diff --git a/media/coverage-badge.svg b/media/coverage-badge.svg
index 21d9b08..be6b515 100644
--- a/media/coverage-badge.svg
+++ b/media/coverage-badge.svg
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cosmicqc/analyze.py b/src/cosmicqc/analyze.py
index 5770cc7..3b0c5bc 100644
--- a/src/cosmicqc/analyze.py
+++ b/src/cosmicqc/analyze.py
@@ -60,80 +60,83 @@ def identify_outliers(
or not for use within other functions.
- # interpret the df as CytoDataFrame
+ # Ensure the input is a CytoDataFrame, converting if necessary
df = CytoDataFrame(data=df)
- # create a copy of the dataframe to ensure
- # we don't modify the supplied dataframe inplace.
- outlier_df = df.copy()
+ # reference the df for a new outlier_df
+ outlier_df = df
+ # Define the naming scheme for z-score columns based on thresholds
thresholds_name = (
if isinstance(feature_thresholds, str)
else "cqc.custom"
+ # If feature_thresholds is a string, load the thresholds from the specified file
if isinstance(feature_thresholds, str):
feature_thresholds = read_thresholds_set_from_file(
- # Create z-score columns for each feature to reference during outlier detection
+ # Dictionary to store mappings of features to their z-score column names
zscore_columns = {}
for feature in feature_thresholds:
+ # Ensure the feature exists in the DataFrame
if feature not in df.columns:
raise ValueError(f"Feature '{feature}' does not exist in the DataFrame.")
- outlier_df[(colname := f"{thresholds_name}.Z_Score.{feature}")] = scipy_zscore(
- df[feature]
- )
- zscore_columns[feature] = colname
- # Create outlier detection conditions for each feature
- conditions = []
- for feature, threshold in feature_thresholds.items():
- # For positive thresholds, look for outliers that are
- # that number of std "above" the mean
+ # Construct the z-score column name
+ zscore_col = f"{thresholds_name}.Z_Score.{feature}"
+ # Calculate and store z-scores only if not already present
+ if zscore_col not in outlier_df:
+ outlier_df[zscore_col] = scipy_zscore(df[feature])
+ # Add the column name to the zscore_columns dictionary
+ zscore_columns[feature] = zscore_col
+ # Helper function to create outlier detection conditions
+ def create_condition(feature: str, threshold: float) -> pd.Series:
+ # Positive threshold checks for outliers above the mean
if threshold > 0:
- condition = outlier_df[zscore_columns[feature]] > threshold
- # For negative thresholds, look for outliers that are
- # that number of std "below" the mean
- else:
- condition = outlier_df[zscore_columns[feature]] < threshold
- conditions.append(condition)
- result = (
- # create a boolean pd.series identifier for dataframe
- # based on all conditions for use within other functions.
- reduce(operator.and_, conditions)
- if not include_threshold_scores
- # otherwise, provide the threshold zscore col and the above column
- else CytoDataFrame(
- data=pd.concat(
- [
- # grab only the outlier zscore columns from the outlier_df
- outlier_df[zscore_columns.values()],
- CytoDataFrame(
- {
- f"{thresholds_name}.is_outlier": reduce(
- operator.and_, conditions
- )
- }
- ),
- ],
- axis=1,
- ),
+ return outlier_df[zscore_columns[feature]] > threshold
+ # Negative threshold checks for outliers below the mean
+ return outlier_df[zscore_columns[feature]] < threshold
+ # Generate outlier detection conditions for all features
+ conditions = [
+ create_condition(feature, threshold)
+ for feature, threshold in feature_thresholds.items()
+ ]
+ # Construct the result based on whether threshold scores should be included
+ if include_threshold_scores:
+ # Extract z-score columns for each feature
+ zscore_df = outlier_df[list(zscore_columns.values())]
+ # Combine conditions into a single Series indicating outlier status
+ is_outlier_series = reduce(operator.and_, conditions).rename(
+ f"{thresholds_name}.is_outlier"
+ )
+ # Combine z-scores and outlier status into a single DataFrame
+ result = CytoDataFrame(
+ data=pd.concat([zscore_df, is_outlier_series], axis=1),
- )
+ else:
+ # Combine conditions into a single Series of boolean values
+ result = reduce(operator.and_, conditions)
+ # Export the result if an export path is specified
if export_path is not None:
- if isinstance(result, pd.Series):
- CytoDataFrame(result).export(file_path=export_path)
- else:
- result.export(file_path=export_path)
+ export_df = CytoDataFrame(result) if isinstance(result, pd.Series) else result
+ export_df.export(file_path=export_path)
+ # Return the resulting Series or DataFrame
return result
@@ -175,26 +178,29 @@ def find_outliers(
Outlier data frame for the given conditions.
