ValidateMyRoutes built-in validation rules for single parameter validation
# Register ValidateMyRoutes Sinatra extension
register ValidateMyRoutes ::Validatable
# Add validation rules on class level
extend ValidateMyRoutes ::ValidationRules
# Add validation rules on instance level (for in-line validation)
include ValidateMyRoutes ::ValidationRules
param_validation :my_param , anything
get '/my_path/:my_param' do |my_param |
"validation succeeded for rule: #{ anything . description } "
can be used for all parameters validation
can be used for single parameter validation
with parameter set to something
returns rule description anything
in body
succeeds validation
Validation rule from_enum
param_validation :my_param , from_enum ( %w( foo bar ) )
get '/my_path/:my_param' do |my_param |
"validation succeeded for rule: #{ from_enum ( %w( foo bar ) ) . description } "
can not be used for all parameters validation
can be used for single parameter validation
returns rule description of enum type with values: foo, bar
in body
with parameter set to foo
with parameter set to bar
with parameter set to something else
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns parameter <my_param> was expected to have one of following values: <foo, bar>, but was <foobar>
in body
Validation rules for comparison
param_validation :my_param , eql ( 'foo' )
get '/my_path/:my_param' do |my_param |
"validation succeeded for rule: #{ eql ( 'foo' ) . description } "
can not be used for all parameters validation
can be used for single parameter validation
returns rule description equal to <foo>
in body
with parameter set to foo
with parameter set to bar
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to equal <foo>, but was <bar>
in body
Validation rule greater_than
param_validation :my_param , value_as ( Integer , greater_than ( 5 ) )
get '/my_path/:my_param' do |my_param |
"validation succeeded for rule: #{ value_as ( Integer , greater_than ( 5 ) ) . description } "
can not be used for all parameters validation
can be used for single parameter validation
returns rule description greater than <5>
in body
with parameter set to 10
with parameter set to 5
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be greater than <5>, but was <5>
in body
with parameter set to 2
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be greater than <5>, but was <2>
in body
Validation rule greater_than_or_equal_to
param_validation :my_param , value_as ( Integer , greater_than_or_equal_to ( 5 ) )
get '/my_path/:my_param' do |my_param |
"validation succeeded for rule: #{ value_as ( Integer , greater_than_or_equal_to ( 5 ) ) . description } "
can not be used for all parameters validation
can be used for single parameter validation
returns rule description greater than or equal to <5>
in body
with parameter set to 10
with parameter set to 5
with parameter set to 2
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be greater than or equal to <5>, but was <2>
in body
Validation rule less_than
param_validation :my_param , value_as ( Integer , less_than ( 5 ) )
get '/my_path/:my_param' do |my_param |
"validation succeeded for rule: #{ value_as ( Integer , less_than ( 5 ) ) . description } "
can not be used for all parameters validation
can be used for single parameter validation
returns rule description less than <5>
in body
with parameter set to 2
with parameter set to 5
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be less than <5>, but was <5>
in body
with parameter set to 10
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be less than <5>, but was <10>
in body
Validation rule less_than_or_equal_to
param_validation :my_param , value_as ( Integer , less_than_or_equal_to ( 5 ) )
get '/my_path/:my_param' do |my_param |
"validation succeeded for rule: #{ value_as ( Integer , less_than_or_equal_to ( 5 ) ) . description } "
can not be used for all parameters validation
can be used for single parameter validation
returns rule description less than or equal to <5>
in body
with parameter set to 2
with parameter set to 5
with parameter set to 10
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be less than or equal to <5>, but was <10>
in body
param_validation :my_param , value_as ( Integer , between ( 5 , 10 ) )
get '/my_path/:my_param' do |my_param |
"validation succeeded for rule: #{ value_as ( Integer , between ( 5 , 10 ) ) . description } "
can not be used for all parameters validation
can be used for single parameter validation
returns rule description between <5> and <10>
in body
with parameter set to 5
with parameter set to 7
with parameter set to 10
with parameter set to 2
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be between <5> and <10>, but was <2>
in body
with parameter set to 15
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be between <5> and <10>, but was <15>
in body
for type String
(similar to anything as any object can be converted to String)
param_validation :my_param , of_type ( String )
get '/my_path/:my_param' do
"validation succeeded for rule: #{ of_type ( String ) . description } "
returns rule description of a type <String>
in body
with parameter set to foo
with parameter set to 15
param_validation :my_param , of_type ( Integer )
get '/my_path/:my_param' do
"validation succeeded for rule: #{ of_type ( Integer ) . description } "
returns rule description of a type <Integer>
in body
with parameter set to 15
with parameter set to foo
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be of a type <Integer>, but was <foo>
in body
with parameter set to 15.3
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be of a type <Integer>, but was <15.3>
in body
param_validation :my_param , of_type ( Float )
get '/my_path/:my_param' do
"validation succeeded for rule: #{ of_type ( Float ) . description } "
returns rule description of a type <Float>
in body
with parameter set to 15.3
with parameter set to 15
with parameter set to foo
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be of a type <Float>, but was <foo>
in body
param_validation :my_param , of_type ( Date )
get '/my_path/:my_param' do
"validation succeeded for rule: #{ of_type ( Date ) . description } "
returns rule description of a type <Date>
in body
with parameter set to 2017-07-26
with parameter set to foo
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be of a type <Date>, but was <foo>
in body
param_validation :my_param , of_type ( Time )
get '/my_path/:my_param' do
"validation succeeded for rule: #{ of_type ( Time ) . description } "
returns rule description of a type <Time>
in body
with parameter set to 22:34:33
with parameter set to foo
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be of a type <Time>, but was <foo>
in body
param_validation :my_param , of_type ( DateTime )
get '/my_path/:my_param' do
"validation succeeded for rule: #{ of_type ( DateTime ) . description } "
returns rule description of a type <DateTime>
in body
with parameter set to 2017-07-27 22:34:33
with parameter set to foo
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be of a type <DateTime>, but was <foo>
in body
param_validation :my_param , of_type ( Array )
get '/my_path/:my_param' do
"validation succeeded for rule: #{ of_type ( Array ) . description } "
returns rule description of a type <Array>
in body
with parameter set to 1,2,3
param_validation :my_param , of_type ( Hash )
get '/my_path/:my_param' do
"validation succeeded for rule: #{ of_type ( Hash ) . description } "
returns rule description of a type <Hash>
in body
with parameter set to a:A,b:B,c:C
with parameter set to a:b,,::,
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be of a type <Hash>, but was <a:b,,::,>
in body
param_validation :my_param , of_type ( :Boolean )
get '/my_path/:my_param' do
"validation succeeded for rule: #{ of_type ( :Boolean ) . description } "
returns rule description of a type <Boolean>
in body
with parameter set to true
with parameter set to false
with parameter set to TrUe
with parameter set to FAlsE
with parameter set to 1
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be of a type <Boolean>, but was <1>
in body
with parameter set to 0
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be of a type <Boolean>, but was <0>
in body
with parameter set to y
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be of a type <Boolean>, but was <y>
in body
with parameter set to n
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be of a type <Boolean>, but was <n>
in body
with parameter set to foo
fails validation
returns 404 Not Found
returns was expected my_param parameter to be of a type <Boolean>, but was <foo>
in body