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Playwright tests

Visual regression and end-to-end tests

We run the Playwright test suite on each PR to test that the front end works correctly and there are no visual regressions.

The end-to-end tests make sure that functionality works as expected and are located in test/playwright/e2e. They test, for instance, that we can open the filters by clicking on the Filters button in the header, or select the filters and execute the relevant search by clicking on the filter checkboxes.

There are also visual regression tests that make sure that the pages display correct components, and components are rendered correctly. The components can be tested in isolation to make sure that the states are correctly rendered. For more on which states should be tested, see These tests should use Storybook to render the component in isolation, and be placed in test/storybook/visual-regression.

The component tests that test that the component state is correctly rendered based on the page interaction should be placed in test/visual-regression/components. For example, the header elements are tested this way because their appearance depends on the page scroll position.


Our Playwright test suite runs inside a docker container in order to prevent cross-platform browser differences from creating flaky test behavior. We run both end-to-end and visual-regression tests in the same container to save from having to run the Nuxt production build twice.

Having docker and docker-compose is a pre-requisite to running the playwright tests locally. Please follow the relevant instructions for your operating system for how to install docker and docker-compose. If you're on Windows 10 Home Edition, please note that you'll need to install and run docker inside WSL2. We strongly recommend (and only plan to support) Windows users run everything inside of WSL.

If it's not possible for you to run docker locally, don't fret! Our CI will run it on every pull request and another contributor who is able to run the tests locally can help you develop new or update existing tests for your changes.

The Playwright docker container runs everything needed for the end-to-end and visual-regression tests, including the Nuxt server and a Talkback proxy for the API. It will also generate and match against the existing visual-regression snapshots in the codebase.

Running the tests

To run the end-to-end tests, after having installed docker, run the following:

pnpm test:playwright

You may pass arguments to playwright directly, for example -u to update snapshots or a filter.

pnpm test:playwright visual-regression -u

The above will run only test files with visual-regression in the path and will update any snapshot tests due to the -u flag.

Visual Regression tests

When writing visual regression tests, it is good practice to write tests for each relevant breakpoint. There is a series of helpers in ./utils/breakpoints.ts for this. The most common usage for this module is to run a test or set of tests for every breakpoint our app knows about or a subset of them. Occasionally you will need to separate tests by breakpoint or by range for which there are also helpers.

Each of the following methods expects a describe block callback function accepting some useful helpers.

  • breakpoints.describeEvery: Generates a describe block for every breakpoint our app is concerned with.
  • breakpoints.describeEachDesktop: Generates a describe block for every breakpoint that roughly correlates with desktop and tablet width devices.
  • breakpoints.describeEachMobile: Generates a describe block for every breakpoint that roughly correlates with smartphone sized mobile devices.
  • breakpoints.describeEachBreakpoint: Accepts a list of breakpoints to generate describe blocks for, with similar syntax to jest's test.each helper. Used like breakpoints.describeEachBreakpoint(['xs', '2xl'])(<block>). describeEvery and the two describeEach* methods are aliases for pre-configured describeEachBreakpoint. It is unlikely that you will need to use this helper directly.

Additionally there are describe blocks for individual breakpoints, each following the pattern `describe${Capitalize<Breakpoint>}`, for example breakpoints.describeXs.

The describe blocks are passed the following helpers:

  • breakpoint: The name of the breakpoint for the current describe block.
  • getConfigValues: Returns useful configuration values if running a snapshot test manually.
  • expectSnapshot: A function accepting an identifier and a screenshot-able object. This will generate the screenshot and match it against a snapshot matching the name passed. Remember to await this function or else the expect will not be fired within the context of the test (you'll get a nasty error in this case).

Optionally, you may pass a configuration object as the first argument to the breakpoints.describe* functions. If you do this, then the describe block is the second argument.

The configuration object currently supports the following options:

  • uaMocking: This boolean option defaults to true. When enabled, it will use a mock mobile browser user agent string for narrow viewports. Setting it to false for viewport widths above md (inclusive) is a no-op.

Please see the homepage.spec.ts visual-regression tests as an example of how to use these helpers.

What to test for visual regression

Visual regression tests can match entire pages or on individual elements in specific states. They're useful, for example, to test the various focus, hover, and active states of interactive elements. Use page.locator to select specific elements to pass to expectSnapshot.

API proxy

The Playwright test container also runs an API proxy using Talkback to prevent network requests from hitting the live API during end-to-end and visual-regression tests. This significantly speeds up the tests and makes the data being tested against consistent across test runs and eliminates variations that the API may include after data refreshes happen.

The configuration for the Talkback proxy is in the proxy.js module and is run using pnpm talkback. It is rare and unlikely that you will need to run it directly as running it is handled by the Playwright webServer configuration.

If you've added new tests or updated existing ones, you may get errors about API responses not being found. To remedy this, you'll need to update the tapes:

pnpm test:playwright:update-tapes

If for some reason you find yourself needing to completely recreate the tapes, you may do so using the test:playwright:recreate-tapes script. Please use this sparingly as it creates massive diffs in PRs (tens of thousands of lines across over literally hundreds of JSON files). Note that you may be rate-limited by the upstream production API if you do this. There is no official workaround for this at the moment.


Additional debugging may be accomplished in two ways. You may inspect the trace output of failed tests by finding the for the relevant test in the test-results folder. Traces are only saved for failed tests. You can use the Playwright Trace Viewer to inspect these (or open the zip yourself and poke around the files on your own).

For Playwright tests failing in CI, a GitHub comment will appear with a link to download an artifact of the test-results folder.

Visual regression tests that fail to match the existing snapshots will also have expected, actual and diff files generated that are helpful for understanding why intermittent failures are happening. These are generated automatically by Playwright and will be placed in the test-results folder under the fully qualified name of the test that failed (with every parent describe block included).

Additionally, you can run run the tests in debug mode. This will run the tests with a headed browser as opposed to a headless (invisible) one and allow you to watch the test happen in real time. It's not possible for a headed browser to run inside the docker container, however, so be aware that when debugging the environment will be slightly different. For example, if you're on any OS other than Linux, the browser you're running will have small differences in how it renders the page compared to the docker container.

To run the debug tests:

pnpm test:playwright:debug

Note that this still runs the talkback proxy and the Nuxt server for you. If you'd like to avoid this, simply run the Nuxt server before you run the test:playwright:debug script and Playwright will automatically prefer your previously running Nuxt server.

For some reason the following two tests are consistently flaky when updating tapes but appear to be stable when running the e2e tapes with pre-existing tapes.
search-types.spec.js:102:3 › Can open All content page client-side
search-types.spec.js:102:3 › Can open Images page client-side

Don't be alarmed if you notice this.

Generating new tests

When writing end-to-end tests, it can be helpful to use Playwright codegen to generate the tests by performing actions in the browser:

pnpm run test:playwright:gen

This will open the app in a new browser window, and record any actions you take in a format that can be used in end-to-end tests.

Note that this does not run the server for you; you must run the Nuxt server using pnpm start or pnpm dev separately before running the codegen script.

To generate tests for a non-default breakpoint, set the viewport size using the --viewport-size flag. For example, to test the xs breakpoint, run:

pnpm run test:playwright:gen --viewport-size=340,600"