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🧰 EPUB Toolbox


📘 Novel TXT-EPUB Builder

This tool assists in splitting a novel's plain text file into chapters and building an ePub file.


  1. Choose the TXT file containing the novel.
  2. Automatically split the TXT file into chapters using a regular expression based on chapter titles.
  3. Fill in the book's metadata.
  4. Click the Prepare EPUB button and wait for the Download button to appear.
  5. Download the generated ePub file.

🖼️ Images-EPUB Builder

Pack images as an ePub file.


  1. Choose image files.
  2. Fill in the book's metadata
  3. Click the Prepare EPUB button and wait for the Download button to appear.
  4. Download the generated ePub file.


python3 -m venv venv
.\venv\Scripts\python.exe -m pip install -r requirements.txt
.\venv\Scripts\streamlit.exe run


Currently, we only support windows executable.

python3 -m venv venv
.\venv\Scripts\python.exe -m pip install -r requirements-release.txt
.\venv\Scripts\pyinstaller.exe app_entry.spec --clean