A solver for Mixed-Integer Convex Optimization that uses Frank-Wolfe methods for convex relaxations and a branch-and-bound algorithm.
The Boscia.jl solver combines (a variant of) the Frank-Wolfe algorithm with a branch-and-bound like algorithm to solve mixed-integer convex optimization problems of the form
min_{x ∈ C, x_I ∈ Z^n} f(x)
where f
is a differentiable convex function, C
is a convex and compact set, and I
is a set of indices of integral variables.
They are especially useful when we have a method to optimize a linear function over C
and the integrality constraints in a compuationally efficient way.
is specified using the MathOptInterface API or any DSL like JuMP implementing it.
A paper presenting the package with mathematical explanations and numerous examples can be found here:
Convex integer optimization with Frank-Wolfe methods: 2208.11010
uses FrankWolfe.jl
for solving the convex subproblems, Bonobo.jl
for managing the search tree, and SCIP for the MIP subproblems.
Add the Boscia stable release with:
import Pkg
Or get the latest master branch with:
import Pkg
Pkg.add(url="https://github.com/ZIB-IOL/Boscia.jl", rev="main")
Here is a simple example to get started. For more examples see the examples folder in the package.
using Boscia
using FrankWolfe
using Random
using SCIP
using LinearAlgebra
import MathOptInterface
const MOI = MathOptInterface
n = 6
const diffw = 0.5 * ones(n)
o = SCIP.Optimizer()
MOI.set(o, MOI.Silent(), true)
x = MOI.add_variables(o, n)
for xi in x
MOI.add_constraint(o, xi, MOI.GreaterThan(0.0))
MOI.add_constraint(o, xi, MOI.LessThan(1.0))
MOI.add_constraint(o, xi, MOI.ZeroOne())
lmo = FrankWolfe.MathOptLMO(o)
function f(x)
return sum(0.5*(x.-diffw).^2)
function grad!(storage, x)
@. storage = x-diffw
x, _, result = Boscia.solve(f, grad!, lmo, verbose = true)
Boscia Algorithm.
Parameter settings.
Tree traversal strategy: Move best bound
Branching strategy: Most infeasible
Absolute dual gap tolerance: 1.000000e-06
Relative dual gap tolerance: 1.000000e-02
Frank-Wolfe subproblem tolerance: 1.000000e-05
Total number of varibales: 6
Number of integer variables: 0
Number of binary variables: 6
Iteration Open Bound Incumbent Gap (abs) Gap (rel) Time (s) Nodes/sec FW (ms) LMO (ms) LMO (calls c) FW (Its) #ActiveSet Discarded
* 1 2 -1.202020e-06 7.500000e-01 7.500012e-01 Inf 3.870000e-01 7.751938e+00 237 2 9 13 1 0
100 27 6.249998e-01 7.500000e-01 1.250002e-01 2.000004e-01 5.590000e-01 2.271914e+02 0 0 641 0 1 0
127 0 7.500000e-01 7.500000e-01 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 5.770000e-01 2.201040e+02 0 0 695 0 1 0
Blended Pairwise Conditional Gradient Algorithm.
MEMORY_MODE: FrankWolfe.InplaceEmphasis() STEPSIZE: Adaptive EPSILON: 1.0e-7 MAXITERATION: 10000 TYPE: Float64
GRADIENTTYPE: Nothing LAZY: true lazy_tolerance: 2.0
[ Info: In memory_mode memory iterates are written back into x0!
Type Iteration Primal Dual Dual Gap Time It/sec #ActiveSet
Last 0 7.500000e-01 7.500000e-01 0.000000e+00 1.086583e-03 0.000000e+00 1
PP 0 7.500000e-01 7.500000e-01 0.000000e+00 1.927792e-03 0.000000e+00 1
Solution Statistics.
Solution Status: Optimal (tree empty)
Primal Objective: 0.75
Dual Bound: 0.75
Dual Gap (relative): 0.0
Search Statistics.
Total number of nodes processed: 127
Total number of lmo calls: 699
Total time (s): 0.58
LMO calls / sec: 1205.1724137931035
Nodes / sec: 218.96551724137933
LMO calls / node: 5.503937007874016