A phppgadmin instance. The main goal in front of the others phppgadmin containers is to offer a simple 'ready to use' one. You just set the ENV variables and access from the url of the container. No more /phppgadmin, this is a phppgadmin dedicated container ... no need to repeat.
First make the image :
docker build -t zhajor/docker-phppgadmin .
Then a container :
docker run -d -p 12345:80 -e "DB_HOST=" -e "DB_PORT=5432" --name=postg zhajor/docker-phppgadmin
Replace DB_HOST by your ip or the virtualhost made by --link or networks, for example:
docker run -d --name=postgres-db postgres
docker run -d -p 12345:80 --link postgres-db:postgres-db -e "DB_HOST=postgres-db" -e "DB_PORT=5432" --name=postg zhajor/docker-phppgadmin
You can now access the phppgadmin interface from