:help complete()
Simple custom insert mode completion.
Following the example from the Vim help we can see how to use this function. We wrap it with another function that we
trigger with a key mapping. The first parameter to complete()
is the column in which we want to start the completion,
and for that we simply take the column of the current cursor position col('.')
. If we use a column smaller than the
current cursor position column then all the text between the start column and the current cursor column will be deleted.
The second parameter is a list of strings we want to complete from. The insert mode completion is done by using the eval
register =
function! WrapperFunction()
call complete(col('.'), ["foobar", "super", "trouper"])
return ''
inoremap <C-x>x <C-R>=WrapperFunction()<CR>
Let's repeat this but with something more useful, like inserting time stamps in various formats.
We build the time stamp strings using the strftime()
function! InsertTimeStamp()
call complete(col('.'), [strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M"), strftime("%d. %B %Y"), strftime("%H:%M")])
return ''
inoremap <C-x>t <C-R>=InsertTimeStamp()<CR>
As we learned before, providing a start column lower than the current cursor position column results in text deletion between these two positions. Let's see how we can make use of that when we want to complete words we already started typing. For that we have to find the beginning of the word or WORD we want to complete. We also will create the list of possible completions dynamically. Let's say we want to complete from a list of solar system objects like planets and moons.
function! CompleteSolarSystemObject()
" list of 190 solar system objects
let l:ListOfObjects = ["Adrastea", "Aegir", "Aitne", "Albiorix", "Amalthea", "Ananke", "Anthe", "Aoede", "Arche", "Ariel", "Atlas", "Autonoe", "Bebhionn", "Belinda", "Bergelmir", "Bestla", "Bianca", "Caliban", "Callirrhoe", "Callisto", "Calypso", "Carme", "Carpo", "Chaldene", "Charon", "Cordelia", "Cressida", "Cupid", "Cyllene", "Daphnis", "Deimos", "Desdemona", "Despina", "Dione", "Dysnomia", "Earth", "Elara", "Enceladus", "Epimetheus", "Erinome", "Eris", "Erriapo", "Euanthe", "Eukelade", "Euporie", "Europa", "Eurydome", "Farbauti", "Fenrir", "Ferdinand", "Fornjot", "Francisco", "Galatea", "Ganymede", "Greip", "Halimede", "Harpalyke", "Hati", "Haumea", "Hegemone", "Helene", "Helike", "Hermippe", "Hi'iaka", "Himalia", "Hydra", "Hyperion", "Hyrokkin", "Iapetus", "Ijiraq", "Io", "Iocaste", "Isonone", "Janus", "Jarnsaxa", "Juliet", "Jupiter", "Kale", "Kallichore", "Kalyke", "Kari", "Kerberos", "Kiviuq", "Kore", "Laomedeia", "Larissa", "Leda", "Loge", "Lysithea", "Mab", "Magaclite", "Margaret", "Mars", "Mercury", "Methone", "Metis", "Mimas", "Miranda", "Mneme", "Moon", "Mundilfari", "Naiad", "Namaka", "Narvi", "Neptune", "Nereid", "Neso", "Nix", "Oberon", "Ophelia", "Orthosie", "Paaliaq", "Pallene", "Pan", "Pandora", "Pasiphae", "Pasithee", "Perdita", "Phobos", "Phoebe", "Pluto", "Polydeuces", "Portia", "Praxidike", "Prometheus", "Prospero", "Proteus", "Psamathe", "Puck", "Rhea", "Rosalind", "S/2000_J11", "S/2003_J_23", "S/2003_J10", "S/2003_J12", "S/2003_J15", "S/2003_J16", "S/2003_J17", "S/2003_J18", "S/2003_J19", "S/2003_J2", "S/2003_J3", "S/2003_J4", "S/2003_J5", "S/2003_J9", "S/2004_N_1", "S/2004_S07", "S/2004_S12", "S/2004_S13", "S/2004_S17", "S/2006_S1", "S/2006_S3", "S/2007_S2", "S/2007_S3", "S/2010_J_1", "S/2010_J_2", "S/2011_J_1", "S/2011_J_2", "Sao", "Saturn", "Setebos", "Siarnaq", "Sinope", "Skathi", "Skoll", "Sponde", "Stephano", "Styx", "Surtur", "Suttungr", "Sycorax", "Tarqeq", "Tarvos", "Taygete", "Telesto", "Tethys", "Thalassa", "Thebe", "Thelxinoe", "Themisto", "Thrymr", "Thyone", "Titan", "Titania", "Trinculo", "Triton", "Umbriel", "Uranus", "Venus", "Ymir"]
let l:CompletionList = []
" get current line as string
let l:Line = getline('.')
" Info: Strings start at 0, columns at 1
" check the character before cursor
let l:Start = col('.')
let l:StrEnd = col('.') - 1
let l:StrStart = col('.') - 1
if (l:Line[l:StrEnd-1] == ' ') || (l:StrEnd == 0)
" no character before cursor, therefore no text before cursor, therefore complete from full list
let l:CompletionList = l:ListOfObjects
" find start of word before cursor
while (l:StrStart > 0) && (l:Line[l:StrStart - 1] =~ '\S')
let l:StrStart -= 1
" get string before cursor
let l:StringToComplete = strpart(l:Line, l:StrStart, l:StrEnd-l:StrStart)
" add word to complete to avoid loosing it (could be removed)
call add(l:CompletionList, l:StringToComplete)
" add matching solar system objects
for obj in l:ListOfObjects
echom obj
if ("^" .. obj) =~# l:StringToComplete
call add(l:CompletionList, obj)
" set start column based on string start
let l:Start = l:StrStart + 1
call complete(l:Start, l:CompletionList)
return ''
inoremap <C-x>o <C-R>=CompleteSolarSystemObject()<CR>
Be aware that Vim has another completion "system" (
:h complete-functions