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Plugins tutorial

Quick plugin creation

npm run create-plugin


./smarties create-plugin

Creating a new plugin

Note : The plugin can be written in ES6 as the core supports it.

  1. Create a plugins if not existing folder where the smarties binary is.
  2. The create a my-plugin folder.
  3. Create a plugin.js file into this folder
  4. Create a lng folder with an en.json file inside

Tree structure :

|-smarties (main binary)

Distribute your plugin to community

You need first to request username and token on Github account.

export SMARTIES_TOKEN=yyyyy
npm run push-plugin


export SMARTIES_TOKEN=yyyyy
./smarties push-plugin

plugin.js base

Here is a simple plugin template :

"use strict";

function loaded(api) {
	// Plugin code needs to be typed here

module.exports.attributes = {
    loadedCallback: loaded,
    name: "my-plugin",
    version: "0.0.1",
    category: "misc",
    description: "My first smarties plugin",

Creating and expose to others plugins

You can expose your class to others plugins with the api.exportClass method

Example :

function loaded(api) {

	class MyClass {
		constructor() {


	// Export class to other plugins


Importing class from others plugin

You can use some other's plugin class easilly using the api.exported property. Consider that MyClass has been exported by another plugin, as above.

Example :

function loaded(api) {

	class MySuperClass extends api.exported.MyClass {
		constructor() {

You'll need to notify core that you need dependency for the plugin that export class.

module.exports.attributes = {

Retrieve and set plugin instance

Create a plugin instance and share it :

api.registerInstance(new OpenWeather(api));

Access to plugin instance :

const openWeather = api.getPluginInstance("openweather");

Trigger regularly task

You can cron some tasks by registering through the TimeEventAPI.

To register, use this as follow :

function repeat(self) {
    console.log("Hello every seconds :)");

api.timeEventAPI.register(repeat, this, api.timeEventAPI.constants().EVERY_SECONDS);

The repeat function will be called every seconds. You can use the following constants : EVERY_SECONDS, EVERY_MINUTES, EVERY_HOURS, EVERY_DAYS or CUSTOM.

Please note that using EVERY_HOURS will trigger the event on a random second. Please note that using EVERY_DAYS will trigger the event on a random minute, and the hour between 0 and 4.

The context (second parameter, this in the example above) is used when using a class function. You'll not able to use this inside repeat function because of changing scope. The context is passed through the callback parameter.

Using custom and go further

You can also specify exactly when you want to be called back through the custom option.

api.timeEventAPI.register(repeat, this, api.timeEventAPI.constants().CUSTOM, "*", 10, 0);

The method will be called every hour, when minutes will be equals to 10 and seconds to 0.

Schedule an operation

Core gives you the possibility to schedule a single operation in the future. For example, of you want to turn lights after a certain delay, this API is the one. Operations are resumed if Smarties restarts.

You need first to register with a unique id the callback :

function scheduledOperation(data) {
    console.log("My name is " +;

api.schedulerAPI.register("display-a-name", scheduledOperation);

Then you can schedule your operation :

api.schedulerAPI.schedule("display-a-name", api.schedulerAPI.constants().IN_A_MINUTE, {name:"Foobar"});

Or at a specific timestamp :

api.schedulerAPI.schedule("display-a-name", 1499018983, {name:"Foobar"});

Creating a form and accessing to configuration

You can create a form schema in a specific class. This schema will be automatically managed by the core and user will be able to configure through a form the plugin.

The class must implement :

  • An extend of FormObject class or an existing class that extends FormObject class
  • A json method for serialization
  • Annotations (read specific form documentation to get more informations on this)


"use strict";

function loaded(api) {

    class MyForm extends api.exported.FormObject.class {
		constructor(id, myParameter) {
             * @Property("myParameter");
             * @Type("string");
             * @Title("A parameter sample");
        	this.myParameter = myParameter;

		json(data) {
			return new MyForm(, data.myParameter);

	return MyForm;

module.exports = loaded;


"use strict";
const MyFormClass = require("./Form.js");

function loaded(api) {
	// Register a form

	// Get the configuration
	const config = api.configurationAPI.getConfiguration();
    if (config) {

module.exports.attributes = {
    loadedCallback: loaded,
    name: "my-plugin",
    version: "0.0.1",
    category: "misc",
    description: "My first smarties plugin",

Using database

As forms, you can create a simple database schema using annotations.

