- iOS 10.0+
- arm64
- BitCode Disabled
You can use CocoaPods to install CrimsonSDK by adding it to your Podfile:
platform :ios, '10.0'
pod 'CrimsonSDK', :podspec => 'https://focus-resource.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/universal/crimson-sdk-prebuild/1.1.0/ios/CrimsonSDK.podspec'
- Accelerate.framework
- CoreBluetooth.framework
- libc++.tbd
{% page-ref page="faq.md" %}
// 开启扫描
BLEDeviceManager.scannerDelegate = self
extension ScanVC: CrimsonScannerDelegate {
func centralManagerDidUpdateState(_ state: CBManagerState) {
if state == .poweredOn {
func onFoundDevices(_ devices: Array<CrimsonDevice>) {
self.devices = devices
//TODO: show scan result
// NOTE: 开启扫描与停止扫描要成对,连接之前需停止扫描
device.delegate = self
extension ScanVC: CrimsonDelegate {
func onConnectivityChanged(_ connectivity: Connectivity) {
if connectivity == .connected {
let device = devices[selectedIndex]
self.pair(device: device)
// CrimsonDelegate
@objc public protocol CrimsonDelegate {
@objc optional func onError(_ error: CrimsonError)
@objc optional func onDeviceInfoReady(_ deviceInfo: DeviceInfo)//蓝牙设备信息
@objc optional func onSystemInfo(_ systemInfo: SystemInfo) //自动休眠信息,震动强度
// 电量, batteryLevel 区间在0~100, -1表示未知
@objc optional func onBatteryLevelChange(_ batteryLevel: Int)
@objc optional func onConnectivityChange(_ connectivity: Connectivity)//连接状态
//******************** NOTE: invoked after startEEG *******************
@objc optional func onContactStateChange(_ contactState: ContactState)//佩戴状态
// NOTE: invoked after startIMU
@objc optional func onOrientationChange(_ orientation: Orientation)//佩戴方向
@objc optional func onIMUData(_ imu: IMU) // 陀螺仪数据
@objc optional func onEEGData(_ eeg: EEG) // 脑电EEG数据
@objc optional func onBrainWave(_ wave: BrainWave) //脑电频域波段数据
@objc optional func onAttention(_ attention: Float) //注意力指数
@objc optional func onMeditation(_ meditation: Float)//冥想指数
@objc optional func onBlink() // 眨眼事件
func pair(device: CrimsonDevice) {
startUIBlockingIndicator(message: "Pairing")
device.delegate = self
device.pair { resp in
if resp.success() {
cmsn_print("pair success")
} else {
cmsn_print("pair failed")
BLEDeviceManager.shared.startScan() //restart scan device
if let sysResp = resp as? SysConfigResponse, sysResp.error?.code == .validatePairInfo {
// TODO: 检验配对信息失败
public class CrimsonOTA {
public static var latestVersion = ""
public static var url = ""
public static var desc = ""
public static var descEN = ""
boolean ret = device.isNewFirmwareAvailable();
extension DFUViewControler: CrimsonOtaDelegate {
func onSuccess() {
logI("ota Success")
func onFailure(_ error: CrimsonError?) {
if error != nil { logI("ota Failure, error=\(error!.message)") }
func onProgress(_ progress: Int) {
logI("ota progress=\(progress)")
// 头环连接状态
@objc public enum Connectivity: Int, CaseIterable {
case connecting = 0
case connected = 1
case disconnecting = 2
case disconnected = 3
// 佩戴状态,电极与皮肤接触良好
@objc public enum ContactState: Int, CaseIterable {
case unknown = 0
case contact = 1 //佩戴好
case noContact = 2 //未戴好
// 佩戴方向,检测是否佩戴反
@objc public enum Orientation: Int, CaseIterable {
case unknown
case upward //头环戴正
case downward //头环戴反
// EEG, 默认为每秒回调5次
@objc public class EEG: NSObject {
@objc public let sequenceNumber : Int
@objc public let sampleRate: Float
@objc public let eegData: [Float]
@objc public let signalType: AFEDataSignalType
// 脑电频域波段能量
@objc public class BrainWave: NSObject {
@objc public let delta : Double
@objc public let theta : Double
@objc public let alpha : Double
@objc public let lowBeta : Double
@objc public let highBeta : Double
@objc public let gamma : Double
@objc public enum CrimsonErrorCode: Int32{
case none = 0
case unknown = -1
case messageBuildingFailed = -2
case paramsError = -3
case deviceNotConnected = -160
case deviceUuidUnavailable = -196
case otaDownload = -200
case otaDfu = -20
@objc public class CrimsonError: NSObject {
@objc public let code: CrimsonErrorCode
@objc public let message: String
init(code:CrimsonErrorCode) {
self.code = code;
switch code {
case .none:
message = "Success"
case .unknown:
message = "Unknown error" //未知错误
case .messageBuildingFailed:
message = "Message building failed" //发送消息构建失败
case .deviceNotConnected:
message = "Device not connected" //设备不可用
case .deviceUuidUnavailable:
message = "Failed to obtain iOS device UUID" //获取idfv失败
message = "Unknown error case" //未知code
@objc public enum SysConfigErrorCode: Int32 {
case none = 0
case unknown = 1 //未知错误
case otaFailedLowPower = 2 //低电量进入OTA失败
case pairError = 3 //配对失败
case validatePairInfo = 4 //检验配对信息失败
case internalStorageError = 5 //内部存储错误
@objc public class SysConfigError: NSObject {
@objc public let code: SysConfigErrorCode
@objc public let message: String
self.code = code
self.message = String(cString: sys_config_err_code_to_msg(code.rawValue))
device.delegate = self
// IMU SampleRate 采样频率
@objc public enum IMUDataSampleRate: Int, CaseIterable {
case unused
case sr12_5 //默认使用
device.delegate = self
device.startIMU() { (resp) in
if resp.success() {
self.toast("start imu success")
} else {
// 设置日志级别,默认为INFO
public func connect()
public func disconnect()
public func pair(onResponse: @escaping CrimsonRespCallback)
public func getSystemInfo(onResponse: @escaping CrimsonRespCallback)
public func startEEGStream()
public func stopEEGStream()
public func startIMU(sampleRate: IMUDataSampleRate, onResponse: @escaping CrimsonRespCallback)
public func stopIMU(onResponse: @escaping CrimsonRespCallback)
// @param name length should be 4 ~ 18
public func setDeviceName(_ name: String, onResponse: @escaping CrimsonRespCallback)
// public typealias SKColor = UIColor
public func setLEDColor(_ color: SKColor, onResponse: @escaping CrimsonRespCallback)
// @param timeSec => seconds to put device into sleep mode, 0 for no sleep
public func setSleepIdleTime(_ timeSec: Int, onResponse: @escaping CrimsonRespCallback)
// @param intensity => vibration intensity, 0 ~ 100
public func setVibrationIntensity(_ intensity: Int, onResponse: @escaping CrimsonRespCallback)