Releases: WXRIW/Lyricify-App
Releases · WXRIW/Lyricify-App
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
本版本支持新增的 Lyricify Syllable 歌词格式,建议所有用户更新,旧版本无法正常使用本格式的歌词!
- 优化 Apple Music 歌词动画。
- 修复灵动词岛。
- 添加全新歌词格式 Lyricify Syllable 支持。
Change Log:
- [Fix] Optimize animation in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Fix] Dynamic Lyrics Island not showing lyrics when track starts playing after opening.
- [Fix] Remove TaskbarIcon's ToolTipText temporarily.
- [Fix] Snackbar message on removing from Liked Songs.
- [Fix] Title Lines editor uncheck issue in Track Management.
- [Add] Lyricify Syllable support.
- [Fix] Some issues with QRC deserialization.
- [Add] Lyrics type detection in Advanced Lyrics Editor.
- [Fix] Improve Apple Music Lyrics stability.
Lyricify Mobile v1.2.3-beta
- 提高 LRC 反序列化容错能力。
Change Log:
- [Fix] LRC deserialization issue.
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
今天是国际妇女节,Lyricify 向全国各族各界妇女,向香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区的女同胞、海外女侨胞,致以节日的祝贺和美好的祝福。
Happy Women's Day 2023 to all women in the world.
- 歌词处理优化。
- 支持保存专辑图片。
- 优化 Apple Music 歌词动画。
Change Log:
- [Fix] Endtime issues with non-standard LRC deserialization.
- [Fix] Optimize Traditional Chinese conversion in Spotify lyrics import.
- [Add] Spotify API Waiting Bar for Search page.
- [Add] Button feedback for lyrics import.
- [Fix] Update explicit defination.
- [Add] Clipboard translation auto fill in Advanced Lyrics Editor.
- [Fix] Lyrics deserialization.
- [Fix] HTML Special Characters in playlist description.
- [Add] Check Apple Syllable at lyrics import.
- [Add] Save album artwork.
- [Fix] Optimize animation in Apple Music Lyrics.
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
- 优化稳定性,提升使用体验。
Change Log:
- [Fix] Optimize scrolling animation easing in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Fix] Update explicit defination.
- [Add] Spotify API Waiting Bar.
- [Fix] An exception causing crashes (On translation update).
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
- 主窗口歌词支持多行高亮。
- Spotify 歌词一键导入。
- 支持检查“已点赞的歌曲”的可用性。
- 艺人页添加“市场”选项。
- 优化 Spotify API 429 错误的处理。
- 优化 Apple Music 歌词界面 CJK 歌词的卡顿问题。
Change Log:
- [Add] Support multiple-line highlight in MainWindow.
- [Fix] Right size lyrics Karaoke progress in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Add] Spotify lyrics import.
- [Add] Liked Songs availability check.
- [Fix] Disable DragMove in Byland Mode.
- [Fix] Improve Spotify API 429 Error handling.
- [Add] Market option in Artist page.
- [Fix] Improve login experience (not web auth).
- [Fix] Issues with Zooming restore in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Add] Use system PingFang font if possible.
- [Fix] Optimize scrolling animation easing in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Add] Progress bar for 429 error retry timer.
Lyricify Mobile v1.2.2-beta
- 修复部分 Bug。
- 优化 Spotify API 429 错误处理。
Change Log:
- [Fix] Lyrics process for multiple-line highlight.
- [Fix] Local track's auto lyrics searching.
- [Fix] Improve Spotify API 429 Error handling.
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
- 庆祝 Lyricify 4 发布一个月。
- 细节优化,体验提升,快去更新!
Change Log:
- [Fix] Explicit content process.
- [Add] Snackbar message at lyrics copy.
- [Fix] Optimize Audio Features page's local track support.
- [Fix] Track name issue after track relinking in Apple Music Lyrics, Lyricify Fullscreen and Desktop Lyrics.
- [Add] Timestamp detection in Advanced Lyrics Editor.
- [Fix] Details in Apple Music Lyrics Karaoke mode (refer to iOS 16.3 Release and iOS 16.4 Public Beta).
- [Fix] Pulling Effect issue with Breathing Dots.
- [Fix] Optimize scrolling animation easing in Apple Music Lyrics.
Lyricify Mobile v1.2.1-beta
- 更好的 Lyricify 4 服务器支持。
- 支持多行高亮。
- 支持尾部标题行去除。
- 支持本地文件。
Change Log:
- [Add] Better integration with Lyricify 4 Server.
- [Add] Multiple-line highlight support.
- [Add] Ending Lines support.
- [Add] Local tracks support.
- [Fix] Remove relying on Lyricify Server for QQ Music lyrics.
- [Add] Instrumental message for instrumental tracks.
Spotify 用户建议使用 Lyricify 4,其他用户请使用本版本,打开后点击“继续并跳过登录”,并在 菜单
- [Fix] Optimize Welcome Window.
- [Add] System language detection.
- [Add] New animation in Dynamic Lyrics Island.
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
- 大约的确修复了不少 Bug,似乎好像提升了使用体验。
- 具体更新日志在下面。
Change Log:
- [Fix] Update title lines and explicit defination.
- [Add] Apple Syllable to QRC output convertor.
- [Fix] Improve Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese conversion condition.
- [Change] Fullscreen Hide default off.
- [Add] Enter Spotify track's URI or Link in Search page will automatically open Track Management.
- [Fix] Japanese lyrics detection (for Romaji lyrics).
- [Add] Reset Apple Music Sing playback after clicking lyrics line.
- [Fix] Improve animation details in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Add] Improved rolling animation for Chinese lyrics in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Add] Key gestures for Apple Music Lyrics (Alt + A), Lyricify Fullscreen (Alt + E) and Mobile UI Fullscreen (Alt + X).
- [Fix] QRC deserialization and optimization, Apple Syllable CJK optimization.
- [Add] QRC Head Space Mover in Advanced Lyrics Editor.
- [Fix] Optimize timeline for Web Players.
- [Add] System Media Session status details info in main menu.
- [Fix] Some windows not loaded correctly in Windows 7 and 8 (missing Shcore.dll).
- [Fix] Hide Media Session options on unsupported operating systems.
- [Add] Manual authorization menu in Welcome window.
- [Fix] Improve Background Vocals multiple-line highlight experience.
- [Add] New pulling effect in Apple Music Lyrics (horizontal view).
- [Add] Disable ability to modify Offset in Media Session disconnected environment.
- [Add] Zooming restore in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Add] Key Gesture (Alt + R) to Reload Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Fix] Lyrics process for Apple Music Lyrics.
Lyricify for Spotify Ver
- 修了点旧 Bug。
- 写了点新 Bug。
- 更新了版本号。
Change Log:
- [Fix] Update title lines defination.
- [Fix] Update explicit defination.
- [Fix] A bug causing Desktop Lyrics not showing.
- [Add] Legacy Previous Track option (default on).
- [Add] No available devices found message.
- [Fix] Real-time update for sub-line's Translation and Bold Text settings in Apple Music Lyrics.
- [Add] Single color option for logo in Lyricify Fullscreen.
- [Add] Align Center menu item in Dynamic Lyrics Island and Desktop Lyrics.
- [Add] Custom title alignment in Desktop Lyrics.
- [Fix] Topmost issue with Update Form.