  1. The schema (or class with annotations) must be registered
  2. You need to retrieve the DbHelper instance
  3. Manage request using DbRequestBuilder object

On the annotations, you have to specify on wich version field is introduced. The core will automatically manage databse schema update depending on the versions of your plugin.


"use strict";

function loaded(api) {

    class MyTable extends api.exported.DbObject.class {
        constructor(dbHelper = null, ...values) {
            super(dbHelper, ...values);

             * @Property("text");
             * @Type("string");
             * @Version("0.0.0");

             * @Property("number");
             * @Type("int");
             * @Version("0.0.0");

	return MyTable;

module.exports = loaded;


"use strict";
const MyTableClass = require("./Database.js");

function loaded(api) {
	const MyTable = MyTableClass(api);

	// Register a schema

	// Retrieve DbHelper
	const dbHelper = api.databaseAPI.dbHelper(MyTable);

	// Creating an object
	// "A Sample text" will be mapped to text property, 2015 will be mapped to number property
	const dbObject = new MyTable(dbHelper, "A sample text", 2015);

	// Save the object in database;

	// Get the last inserted object
	dbHelper.getLastObject((err, obj) => {
    	if (!err) {
			console.log("Last object text : " + obj.text);
			console.log("Last object number : " + obj.number);


module.exports.attributes = {
    loadedCallback: loaded,
    name: "my-plugin",
    version: "0.0.1",
    category: "misc",
    description: "My first smarties plugin",

Getting icons

The icons can list can be retrieved using :


This well provide an object with Key / Values where values is the icon's code.

Using date / time formatting

Several common methods ara vailable with the DateUtils class :


Other methods are available. Check Public APIS documentation.


A logger can be used through the api.exported property.

Example :"An information");
api.exported.Logger.warn("A warning");
api.exported.Logger.err("An error");
api.exported.Logger.verbose("A verbose message");
api.exported.Logger.debug("A debug log");

Create dashboard tiles

You can add easily tiles on dashboard. The dashboardAPI property allows to do this. Two steps are required :

  • Create a new tile
  • Register the tile

You can use the icon helper (check above) to access icons. Each tile have a type, which can be acessible through api.dashboardAPI.TileType() method. The available tile types are the following : TILE_INFO_ONE_TEXT, TILE_INFO_TWO_TEXT, TILE_INFO_TWO_ICONS, TILE_ACTION_ONE_ICON, TILE_PICTURE_TEXT, TILE_PICTURES, TILE_GENERIC_ACTION or TILE_GENERIC_ACTION_STATUS

Keep in mind that you'll need to register tile each time the information is updated

Example :

// Register a tile
const tile = api.dashboardAPI.Tile("test-plugin", api.dashboardAPI.TileType().TILE_INFO_ONE_TEXT, api.exported.Icons.class.list()["map-pin"], null, "A tile title");

Create a sensor

Sensor must have a particular architecture :

SensorClass <--> Intermediate sensor Layer <--> Sensor plugin

The intermediate layer will define the units, the type and the aggregation rules for the sensor. If the intermediate layer exists it's easy to create a new sensor.

You need to define a minimum sensor form.

Example :

"use strict";
 * Loaded function
 * @param  {PluginAPI} api The api
function loaded(api) {

     * Esp temperature form sensor
     * @class
    class EspTemperatureSensorForm extends api.exported.TemperatureSensorForm {
         * Convert JSON data to object
         * @param  {Object} data Some data
         * @returns {EspTemperatureSensorForm}      An instance
        json(data) {


     * This class is overloaded by sensors
     * @class
    class EspTemperatureSensor extends api.exported.TemperatureSensor {
         * ESP Temperature sensor class (should be extended)
         * @param  {PluginAPI} api                                                           A plugin api
         * @param  {number} [id=null]                                                        An id
         * @param  {Object} [configuration=null]                                             The configuration for sensor
         * @returns {EspTemperatureSensor}                                                       The instance
        constructor(api, id, configuration) {
            super(api, id, configuration);
            this.api.webAPI.register(this, this.api.webAPI.constants().POST, ":/esp/temperature/set/" + + "/[value]/[vcc*]/", this.api.webAPI.Authentication().AUTH_NO_LEVEL);