- # interpret the df as CytoDataFrame
- df = CytoDataFrame(data=df)
+ # Resolve feature_thresholds if provided as a string
if isinstance(feature_thresholds, str):
feature_thresholds = read_thresholds_set_from_file(
- # Filter DataFrame for outliers using all conditions
- outliers_df = df[
- # use identify outliers as a mask on the full dataframe
- identify_outliers(
- df=df,
- feature_thresholds=feature_thresholds,
- feature_thresholds_file=feature_thresholds_file,
- )
- ]
+ # Determine the columns required for processing
+ required_columns = list(feature_thresholds.keys()) + metadata_columns
- # Print outliers count and range for each feature
+ # Interpret the df as CytoDataFrame
+ df = CytoDataFrame(data=df)[required_columns]
+ # Filter DataFrame for outliers using identify_outliers
+ outliers_mask = identify_outliers(
+ # Select only the required columns from the DataFrame
+ df=df,
+ feature_thresholds=feature_thresholds,
+ feature_thresholds_file=feature_thresholds_file,
+ )
+ outliers_df = df[outliers_mask]
+ # Print outlier count and range for each feature
"Number of outliers:",
@@ -206,15 +212,13 @@ def find_outliers(
print(f"{feature} Max:", outliers_df[feature].max())
# Include metadata columns in the output DataFrame
- columns_to_include = list(feature_thresholds.keys()) + metadata_columns
- result = outliers_df[columns_to_include]
+ result = outliers_df[required_columns]
- # export the file if specified
+ # Export the file if specified
if export_path is not None:
- # Return outliers DataFrame with specified columns
+ # Return the resulting DataFrame
return result
diff --git a/tests/conftest.py b/tests/conftest.py
index 5b74e25..1b4251d 100644
--- a/tests/conftest.py
+++ b/tests/conftest.py
@@ -6,14 +6,8 @@
import pathlib
-import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
-import plotly.colors as pc
import pytest
-import skimage
-from PIL import Image
-import cosmicqc
@@ -26,25 +20,6 @@ def fixture_cytotable_CFReT_df():
-def fixture_cytotable_NF1_data_parquet_shrunken():
- """
- Return df to test CytoTable NF1 data through shrunken parquet file
- """
- return (
- "tests/data/cytotable/NF1_cellpainting_data_shrunken/"
- "Plate_2_with_image_data_shrunken.parquet"
- )
-def fixture_cytotable_nuclear_speckle_data_parquet():
- """
- Return df to test CytoTable nuclear speckles data through shrunken parquet file
- """
- return "tests/data/cytotable/nuclear_speckles/test_slide1_converted.parquet"
def fixture_basic_outlier_dataframe():
@@ -66,110 +41,3 @@ def fixture_basic_outlier_csv(
return csv_path
-def fixture_basic_outlier_csv_gz(
- tmp_path: pathlib.Path, basic_outlier_dataframe: pd.DataFrame
- """
- Creates basic example data csv for use in tests
- """
- basic_outlier_dataframe.to_csv(
- csv_gz_path := tmp_path / "example.csv.gz", index=False, compression="gzip"
- )
- return csv_gz_path
-def fixture_basic_outlier_tsv(
- tmp_path: pathlib.Path, basic_outlier_dataframe: pd.DataFrame
- """
- Creates basic example data tsv for use in tests
- """
- basic_outlier_dataframe.to_csv(
- tsv_path := tmp_path / "example.tsv", sep="\t", index=False
- )
- return tsv_path
-def fixture_basic_outlier_parquet(
- tmp_path: pathlib.Path, basic_outlier_dataframe: pd.DataFrame
- """
- Creates basic example data parquet for use in tests
- """
- basic_outlier_dataframe.to_parquet(
- parquet_path := tmp_path / "example.parquet", index=False
- )
- return parquet_path
-def fixture_generate_show_report_html_output(cytotable_CFReT_data_df: pd.DataFrame):
- """
- Used for generating report output for use with other tests.
- """
- # create outliers dataframe
- df = cosmicqc.analyze.label_outliers(
- df=cytotable_CFReT_data_df,
- include_threshold_scores=True,
- )
- # show a report
- df.show_report(
- report_path=(
- report_path := pathlib.Path(__file__).parent
- / "data"
- / "coSMicQC"
- / "show_report"
- / "cosmicqc_example_report.html"
- ),
- color_palette=pc.qualitative.Dark24[0:2],
- auto_open=False,
- )
- return report_path
-def fixture_dark_image():
- # Create a dark image (50x50 pixels, almost black)
- dark_img_array = np.zeros((50, 50, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
- return Image.fromarray(dark_img_array)
-def fixture_mid_brightness_image():
- # Create an image with medium brightness (50x50 pixels, mid gray)
- mid_brightness_img_array = np.full((50, 50, 3), 128, dtype=np.uint8)
- return Image.fromarray(mid_brightness_img_array)
-def fixture_bright_image():
- # Create a bright image (50x50 pixels, almost white)
- bright_img_array = np.full((50, 50, 3), 255, dtype=np.uint8)
- return Image.fromarray(bright_img_array)
-def fixture_nuclear_speckle_example_image():
- # create an image array from example nuclear speckle data
- return Image.fromarray(
- (
- skimage.io.imread(
- "tests/data/cytotable/nuclear_speckles/images/plate1/slide1_A1_M10_CH0_Z09_illumcorrect.tiff"
- )
- / 256
- ).astype(np.uint8)
- ).convert("RGBA")