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September LeetCoding Challenge 2020

In this repository provided my Python solutions of September LeetCoding Challenge problems.


In this repository provided my Python solutions of September LeetCoding Challenge problems.

  • I highly recommend you to try and solve problems yourself before look at the solutions here.
  • Solutions and approaches may be not optimal.
  • All Solutions here are in Python 3.


For the following problems I was googling approaches:

  • 57. Insert Interval (Hard) - Was close to solve it on my own, but not. Main error: I was trying to do it in a given list and struggle with removing fully overlapped intervals.
  • 421. Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array (Medium) - My first solution get Memory Limit Exceeded, second - Time Limit Exceeded. After several attempts I googled.
  • 1041. Robot Bounded In Circle (Medium) - Watched how to optimize direction/position issue.
  • 980. Unique Paths III (Hard) - Solved after watching several approaches/solutions.
  • 399. Evaluate Division (Medium) - My solution passed 17/22 tests. I used one layer hashmap and it was the mistake. I wasn't be able to figure out what's wrong on my own.
  • 713. Subarray Product Less Than K (Medium) - After several different solutions with Time Limit Exceeded status I watched how to optimize the best one.
  • 139. Word Break (Medium) - My solution get Time Limit Exceeded. Watched how to make it right.

Week 1

Title Solution Difficulty
949. Largest Time for Given Digits Python Easy
220. Contains Duplicate III Python Medium
459. Repeated Substring Pattern Python Easy
763. Partition Labels Python Medium
1305. All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees Python Medium
835. Image Overlap Python Medium
290. Word Pattern Python Easy

Week 2

Title Solution Difficulty
1022. Sum of Root To Leaf Binary Numbers Python Easy
165. Compare Version Numbers Python Medium
299. Bulls and Cows Python Easy
152. Maximum Product Subarray Python Medium
216. Combination Sum III Python Medium
57. Insert Interval Python Hard
198. House Robber Python Easy

Week 3

Title Solution Difficulty
58. Length of Last Word Python Easy
421. Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array Python Medium
1041. Robot Bounded In Circle Python Medium
121. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Python Easy
1291. Sequential Digits Python Medium
980. Unique Paths III Python Hard
1094. Car Pooling Python Medium

Week 4

Title Solution Difficulty
229. Majority Element II Python Medium
134. Gas Station Python Medium
389. Find the Difference Python Easy
179. Largest Number Python Medium
495. Teemo Attacking Python Medium
399. Evaluate Division Python Medium
713. Subarray Product Less Than K Python Medium

Week 5

Title Solution Difficulty
139. Word Break Python Medium
41. First Missing Positive Python Hard


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