- Multi-Year-Support! (have a File years.json)
- Rename everything to Segen des Tages
- Upload to Segen-des-Tages
- email info@
- config.json (use for generator)
- share-buttons --> single page better share!
- load images from pixabay, save under assets/images/blessings
- generator: create final image: (1920x1080)
- Top right small logo
- bottom left: Segen des Tages vom DD.MM.YYYY
- save as YYYYMMDD.jpg
- pages: use image
- feed: use image
- index.html
- Segen des tages
- Link to Feed
- Link to Calendar
- Link to Upcoming Features
- About This
- Contact Info (mail)
- Link to Social Media
- Link to API
- Link to Subscribe
- calendar.html
- impressum
- datenschutz (NEU!)
- 404 Page
- htaccess better
- sitemap.xml
- robots.txt
- years.ics (iCAL) https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/ICalendar
- api.php
- years
- 2017
- all
- one
- https://www.searchenginejournal.com/google-has-new-markup-to-optimize-content-for-google-assistant/262649/
- Make AMP Markup
- https://onesignal.com/
- Alexa Skill
- google webmaster
- bing
- yandex
- sitemap.xml
- analytics
- http://yslow.org/
- https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?hl=de
- https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/
- https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator
- https://realfavicongenerator.net/favicon_checker
- http://wave.webaim.org/
- https://validator.w3.org/nu/
- http://www.evaluera.co.uk/atester
- https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool
- subscribe.php
- unsubscribe.php?mail=
- contact form on index
- mailer.php (via cron)
- Facebook https://www.myprogrammingtutorials.com/post-into-facebook-page-using-php-sdk-v5.html
- Twitter https://github.com/dg/twitter-php/blob/master/readme.md
- Reddit https://github.com/jcleblanc/reddit-php-sdk
- Pintereset https://github.com/dirkgroenen/Pinterest-API-PHP
- Instagram https://packagist.org/packages/mgp25/instagram-php
- Medium
- https://www.dreamgrow.com/top-15-most-popular-social-networking-sites/
- Selber schreiben
- Mail Steffi
- Mail Gerd
- Mail Julia
- WP-Plugin
- Windows 10 APP
- Android App
- MagicMirror-Plugin