diff --git a/Patch-Pack-CN/config/ftbquests/quests/chapters/alwaysinvis.snbt b/Patch-Pack-CN/config/ftbquests/quests/chapters/alwaysinvis.snbt deleted file mode 100644 index a97336e2..00000000 --- a/Patch-Pack-CN/config/ftbquests/quests/chapters/alwaysinvis.snbt +++ /dev/null @@ -1,872 +0,0 @@ -{ - id: "43D8E212DDB15D88" - group: "" - order_index: 4 - filename: "alwaysinvis" - title: "alwaysInvis" - icon: "minecraft:command_block" - always_invisible: true - default_quest_shape: "" - default_hide_dependency_lines: false - quests: [ - { - title: "Map Toggle" - icon: { - id: "ftbquests:custom_icon" - Count: 1b - tag: { - Icon: "ftblibrary:textures/icons/map.png" - } - } - x: -4.5d - y: -1.0d - dependencies: ["68F3DB988DCED32C"] - dependency_requirement: "one_completed" - can_repeat: true - id: "2AFEA361E308DCA6" - tasks: [{ - id: "6B164B55A053FD8B" - type: "dimension" - dimension: "minecraft:overworld" - }] - } - { - x: -12.0d - y: -1.0d - hide_dependency_lines: true - id: "2ACCFC3BD37DBFDE" - tasks: [{ - id: "341945D740229A1D" - type: "location" - title: "Find the 4th Goblin Shop" - dimension: "minecraft:overworld" - ignore_dimension: false - position: [I; - 48 - -36 - -214 - ] - size: [I; - 9 - 15 - 9 - ] - }] - rewards: [{ - id: "61B8FFB2A87E0A1C" - type: "command" - auto: "invisible" - command: "/title @p actionbar [{\"text\":\"Fast Travel Unlocked\",\"color\":\"yellow\"}]" - }] - } - { - x: -10.5d - y: -1.0d - hide_dependency_lines: true - id: "5EDADBE58743C429" - tasks: [{ - id: "44306BD07F5BE2BF" - type: "location" - title: "Find the 3rd Goblin Shop" - dimension: "minecraft:overworld" - ignore_dimension: false - position: [I; - -574 - -46 - -41 - ] - size: [I; - 9 - 15 - 9 - ] - }] - rewards: [{ - id: "1B649D67D5EF6F73" - type: "command" - auto: "invisible" - command: "/title @p actionbar [{\"text\":\"Fast Travel Unlocked\",\"color\":\"yellow\"}]" - }] - } - { - x: -9.0d - y: -1.0d - hide_dependency_lines: true - id: "0884ACAEAADE5153" - tasks: [{ - id: "6CD7261468539D30" - type: "location" - title: "Find the 2nd Goblin Shop" - dimension: "minecraft:overworld" - ignore_dimension: false - position: [I; - -61 - -24 - -95 - ] - size: [I; - 7 - 15 - 7 - ] - }] - rewards: [{ - id: "56086789A8A2724E" - type: "command" - auto: "invisible" - command: "/title @p actionbar [{\"text\":\"Fast Travel Unlocked\",\"color\":\"yellow\"}]" - }] - } - { - x: -7.5d - y: -1.0d - hide_dependency_lines: true - id: "3334104FB3F58B8F" - tasks: [{ - id: "01587FA00A6DF4C4" - type: "location" - title: "Find the 1st Goblin Shop" - dimension: "minecraft:overworld" - ignore_dimension: false - position: [I; - -210 - -36 - 36 - ] - size: [I; - 9 - 15 - 9 - ] - }] - rewards: [{ - id: "15BD7BCACEA9ECF4" - type: "command" - auto: "invisible" - command: "/title @p actionbar [{\"text\":\"Fast Travel Unlocked\",\"color\":\"yellow\"}]" - }] - } - { - title: "Beastmaster Location Check" - icon: { - id: "iceandfire:amphithere_skull" - Count: 1b - ForgeCaps: { - "customnpcs:itemscripteddata": { } - } - } - tags: ["beastmaster"] - x: -7.0d - y: -6.5d - id: "5817BE8CA48724DD" - tasks: [{ - id: "1410C2E1C26EAB81" - type: "location" - title: "Elemental Class" - tags: ["elemental"] - dimension: "minecraft:overworld" - ignore_dimension: false - position: [I; 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- -249 - -23 - -154 - ] - size: [I; - 32 - 10 - 32 - ] - }] - rewards: [{ - id: "5BB0996DE12F60A9" - type: "gamestage" - auto: "invisible" - ignore_reward_blocking: true - stage: "Spellcasting" - }] - } - { - tags: ["food_shop"] - x: -13.5d - y: -2.5d - hide_dependency_lines: true - hide: true - invisible: true - id: "6E7F2C4124A69B6C" - tasks: [{ - id: "29421008903B4F41" - type: "location" - title: "Inside the Dining Hall" - dimension: "minecraft:overworld" - ignore_dimension: false - position: [I; - -433 - -30 - 124 - ] - size: [I; - 62 - 15 - 62 - ] - }] - rewards: [{ - id: "7AC6AD445724D634" - type: "gamestage" - auto: "invisible" - ignore_reward_blocking: true - stage: "foodshop" - }] - } - { - x: -6.0d - y: -2.5d - hide: false - id: "62CC7E5BCD6EDC67" - tasks: [{ - id: "3537B487E30D230B" - type: "location" - title: "Find the MME" - dimension: "minecraft:overworld" - ignore_dimension: false - position: [I; - -316 - -50 - -136 - ] - size: [I; - 32 - 15 - 38 - ] - }] - rewards: [{ - id: "5C14F32F73442AF5" - type: "gamestage" - auto: "invisible" - ignore_reward_blocking: true - stage: "mme" - }] - } - { - x: -6.0d - y: -4.0d - dependencies: ["62CC7E5BCD6EDC67"] - hide: true - can_repeat: true - id: "0E9B30DC8E1B6F67" - tasks: [{ - id: "35EA3A7ED91B3574" - type: "item" - item: "ftbai:gold_coin" - consume_items: true - }] - } - { - title: "How to use Luminizers" - x: -13.5d - y: -6.5d - id: "44251E42A1E650B8" - tasks: [{ - id: "7AF1B556833A4BF1" - type: "observation" - icon: "botania:light_relay" - timer: 0L - observe_type: 0 - to_observe: "botania:light_relay" - }] - rewards: [{ - id: "18D3855FD9397774" - type: "command" - command: "/tellraw @p [\"\",\"[Modpack] You can find \",{\"text\":\"Luminizer Relays\",\"color\":\"aqua\"},\" scattered around campus! Right-click one, and it'll take you on a ride!\"]" - }] - } - { - x: -6.0d - y: -1.0d - hide: false - id: "08B62DE51ADF070A" - tasks: [{ - id: "4B3B5FF0717123FE" - type: "location" - title: "Find the MME" - dimension: "minecraft:overworld" - ignore_dimension: false - position: [I; - -316 - -50 - -136 - ] - size: [I; - 32 - 15 - 38 - ] - }] - rewards: [{ - id: "22C913B5AC1F448E" - type: "command" - command: "/title @p actionbar [{\"text\":\"Fast Travel Unlocked\",\"color\":\"yellow\"}]" - }] - } - ] - quest_links: [{ - linked_quest: "68F3DB988DCED32C" - x: -4.5d - y: -2.5d - id: "7DD043221A26E8C5" - }] -}