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Vinod Panicker edited this page Jan 21, 2016 · 27 revisions

What is OpenAppHack Project?

To get started on an OpenAppHack Project you need fork of the openapphack-vm repository.

Openapphack ansible roles are used in the openapphack-vm ,Similarly few sample openapphack-yoeman-generators are also included in openapphack-yoeman-generator repository which you can use.

You need to make use of the openapphack ansible roles and openapphack yoeman generators and build an impressive fully functional opensource application.

You are free to make changes to vm as long as the base box and the original bundled openapphack ansible roles are present in the finally openapphack project you setup.

How do you start your openapphack-project?

You begin by forking an openapphack-vm

How do you test your openapphack-project?

You follow either of the approaches :

*** running locally ***

Install vagrant,


*** leveraging travis-ci*** Pull up the project into travis-ci , share the status of the project on travis while you make the Pull request to openapphack project repository with your projects travis status url

How do you make your own openapphack-ansible-role?

You begin by forking an existing ansible role in openapphack-ansible-roles repo.

Submit a pull request to openapphack-ansible-roles projects. You will add your openapphack-{yourgithubid}-{yourrole}-ansible-role as a git sub module to openapphack-ansible-roles repository.

Having trouble testing, do raise a review request to one of the openapphack volunteers

How do you test your openapphack-ansible-role?

Add your role to galaxy and get the project to be pulled up and validated in travis-ci.

Having trouble testing, do raise a review request to one of the openapphack volunteers

How do you make your openapphack-yoeman-generator?

You begin by forking an existing openapphack-yoeman-generator role in openapphack-yoeman-generators repo. You will add your generator-openapphack-{yourgithubid}-{yourgeneratorname} generator as a git sub module the openapphack-yoeman-generators repo

How do you test your openapphack-yoeman-generator?


How do you submit your generator as a PR


How do you submit your role as a PR

By creating a pull request to openapphack-ansible-roles

How do you submit your project as a openapphackproject PR

By creating a pull request to openapphack project

How do you know the status of your PR

Openapphack volunteers will respond to your review request logged on issues

Example openapphack projects

List of accepted openapphack assets i.e ansible roles and yoeman-generators already selected via pull request will be made here:

  • openapphack-yoeman-generators on openhack-vm.

  • openapphack-ansible-roles on openhack-vm.

  • openapphack-projects

The final list of most starred openapphack assets will make it to the openapphack org repository