In this repository provided my Python solutions of September LeetCoding Challenge problems.
In this repository provided my Python solutions of September LeetCoding Challenge problems.
- I highly recommend you to try and solve problems yourself before look at the solutions here.
- Solutions and approaches may be not optimal.
- All Solutions here are in Python 3.
For the following problems I was googling approaches:
- 57. Insert Interval (Hard) - Was close to solve it on my own, but not. Main error: I was trying to do it in a given list and struggle with removing fully overlapped intervals.
- 421. Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array (Medium) - My first solution get
Memory Limit Exceeded
, second -Time Limit Exceeded
. After several attempts I googled. - 1041. Robot Bounded In Circle (Medium) - Watched how to optimize direction/position issue.
- 980. Unique Paths III (Hard) - Solved after watching several approaches/solutions.
- 399. Evaluate Division (Medium) - My solution passed 17/22 tests. I used one layer hashmap and it was the mistake. I wasn't be able to figure out what's wrong on my own.
- 713. Subarray Product Less Than K (Medium) - After several different solutions with
Time Limit Exceeded
status I watched how to optimize the best one. - 139. Word Break (Medium) - My solution get
Time Limit Exceeded
. Watched how to make it right.
№ | Title | Solution | Difficulty |
949. | Largest Time for Given Digits | Python | Easy |
220. | Contains Duplicate III | Python | Medium |
459. | Repeated Substring Pattern | Python | Easy |
763. | Partition Labels | Python | Medium |
1305. | All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees | Python | Medium |
835. | Image Overlap | Python | Medium |
290. | Word Pattern | Python | Easy |
№ | Title | Solution | Difficulty |
1022. | Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers | Python | Easy |
165. | Compare Version Numbers | Python | Medium |
299. | Bulls and Cows | Python | Easy |
152. | Maximum Product Subarray | Python | Medium |
216. | Combination Sum III | Python | Medium |
57. | Insert Interval | Python | Hard |
198. | House Robber | Python | Easy |
№ | Title | Solution | Difficulty |
58. | Length of Last Word | Python | Easy |
421. | Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array | Python | Medium |
1041. | Robot Bounded In Circle | Python | Medium |
121. | Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock | Python | Easy |
1291. | Sequential Digits | Python | Medium |
980. | Unique Paths III | Python | Hard |
1094. | Car Pooling | Python | Medium |
№ | Title | Solution | Difficulty |
229. | Majority Element II | Python | Medium |
134. | Gas Station | Python | Medium |
389. | Find the Difference | Python | Easy |
179. | Largest Number | Python | Medium |
495. | Teemo Attacking | Python | Medium |
399. | Evaluate Division | Python | Medium |
713. | Subarray Product Less Than K | Python | Medium |
№ | Title | Solution | Difficulty |
139. | Word Break | Python | Medium |
41. | First Missing Positive | Python | Hard |
The code is open-source and licensed under the MIT License.