diff --git a/ControllerService-offline.iss b/ControllerService-offline.iss new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6dc47428b --- /dev/null +++ b/ControllerService-offline.iss @@ -0,0 +1,434 @@ +; -- CodeDependencies.iss -- +; +; This script shows how to download and install any dependency such as .NET, +; Visual C++ or SQL Server during your application's installation process. +; +; contribute: https://github.com/DomGries/InnoDependencyInstaller + + +; ----------- +; SHARED CODE +; ----------- +[Code] +// types and variables +type + TDependency_Entry = record + Filename: String; + Parameters: String; + Title: String; + URL: String; + Checksum: String; + ForceSuccess: Boolean; + RestartAfter: Boolean; + end; + +var + Dependency_Memo: String; + Dependency_List: array of TDependency_Entry; + Dependency_NeedRestart, Dependency_ForceX86: Boolean; + Dependency_DownloadPage: TDownloadWizardPage; + +procedure Dependency_Add(const Filename, Parameters, Title, URL, Checksum: String; const ForceSuccess, RestartAfter: Boolean); +var + Dependency: TDependency_Entry; + DependencyCount: Integer; +begin + Dependency_Memo := Dependency_Memo + #13#10 + '%1' + Title; + + Dependency.Filename := Filename; + Dependency.Parameters := Parameters; + Dependency.Title := Title; + + if FileExists(ExpandConstant('{tmp}{\}') + Filename) then begin + Dependency.URL := ''; + end else begin + Dependency.URL := URL; + end; + + Dependency.Checksum := Checksum; + Dependency.ForceSuccess := ForceSuccess; + Dependency.RestartAfter := RestartAfter; + + DependencyCount := GetArrayLength(Dependency_List); + SetArrayLength(Dependency_List, DependencyCount + 1); + Dependency_List[DependencyCount] := Dependency; +end; + +procedure Dependency_InitializeWizard; +begin + Dependency_DownloadPage := CreateDownloadPage(SetupMessage(msgWizardPreparing), SetupMessage(msgPreparingDesc), nil); +end; + +function Dependency_PrepareToInstall(var NeedsRestart: Boolean): String; +var + DependencyCount, DependencyIndex, ResultCode: Integer; + Retry: Boolean; + TempValue: String; +begin + DependencyCount := GetArrayLength(Dependency_List); + + if DependencyCount > 0 then begin + Dependency_DownloadPage.Show; + + for DependencyIndex := 0 to DependencyCount - 1 do begin + if Dependency_List[DependencyIndex].URL <> '' then begin + Dependency_DownloadPage.Clear; + Dependency_DownloadPage.Add(Dependency_List[DependencyIndex].URL, Dependency_List[DependencyIndex].Filename, Dependency_List[DependencyIndex].Checksum); + + Retry := True; + while Retry do begin + Retry := False; + + try + Dependency_DownloadPage.Download; + except + if Dependency_DownloadPage.AbortedByUser then begin + Result := Dependency_List[DependencyIndex].Title; + DependencyIndex := DependencyCount; + end else begin + case SuppressibleMsgBox(AddPeriod(GetExceptionMessage), mbError, MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE, IDIGNORE) of + IDABORT: begin + Result := Dependency_List[DependencyIndex].Title; + DependencyIndex := DependencyCount; + end; + IDRETRY: begin + Retry := True; + end; + end; + end; + end; + end; + end; + end; + + if Result = '' then begin + for DependencyIndex := 0 to DependencyCount - 1 do begin + Dependency_DownloadPage.SetText(Dependency_List[DependencyIndex].Title, ''); + Dependency_DownloadPage.SetProgress(DependencyIndex + 1, DependencyCount + 1); + + while True do begin + ResultCode := 0; + if ShellExec('', ExpandConstant('{tmp}{\}') + Dependency_List[DependencyIndex].Filename, Dependency_List[DependencyIndex].Parameters, '', SW_SHOWNORMAL, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode) then begin + if Dependency_List[DependencyIndex].RestartAfter then begin + if DependencyIndex = DependencyCount - 1 then begin + Dependency_NeedRestart := True; + end else begin + NeedsRestart := True; + Result := Dependency_List[DependencyIndex].Title; + end; + break; + end else if (ResultCode = 0) or Dependency_List[DependencyIndex].ForceSuccess then begin // ERROR_SUCCESS (0) + break; + end else if ResultCode = 1641 then begin // ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_INITIATED (1641) + NeedsRestart := True; + Result := Dependency_List[DependencyIndex].Title; + break; + end else if ResultCode = 3010 then begin // ERROR_SUCCESS_REBOOT_REQUIRED (3010) + Dependency_NeedRestart := True; + break; + end; + end; + + case SuppressibleMsgBox(FmtMessage(SetupMessage(msgErrorFunctionFailed), [Dependency_List[DependencyIndex].Title, IntToStr(ResultCode)]), mbError, MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE, IDIGNORE) of + IDABORT: begin + Result := Dependency_List[DependencyIndex].Title; + break; + end; + IDIGNORE: begin + break; + end; + end; + end; + + if Result <> '' then begin + break; + end; + end; + + if NeedsRestart then begin + TempValue := '"' + ExpandConstant('{srcexe}') + '" /restart=1 /LANG="' + ExpandConstant('{language}') + '" /DIR="' + WizardDirValue + '" /GROUP="' + WizardGroupValue + '" /TYPE="' + WizardSetupType(False) + '" /COMPONENTS="' + WizardSelectedComponents(False) + '" /TASKS="' + WizardSelectedTasks(False) + '"'; + if WizardNoIcons then begin + TempValue := TempValue + ' /NOICONS'; + end; + RegWriteStringValue(HKA, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce', '{#SetupSetting("AppName")}', TempValue); + end; + end; + + Dependency_DownloadPage.Hide; + end; +end; + +function Dependency_UpdateReadyMemo(const Space, NewLine, MemoUserInfoInfo, MemoDirInfo, MemoTypeInfo, MemoComponentsInfo, MemoGroupInfo, MemoTasksInfo: String): String; +begin + Result := ''; + if MemoUserInfoInfo <> '' then begin + Result := Result + MemoUserInfoInfo + Newline + NewLine; + end; + if MemoDirInfo <> '' then begin + Result := Result + MemoDirInfo + Newline + NewLine; + end; + if MemoTypeInfo <> '' then begin + Result := Result + MemoTypeInfo + Newline + NewLine; + end; + if MemoComponentsInfo <> '' then begin + Result := Result + MemoComponentsInfo + Newline + NewLine; + end; + if MemoGroupInfo <> '' then begin + Result := Result + MemoGroupInfo + Newline + NewLine; + end; + if MemoTasksInfo <> '' then begin + Result := Result + MemoTasksInfo; + end; + + if Dependency_Memo <> '' then begin + if MemoTasksInfo = '' then begin + Result := Result + SetupMessage(msgReadyMemoTasks); + end; + Result := Result + FmtMessage(Dependency_Memo, [Space]); + end; +end; + +function Dependency_IsX64: Boolean; +begin + Result := not Dependency_ForceX86 and Is64BitInstallMode; +end; + +function Dependency_String(const x86, x64: String): String; +begin + if Dependency_IsX64 then begin + Result := x64; + end else begin + Result := x86; + end; +end; + +function Dependency_ArchSuffix: String; +begin + Result := Dependency_String('', '_x64'); +end; + +function Dependency_ArchTitle: String; +begin + Result := Dependency_String(' (x86)', ' (x64)'); +end; + +[Setup] +; ------------- +; EXAMPLE SETUP +; ------------- +#ifndef Dependency_NoExampleSetup + +#define UseOfflineInstaller + +; requires netcorecheck.exe and netcorecheck_x64.exe (see download link below) +; #define UseNetCoreCheck +#ifdef UseNetCoreCheck +#endif + +#define UseDotNet60 +#define UseDotNet60Desktop + +#define UseVC2005 +#define UseVC2008 +#define UseVC2010 +#define UseVC2012 +#define UseVC2013 +#define UseVC2015To2019 + +; requires dxwebsetup.exe (see download link below) +#define UseDirectX +; requires HidHideMSI.msi +#define UseHideHide +; requires ViGEmBusSetup_x64 +#define UseViGem + +#define MyAppSetupName 'Handheld Companion' +#define MyBuildId 'HandheldCompanion' +#define MyAppVersion '' +#define MyAppPublisher 'BenjaminLSR' +#define MyAppCopyright 'Copyright © BenjaminLSR' +#define MyAppURL 'https://github.com/Valkirie/ControllerService' +#define MyAppExeName "HandheldCompanion.exe" +#define MySerExeName "ControllerService.exe" +#define MyConfiguration "Release" + +AppName={#MyAppSetupName} +AppVersion={#MyAppVersion} +AppVerName={#MyAppSetupName} {#MyAppVersion} +AppCopyright={#MyAppCopyright} +VersionInfoVersion={#MyAppVersion} +VersionInfoCompany={#MyAppPublisher} +AppPublisher={#MyAppPublisher} +AppPublisherURL={#MyAppURL} +AppSupportURL={#MyAppURL} +AppUpdatesURL={#MyAppURL} +OutputBaseFilename={#MyAppSetupName}-{#MyConfiguration}-{#MyAppVersion}-offline +DefaultGroupName={#MyAppSetupName} +DefaultDirName={autopf}\{#MyAppSetupName} +UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\MyProgram.exe +SetupIconFile="{#SourcePath}\HandheldCompanion\Resources\icon.ico" +SourceDir=redist +OutputDir={#SourcePath}\install +AllowNoIcons=yes + +MinVersion=6.0 +PrivilegesRequired=admin + +// remove next line if you only deploy 32-bit binaries and dependencies +ArchitecturesInstallIn64BitMode=x64 + +[Languages] +Name: en; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl" + +[Setup] +AlwaysRestart = no +CloseApplications = yes + +[Files] +#ifdef UseNetCoreCheck +// download netcorecheck.exe: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2135256 +// download netcorecheck_x64.exe: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2135504 +Source: "netcorecheck.exe"; Flags: dontcopy noencryption +Source: "netcorecheck_x64.exe"; Flags: dontcopy noencryption +#endif + +#ifdef UseOfflineInstaller +Source: "HidHideMSI.msi"; Flags: dontcopy noencryption +Source: "ViGEmBusSetup_x64.msi"; Flags: dontcopy noencryption + +Source: "dxwebsetup.exe"; Flags: dontcopy noencryption +Source: "vcredist2005_x64.exe"; Flags: dontcopy noencryption +Source: "vcredist2008_x64.exe"; Flags: dontcopy noencryption +Source: "vcredist2010_x64.exe"; Flags: dontcopy noencryption +Source: "vcredist2012_x64.exe"; Flags: dontcopy noencryption +Source: "vcredist2013_x64.exe"; Flags: dontcopy noencryption +Source: "vcredist2019_x64.exe"; Flags: dontcopy noencryption + +Source: "dotnet-runtime-6.0.6-win-x64.exe"; Flags: dontcopy noencryption +Source: "windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.6-win-x64.exe"; Flags: dontcopy noencryption +#endif + +Source: "{#SourcePath}\bin\{#MyConfiguration}\{#MyAppExeName}"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion +Source: "{#SourcePath}\bin\{#MyConfiguration}\*"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs createallsubdirs + +[Icons] +Name: "{group}\{#MyAppSetupName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}" +Name: "{group}\{cm:UninstallProgram,{#MyAppSetupName}}"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}" +Name: "{commondesktop}\{#MyAppSetupName}"; Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Tasks: desktopicon + +[Tasks] +Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "{cm:CreateDesktopIcon}" + +[Run] +Filename: msiexec.exe; StatusMsg: "Installing ViGEmBus Runtime"; Parameters: "/i {tmp}\ViGEmBusSetup_x64.msi /q"; Flags: waituntilterminated +Filename: msiexec.exe; StatusMsg: "Installing HidHide Runtime"; Parameters: "/i {tmp}\HidHideMSI.msi /q"; Flags: waituntilterminated + +Filename: "{tmp}\dxwebsetup.exe"; StatusMsg: "Installing DirectX Runtime"; Parameters: "/q"; Flags: waituntilterminated +Filename: "{tmp}\vcredist2019_x64.exe"; StatusMsg: "Installing Visual C++ 2015-2019 Redistributable"; Parameters: "/passive /norestart"; Flags: waituntilterminated +Filename: "{tmp}\vcredist2013_x64.exe"; StatusMsg: "Installing Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable"; Parameters: "/passive /norestart"; Flags: waituntilterminated +Filename: "{tmp}\vcredist2012_x64.exe"; StatusMsg: "Installing Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable"; Parameters: "/passive /norestart"; Flags: waituntilterminated +Filename: "{tmp}\vcredist2010_x64.exe"; StatusMsg: "Installing Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable"; Parameters: "/passive /norestart"; Flags: waituntilterminated +Filename: "{tmp}\vcredist2008_x64.exe"; StatusMsg: "Installing Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable"; Parameters: "/passive /norestart"; Flags: waituntilterminated +Filename: "{tmp}\vcredist2005_x64.exe"; StatusMsg: "Installing Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable"; Parameters: "/Q"; Flags: waituntilterminated + +Filename: "{tmp}\windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.6-win-x64.exe"; StatusMsg: ".NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.6"; Parameters: "/passive /norestart"; Flags: waituntilterminated +Filename: "{tmp}\dotnet-runtime-6.0.6-win-x64.exe"; StatusMsg: "Installing .NET Runtime 6.0.6"; Parameters: "/passive /norestart"; Flags: waituntilterminated + +Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Parameters: "service --action=""install"""; Description: "{cm:LaunchProgram,{#MyAppSetupName}}"; Flags: nowait postinstall runascurrentuser + +[UninstallRun] +Filename: "{app}\{#MyAppExeName}"; Parameters: "service --action=""uninstall"""; RunOnceId: "UninstallService"; Flags: runascurrentuser runhidden +Filename: "{sys}\sc.exe"; Parameters: "stop ControllerService" ; RunOnceId: "StopService"; Flags: runascurrentuser runhidden +Filename: "{sys}\sc.exe"; Parameters: "delete ControllerService" ; RunOnceId: "DeleteService"; Flags: runascurrentuser runhidden +Filename: "C:\Program Files\Nefarius Software Solutions e.U\HidHideCLI\HidHideCLI.exe"; Parameters: "--cloak-off" ; RunOnceId: "CloakOff"; Flags: runascurrentuser runhidden + +[UninstallDelete] +Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{app}" + +[Registry] +Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps"; Flags: uninsdeletekeyifempty +Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps\ControllerService.exe"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DumpFolder"; ValueData: "{app}"; Flags: uninsdeletekey +Root: HKLM; Subkey: "Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps\HandheldCompanion.exe"; ValueType: string; ValueName: "DumpFolder"; ValueData: "{app}"; Flags: uninsdeletekey + +[Code] +procedure CurUninstallStepChanged(CurUninstallStep: TUninstallStep); +begin + if CurUninstallStep = usUninstall then + begin + + if DirExists(ExpandConstant('{userdocs}\{#MyBuildId}\Profiles')) then + if MsgBox('Do you want to delete all existing profiles?', mbConfirmation, MB_YESNO) = IDYES + then + DelTree(ExpandConstant('{userdocs}\{#MyBuildId}\Profiles'), True, True, True); + + if MsgBox('Do you want to delete all existing settings?', mbConfirmation, MB_YESNO) = IDYES + then + DelTree(ExpandConstant('{localappdata}\HandheldCompanion'), True, True, True); + DelTree(ExpandConstant('{localappdata}\ControllerService'), True, True, True); + end; +end; + +procedure InitializeWizard; +begin + Dependency_InitializeWizard; +end; + +function PrepareToInstall(var NeedsRestart: Boolean): String; +begin + Result := Dependency_PrepareToInstall(NeedsRestart); +end; + +function NeedRestart: Boolean; +begin + Result := Dependency_NeedRestart; +end; + +function UpdateReadyMemo(const Space, NewLine, MemoUserInfoInfo, MemoDirInfo, MemoTypeInfo, MemoComponentsInfo, MemoGroupInfo, MemoTasksInfo: String): String; +begin + Result := Dependency_UpdateReadyMemo(Space, NewLine, MemoUserInfoInfo, MemoDirInfo, MemoTypeInfo, MemoComponentsInfo, MemoGroupInfo, MemoTasksInfo); +end; + +function InitializeSetup: Boolean; +begin +#ifdef UseDotNet60 + ExtractTemporaryFile('dotnet-runtime-6.0.6-win-x64.exe'); +#endif +#ifdef UseDotNet60Desktop + ExtractTemporaryFile('windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.6-win-x64.exe'); +#endif + +#ifdef UseVC2005 + ExtractTemporaryFile('vcredist2005_x64.exe'); +#endif +#ifdef UseVC2008 + ExtractTemporaryFile('vcredist2008_x64.exe'); +#endif +#ifdef UseVC2010 + ExtractTemporaryFile('vcredist2010_x64.exe'); +#endif +#ifdef UseVC2012 + ExtractTemporaryFile('vcredist2012_x64.exe'); +#endif +#ifdef UseVC2013 + ExtractTemporaryFile('vcredist2013_x64.exe'); +#endif +#ifdef UseVC2015To2019 + ExtractTemporaryFile('vcredist2019_x64.exe'); +#endif + +#ifdef UseDirectX + ExtractTemporaryFile('dxwebsetup.exe'); +#endif + +#ifdef UseHideHide + ExtractTemporaryFile('HidHideMSI.msi'); +#endif + +#ifdef UseViGem + ExtractTemporaryFile('ViGEmBusSetup_x64.msi'); +#endif + + Result := True; +end; + +#endif diff --git a/redist/install.bat b/redist/install.bat index 0153ece4d..1b9fcf514 100644 --- a/redist/install.bat +++ b/redist/install.bat @@ -33,4 +33,7 @@ echo Installing .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0.6 windowsdesktop-runtime-6.0.6-win-x64.exe /passive /norestart echo Installing .NET Runtime 6.0.6 -dotnet-runtime-6.0.6-win-x64 /passive /norestart \ No newline at end of file +dotnet-runtime-6.0.6-win-x64.exe /passive /norestart + +echo Please restart your computer to complete the installation process. +pause \ No newline at end of file