Using the strategy pattern, you can register a strategy in Cedar for custom naming of your NFTs.
For example, we use the 'cyberpunk' naming strategy, so that our NFTs are named with real first and lastnames !
import {IResource} from "./classes";
import {EGender, Name} from "@undergroundsociety/cybername-gen";
import {INamingStrategy} from "./naming";
export class CyberpunkNamingStrategy implements INamingStrategy {
constructor() {
name: string = 'cyberpunk';
execute(resources: IResource[], edition: number): string {
const genderValue: string | undefined = resources.find(r => r.step === 'gender')?.attribute?.value
if (!genderValue) {
throw new Error('No gender attribute found.')
const gender = genderValue === 'male' ? EGender.male : EGender.female;
return new Name(gender).toString()
This is the cyberpunk naming strategy. As you can see it's fairly simple. It implements a custom interface and returns a string corresponding to the name that will be applied.
import {IResource} from "./classes";
import {INamingStrategy} from "./naming";
import * as customLib from '@customLib'
export class CustomNamingStrategy implements INamingStrategy {
constructor() {
name: string = 'custom-name';
execute(resources: IResource[], edition: number): string {
here goes your business logic
the `resources` parameter is an array of Resources.
These belong to the current NFT.
`edition` is the number of the current NFT.
For example let's assume you have a custom lib for name generation,
you could do something like that...
const firstname = customLib.generateFirstname()
const lastname = customLib.generateLastname()
return `${firstname} ${lastname}`
All you have to do is create a file in src/utils
, implement INamingStrategy
, add a custom name and implement your business logic.
Now you just have to register it.
import {INamingStrategy} from "./naming";
import {CyberpunkNamingStrategy} from "./cyberpunk.naming-strategy";
import {DefaultNamingStrategy} from "./default.naming-strategy";
export class NamingStrategiesRegistry {
private static _reg: Map<string, INamingStrategy> = new Map<string, INamingStrategy>([
['default', new DefaultNamingStrategy()],
['cyberpunk', new CyberpunkNamingStrategy()]
public static getDefault(): INamingStrategy {
return this._reg.get('default') ?? new DefaultNamingStrategy();
public static get(name: string): INamingStrategy {
if (!this._reg.has(name)) {
throw new Error(`Naming strategy ${name} not found`);
return this._reg.get(name) as INamingStrategy;
public static set(name: string, strategy: INamingStrategy): void {
this._reg.set(name, strategy);
Here is the naming strategies registry. Focus of the first private attribute _reg
You just have to add your custom strategy to this Map.
private static _reg: Map<string, INamingStrategy> = new Map<string, INamingStrategy>([
['default', new DefaultNamingStrategy()],
['cyberpunk', new CyberpunkNamingStrategy()],
['custom-name', new CustomNamingStrategy()],
Here you go, your strategy is registered. By putting 'custom-name' in the dedicated Options field in the config file, Cedar will be calling your custom strategy for the naming.