serialize is a simple bitpacking serializer for C++.
It has the following features:
- Serialize a bool with only one bit
- Serialize any integer value from [1,64] bits writing only that number of bits to the buffer
- Serialize signed integer values with [min,max] writing only the required bits to the buffer
- Serialize floats, doubles, compressed floats, strings, byte arrays, and integers relative to another integer
- Alignment support so you can align your bitstream to a byte boundary whenever you want
- Template based serialization system so you can write a unified serialize function instead of separate read and write functions
You can use the bitpacker directly:
const int BufferSize = 256;
uint8_t buffer[BufferSize];
serialize::BitWriter writer( buffer, BufferSize );
writer.WriteBits( 0, 1 );
writer.WriteBits( 1, 1 );
writer.WriteBits( 10, 8 );
writer.WriteBits( 255, 8 );
writer.WriteBits( 1000, 10 );
writer.WriteBits( 50000, 16 );
writer.WriteBits( 9999999, 32 );
const int bytesWritten = writer.GetBytesWritten();
serialize::BitReader reader( buffer, bytesWritten );
uint32_t a = reader.ReadBits( 1 );
uint32_t b = reader.ReadBits( 1 );
uint32_t c = reader.ReadBits( 8 );
uint32_t d = reader.ReadBits( 8 );
uint32_t e = reader.ReadBits( 10 );
uint32_t f = reader.ReadBits( 16 );
uint32_t g = reader.ReadBits( 32 );
Or you can write serialize methods for your types:
struct Vector
float x,y,z;
template <typename Stream> bool Serialize( Stream & stream )
serialize_float( stream, x );
serialize_float( stream, y );
serialize_float( stream, z );
return true;
struct Quaternion
float x,y,z,w;
template <typename Stream> bool Serialize( Stream & stream )
serialize_float( stream, x );
serialize_float( stream, y );
serialize_float( stream, z );
serialize_float( stream, w );
return true;
struct RigidBody
Vector position;
Quaternion orientation;
Vector linearVelocity;
Vector angularVelocity;
bool atRest;
template <typename Stream> bool Serialize( Stream & stream )
serialize_object( stream, position );
serialize_object( stream, orientation );
serialize_bool( stream, atRest );
if ( !atRest )
serialize_object( stream, linearVelocity );
serialize_object( stream, angularVelocity );
else if ( Stream::IsReading )
linearVelocity.x = linearVelocity.y = linearVelocity.z = 0.0;
angularVelocity.x = angularVelocity.y = angularVelocity.z = 0.0;
return true;
See example.cpp for more examples.
The author of this library is Glenn Fiedler.
Open source libraries by the same author include: netcode, reliable and yojimbo
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