robotics Workshop at CoRL 2022
- Learned vision-based locomotion and navigation policies with Learning By Cheating to enable quadruped - robots to navigate unfamiliar cluttered environments by stepping over obstacles. -
- Joanne Truong, Max Rudolph, Naoki Yokoyama, Sonia Chernova, Dhruv Batra, Akshara Rai
- CoRL 2022
- Naoki Yokoyama, Qian Luo, Dhruv Batra, Sehoon Ha
- IROS 2022
- Embodied AI Workshop at CVPR 2022
- Achieved 1st place in the 2021 iGibson Visual Navigation Challenge using data augmentation methods - coupled with deep reinforcement learning (PPO). -
- Ruslan Partsey, Erik Wijmans, Naoki Yokoyama, Oles Dobosevych, Dhruv Batra, Oleksandr Maksymets
- CVPR 2022
Can an autonomous agent navigate in a new environment without ever building an explicit map?
- Naoki Yokoyama, Sehoon Ha, Dhruv Batra
- IROS 2021
Dynamics-aware training and evaluation for navigation. Demonstrated that trained agents better leveraged the dynamics of the robot to be faster than previous work, both within simulation and in the real world.
- Tarik Kelestemur, Naoki Yokoyama, Joanne Truong, Anas Abou Allaban, Taskin Padir
- PETRA 2019
Finished 1st place among US teams.
-Competition with mobile manipulation and perception tasks, held in Odaiba's Tokyo Big Sight.
+Finished 4th internationally, 1st among USA. Completed various mobile manipulation and human-robot interaction tasks using deep learning and computer vision.