         * Process API callback
         * @param  {[type]} apiRequest An APIRequest
         * @returns {Promise}  A promise with an APIResponse object
        processAPI(apiRequest) {
            return new Promise((resolve) => {
                resolve(this.api.webAPI.APIResponse(true, {success:true}));


module.exports.attributes = {
    loadedCallback: loaded,
    name: "esp-temperature-sensor",
    version: "0.0.0",
    category: "sensor",
    description: "ESP temperature sensor",

Intermediate layer example :

"use strict";
 * Loaded function
 * @param  {PluginAPI} api The api
function loaded(api) {

     * This class is extended by temperature sensors
     * @class
    class TemperatureSensorForm extends api.exported.SensorForm {
         * Sensor form
         * @param  {number} id              An identifier
         * @param  {string} plugin          A plugin
         * @param  {string} name            Sensor's name
         * @param  {boolean} dashboard       True if display on dashboard, otherwise false
         * @param  {boolean} statistics      True if display on statistics, otherwise false
         * @param  {string} dashboardColor  The dashboard color
         * @param  {string} statisticsColor The statistics color
         * @param  {string} unit The default unit
         * @returns {SensorForm}                 The instance
        constructor(id, plugin, name, dashboard, statistics, dashboardColor, statisticsColor, unit) {
            super(id, plugin, name, dashboard, statistics, dashboardColor, statisticsColor);

             * @Property("unit");
             * @Title("sensor.temperature.unit");
             * @Enum(["cel", "far"]);
             * @EnumNames(["Celsius", "Fahrenheit"]);
             * @Type("string");
             * @Required(true);
            this.unit = unit;

         * Convert JSON data to object
         * @param  {Object} data Some data
         * @returns {TemperatureSensorForm}      An instance
        json(data) {
            return new TemperatureSensorForm(, data.plugin,, data.dashboard, data.statistics, data.dashboardColor, data.statisticsColor, data.unit);


     * This class is overloaded by sensors
     * @class
    class TemperatureSensor extends api.exported.Sensor {
         * Temperature sensor class (should be extended)
         * @param  {PluginAPI} api                                                           A plugin api
         * @param  {number} [id=null]                                                        An id
         * @param  {Object} [configuration=null]                                             The configuration for sensor
         * @returns {TemperatureSensor}                                                       The instance
        constructor(api, id, configuration) {
            super(api, id, "TEMPERATURE", configuration, api.exported.Icons.class.list()["uniF2C8"], 1);

         * Set the unit depending on configuration
         * @param {string} unit A unit configuration (`deg` or `far`)
        setUnit(unit) {
            this.unit = "°C";
            if (unit === "far") {
                this.unit = "°F";
                this.unitConverter = (value) => {
                    return value * (9/5) + 32;


module.exports.attributes = {
    loadedCallback: loaded,
    name: "temperature-sensor",
    version: "0.0.0",
    category: "sensor-base",
    description: "Temperature Sensor base plugin",

You can add aggregation values to the sensor. For example, if you have 63 minutes, you surely want to get 1 hour instead. You can use this.addUnitAggregation(unitName, lowThreshold = 0) on your plugin to add a unit aggregation.

Installing external app / dependency

You can execute some command lines when you need for example to install an external application. The installerAPI can be used to do that. All you need is to to register the command. The commands will run only for the current version of the plugin, and only once. When all commands will be done, the core will restart automatically.

Here is an example :

api.installerAPI.register(["arm"], "sleep 2; echo \"Hello !\"");


Get users

api.userAPI.getUsers().forEach((user) => {

Add fields on user registration

class SampleForm extends api.exported.FormObject.class {
    constructor(id, xo) {
         * @Property("xo");
         * @Type("string");
         * @Title("Another extended form");
        this.xo = xo;

    json(data) {
        return new SampleForm(, data.xo);



The messageAPI can be used to send messages / receive messages.

