- initial release.
- Added LEF -> DEF database unit setting (default=100).
- Added DESIGN [design name] command to configuration file.
- Fixed return values from LEF parser.
- Added END DESIGN to DEF file.
- added optional 'FLIP' flag to flip PADs.
- fixed DEF corner cell orientation.
- enhanced SVG output so the designer can see the cell orientation.
- fixed a bug were PADRING would infintely loop if a gap could not be closed with the available filler cells.
- name of replaced cells are now correctly displayed.
- fixed a bug where replacing cells corrupted the cell database.
- fixed a bug where non-square corner cells were not placed correctly in DEF file.
- updated contrib/cxxopts.h
- pin names in LEF can now have a bus index [].
- config file can now have pin names with \ and .
- include file fix in debugutils.