Send a message

api.messageAPI.sendMessage(["seb"], "Hey !");

Receive a message

"use strict";

function loaded(api) {

	class Sample() {
		constructor(api) {

		onMessageReceived(sender, message) {
			// Do something !



Create a new message provider

Here is a plugin sample for new message provider :

"use strict";
const Prowler = require("prowler");

 * Loaded function
 * @param  {PluginAPI} api The api
function loaded(api) {
     * This class is extended by user form
     * @class
    class ProwlForm extends api.exported.FormObject.class {
         * Prowl user form
         * @param  {number} id              An identifier
         * @param  {string} prowlApiKey     A prowl API key
         * @returns {SensorForm}                 The instance
        constructor(id, prowlApiKey) {

             * @Property("prowlApiKey");
             * @Title("prowl.api.key.title");
             * @Type("string");
            this.prowlApiKey = prowlApiKey;

         * Convert JSON data to object
         * @param  {Object} data Some data
         * @returns {ProwlForm}      An instance
        json(data) {
            return new ProwlForm(, data.prowlApiKey);


     * Prowl plugin class
     * @class
    class Prowl extends api.exported.MessageProvider {
         * Constructor
         * @param  {PluginAPI} api The API
         * @returns {Prowl}     The instance
        constructor(api) {
            this.api = api;

         * Send a message to all plugins.
         * @param  {string|Array} [recipients="*"] The recipients. `*` for all users, otherwise an array of usernames - user `userAPI`, e.g. `["seb", "ema"]`
         * @param  {string} message          The notification message
         * @param  {string} [action=null]    The action
         * @param  {string} [link=null]      The link
         * @param  {string} [picture=null]   The picture
        sendMessage(recipients = "*", message, action = null, link = null, picture = null) {
            this.api.userAPI.getUsers().forEach((user) => {
                if (recipients === "*" || (recipients instanceof Array && recipients.indexOf(user.username) !== -1)) {
                    try {
                        var notification = new Prowler.connection(user.prowlApiKey);
                        let actionprefixed = "smarties://";
                        if (action) {
                            actionprefixed += action;
                            "application": 'Smarties',
                            "event": message,
                            "description": ""
                    } catch(e) {

    api.instance = new Prowl(api);

module.exports.attributes = {
    loadedCallback: loaded,
    name: "prowl",
    version: "0.0.0",
    category: "message-provider",
    description: "Prowl message sending",


You can add scenarios addon to your plugin using the scenarioAPI. This API is composed of 3 concepts :

  • The scenario form registration
    • Refer to form part. You can create subforms.
  • The trigger callback
    • Called when an scenario is triggered. If you have specific actions to do, the callback will be executed (turn on / off lights, ...)
  • The trigger action
    • Call this method to trigger actions. All callbacks will be executed.

Sample :

/* eslint-disable */
"use strict";

function loaded(api) {

    class ScenarioSampleForm extends api.exported.FormObject.class {
        constructor(id, text) {
             * @Property("text");
             * @Type("string");
             * @Title("A text field");
            this.text = text;

        json(data) {
            return new ScenarioSampleForm(, data.text);

     * This class is a sample plugin
     * @class
    class Sample {
        constructor(api) {
            this.api = api;

            // Register scenario and add a text field on scenario form
            this.api.scenarioAPI.register(ScenarioSampleForm, (scenario) => {
                // Do what you want here
                // If the scenario contains the text "demo" display a simple log line
                if (scenario.ScenarioSampleForm && scenario.ScenarioSampleForm.text && scenario.ScenarioSampleForm.text === "demo") {
          "A scenario has been trigggered with the 'demo' text !")
            }, "a.text.title");

            // Scheduler callback. Will trigger scenario when scheduler timer is reached.
            this.api.schedulerAPI.register("scenario-test", (data) => {
                this.api.scenarioAPI.getScenarios().forEach((scenario) => {
                    // If the scenario containes the text "demo" trigger the scenario
                    if (scenario.ScenarioSampleForm && scenario.ScenarioSampleForm.text && scenario.ScenarioSampleForm.text === "demo") {

            // Schedule the trigger scenario in a minute
            this.api.schedulerAPI.schedule("scenario-test", this.api.schedulerAPI.constants().IN_A_MINUTE);

    let s = new Sample(api);


module.exports.attributes = {
    loadedCallback: loaded,
    name: "sample-plugin",
    version: "0.0.0",
    category: "misc",
    description: "I'm a sample plugin"


Retrieve status

api.alarmAPI.alarmStatus(); // Return true or false

Enable alarm


Disable alarm



Get home location coordinates


Enable day mode


Enable night mode


Get mode

api.environmentAPI.isNight(); // Returns true if it's night, false otherwise


Create a camera plugin

You can create a plugin which add support to your own camera brand.

Sample code :

"use strict";
 * Loaded function
 * @param  {PluginAPI} api The api
function loaded(api) {

     * Sumpple form camera
     * @class
    class SumppleCameraForm extends api.exported.CameraForm {
         * Convert JSON data to object
         * @param  {Object} data Some data
         * @returns {SumppleCameraForm}      An instance
        json(data) {


     * Sumpple camera class
     * @class
    class Sumpple extends api.exported.Camera {
         * Sumpple camera
         * @param  {PluginAPI} api                                                           A plugin api
         * @param  {number} [id=null]                                                        An id
         * @param  {Object} [configuration=null]                                             The configuration for camera
         * @returns {Sumpple}                                                                  The instance
        constructor(api, id, configuration) {
            super(api, id, configuration, "cgi-bin/video_snapshot.cgi?user=%username%&pwd=%password%", "cgi-bin/videostream.cgi?user=%username%&pwd=%password%", "live/av0?user=%username%&passwd=%password%");



module.exports.attributes = {
    loadedCallback: loaded,
    name: "sumpple",
    version: "0.0.0",
    category: "camera",
    description: "Sumpple plugin",

In the super call for constructor, you need to specify the following parameters :

	 * @param  {PluginAPI} api                                                           A plugin api
     * @param  {number} [id=null]                                                        An id
     * @param  {Object} [configuration=null]                                             The configuration for camera
     * @param  {string} [snapshotUrl=null]   The snapshot URL template (Parameters : %port%, %ip%, %username%, %password%), without protocol and ip. For example, `cgi-bin/snap.cgi?username=%username%&password=%password%`
     * @param  {string} [mjpegUrl=null]      The MJPEG URL template (Parameters : %port%, %ip%, %username%, %password%), without protocol and ip. For example, `cgi-bin/videostream.cgi?username=%username%&password=%password%`
     * @param  {string} [rtspUrl=null]       The RTSP URL template (Parameters : %port%, %ip%, %username%, %password%), without protocol and ip. For example, `cgi-bin/snap.cgi?username=%username%&password=%password%`
     * @param  {Function} [leftCb=null]        Move left callback
     * @param  {Function} [rightCb=null]       Move right callback
     * @param  {Function} [upCb=null]          Move up callback
     * @param  {Function} [downCb=null]        Move down callback

Using camera APIs

Retrieve all cameras :


Get a static picture for a camera :

api.camerAPI.getImage(123456789, (err, data, mime) => {
	if (!err) {
		// Data is in data !

Get an historized static picture for a camera :

api.camerAPI.getImage(123456789, (err, data, mime) => {
	if (!err) {
		// Data is in data !
}, 1504189281);

Record camera stream for 30 seconds :

api.cameraAPI.record(123456789, (err, generatedFilepath) => {
	if (!err) {"File has been dumped on : " + generatedFilepath);
}, 30);

Radio data

You can easily receive radio data through radioAPI.

Register for radio events sample :

api.radioAPI.register((radioObject) => {;


Create an IoT library

Create a plugin class as described above. In the directory where the plugin.js file is, create a folder for example myIotLib. In this folder, you need to create two folders, lib and global_lib. Build tools uses tools to build the library / application.

Your plugin folder should look as this :


Then in your plugin.js, file use the iotAPI to declare your library. Please refer to the API documentation (iotAPI part).

Sample code :

"use strict";

 * Loaded function
 * @param  {PluginAPI} api The api
function loaded(api) {

     * ESP8266 form class
     * @class
    class ESP8266Form extends api.exported.FormObject.class {
         * Constructor
         * @param  {number} [id=null]         Identifier
         * @param  {string} [ssid=null]       Wifi SSID
         * @param  {string} [passphrase=null] Wifi passphrase
         * @returns {ESP8266Form}                   The instance
        constructor(id = null, ssid = null, passphrase = null) {

             * @Property("ssid");
             * @Title("esp8266.form.wifi.ssid");
             * @Type("string");
             * @Required(true);
            this.ssid = ssid;

             * @Property("passphrase");
             * @Title("esp8266.form.wifi.password");
             * @Type("string");
             * @Required(true);
             * @Display("password");
            this.passphrase = passphrase;

         * Convert JSON data to object
         * @param  {Object} data Some data
         * @returns {ESP8266Form}      An instance
        json(data) {
            return new ESP8266Form(, data.ssid, data.passphrase);

     * ESP8266 manager class
     * @class
    class Esp8266 {
         * ESP sensors class
         * @param  {PluginAPI} api                                                           A plugin api
         * @returns {EspSensors}                                                       The instance
        constructor(api) {
            this.api = api;
            this.api.iotAPI.registerLib("myIotLib", "esp8266", 1, ESP8266Form);

    api.registerInstance(new Esp8266(api));

module.exports.attributes = {
    loadedCallback: loaded,
    name: "esp8266",
    version: "0.0.0",
    category: "iot",
    description: "ESP8266 base libraries and sensors manager"

Create an IoT app

As previously described, the procedure is likely similar to an Iot library. Keep the same folder architecture and add a main.cpp file into a src folder. Build tools uses tools to build the library / application.

Your plugin folder should look as this :


Note : If your IoT application needs librairies declared in other plugins, you need to indicate the library identifier into :

  • The plugin dependencies
  • The dependency array parameter of the registerApp method

Sample code :

"use strict";
 * Loaded function
 * @param  {PluginAPI} api The api
function loaded(api) {

    const espPlugin = api.getPluginInstance("esp8266");
    api.iotAPI.registerApp("app", "esp8266-dht22", "ESP8266 Temperature and humidity sensor", 1, api.iotAPI.constants().PLATFORMS.ESP8266, api.iotAPI.constants().BOARDS.NODEMCU, api.iotAPI.constants().FRAMEWORKS.ARDUINO, ["esp8266"], espPlugin.generateOptions(espPlugin.constants().MODE_SLEEP, 60 * 60));

module.exports.attributes = {
    loadedCallback: loaded,
    name: "esp-dht22-sensor",
    version: "0.0.0",
    category: "iot",
    description: "ESP Humidity and temperature sensor",

Bots actions

You can create bot actions, using voice or chat requests. The intent should be created in first.

An intent is an expected action detected by the IA engine. The value is the dynamic object you need some times. Let's illustrate with a simple example : "Turn on the bedroom's light".

In this example, the intent turnOn with the value bedroom's light will be provided to the callback.

To create new intents and improve model, create a account with your Github dev account, and open the model :

Read documentation to learn how works.

You can use api.botEngineAPI.stringSimilarity().compareTwoStrings(string1, string2) to compare the value with your database and evaluate if the result matches, using Dice's Coefficient algorightm. Check this library for further informations.

In your plugin, use BotEngineAPI to register a new action.

Sample code :

"use strict";

function loaded(api) {

	class Sample() {
		constructor(api) {
			api.botEngineAPI.registerBotAction("example-intent", (action, value, type, confidence, sender, cb) => {
				const stringConfidence = api.botEngineAPI.stringSimilarity().compareTwoStrings("a value", value);
                if (stringConfidence >= 0.31) {
					cb("I understand what you're saying !");



Machine learning

AiAPI gives capability to learn and train a model, and guess a value.

Sample code :

"use strict";

function loaded(api) {

	class Sample() {
		constructor(api) {
			api.aiAPI.learn(["outside", "door"], "OPEN").then(() => {"Data learned");
				// Query
				api.aiAPI.guess(["door"]).then((classification) => {"Classification : " + classification);
				.catch((e) => {
			.catch((e) => {



There are also time wrappers functions learnWithTime and guessWithTime that learn with hour aggregation depending on several stuff (season, day, holidays, ...).