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File metadata and controls

233 lines (169 loc) · 5.84 KB



Pwntools is a popular software for binary exploitation. Usually, one doesn't want to run the binaries directly on the host system. The most common solution is probably to use a VM.
This project aims to split the debugging into two parts. One part runs on the host system and the other one in a somewhat secure docker environment. This makes it possible to run the potentially dangerous binary in docker while still being able to debug using gdb and pwntools from the host.


  • docker
  • gdb
  • pwntools

Container Setup

A pre-built container is available on Docker Hub.

docker pull ultimator14/pwn-docker

Alternatively you can build it yourself

cd container
docker pull archlinux:latest
docker build --no-cache -t pwn-docker .

Host Setup

  • Go to the directory where your binaries are
  • Copy and from the host folder to this directory
  • Run the container (possible without arguments) to get the container ip (default is
  • Edit the config and exploit section in the script
$ cd /path/to/mydir

$ ls
mybinfile mybinfile2 mybinfile3 ...

$ cp /path/to/pwn-docker/host/{exploit,pwndocker}.py .

$ docker run --tty --interactive --rm ultimator14/pwn-docker
-> write down the ip
-> Enter 0 to exit prompt

$ vi
-> edit the file

Debug and Exploit

Run the container with the binary as argument to be able to start gdbserver and pwntools listener

$ docker run --tty --interactive --rm -v "$PWD":/workdir -w /workdir ultimator14/pwn-docker ./mybinfile
-> Enter 2 or 3

Run on the host and start debugging

$ python

The container can run gdbserver and the pwntools listener in an endless loop. Therefore the usual workflow is

  • Start the container, use option 3
  • Debug on host
  • Exit debugging sesion on host
  • Optionally edit
  • Debug on host
  • ...


The default options used for gdb can be changed.

from pwndocker import GDBConfig, GEFConfig

conf = GDBConfig("./mybin")  # use gdb
#conf = GEFConfig("./mybin")  # use gef

# Change defaults here
conf.binary = "./mybin"
conf.ghost = ""
conf.gport = 4101

conf.terminal = ["gnome-terminal", "--"]
conf.gdb = ["gdb", "-q"]
conf.script = """
b main
conf.init_file = "~/.gdbinit"  # GEFConfig uses '~/.gdbinit-gef'

The default location for the gdb init file is set to ~/.gdbinit for GDBConfig and ~/.gdbinit-gef for GEFConfig. If the ~/.gdbinit-gef should be used, it must be permitted in the ~/.gdbinit by adding the line add-auto-load-safe-path /path/to/.gdbinit-gef.

Example ~/.gdbinit

set disassembly-flavor intel
set follow-fork-mode child
add-auto-load-safe-path /home/myuser/.gdbinit-gef

Example ~/.gdbinit-gef

set disassembly-flavor intel
set follow-fork-mode child
source /usr/share/gef/


  • If the binary crashes right at the beginning without executing any code, this is an indication that the binary file is not executable. This is then also displayed in the option menu.
  • If the binary crashes (e.g. with SIGTRAP) without any obvious reason right at the beginning before the actual code starts, this is an indicator that a library is missing. Use the Shell option and check the binary with ldd.
  • Disable ASLR on the host system with sysctl kernel.randomize_va_space=0 if required (docker doesn't have permission to change that per default)
  • For ease of use it's nice to have an alias for the container command
alias pwn-docker='docker run --tty --interactive --rm -v "$PWD":/workdir -w /workdir ultimator14/pwn-docker'


  • The current directory will be mounted in the container. A malicious binary could delete/encrypt/modify all files in the current directory and it's subdirectories. Therefore do always debug a binary from a directory which has no important files inside it's hierarchy.
  • Do not start the container without --tty --interactive. The container can only be stopped via tty or docker container stop <containename>
  • Docker uses the host kernel. Kernel panics in docker will also cause kernel panics on the host system
  • Arch Linux is used because of it's support for 32bit binaries
  • This was tested with a host running Gentoo Linux


Various examples for

Simple binary

from pwn import *
from pwndocker import GDBConfig, PwnGDBSession

BINARY = "./simplebin"
gdbconf = GDBConfig(BINARY)
gdbconf.script = """
b main

pwns = PwnGDBSession(BINARY, gdbconf)
sh = pwns.sh_init()

Server binary

from pwn import *
from pwndocker import GDBConfig, PwnGDBSession

BINARY = "./serverbin"
PORT = 1234  # port on which the binary listens

gdbconf = GDBConfig(BINARY)
gdbconf.script = """
b main

pwns = PwnGDBSession(BINARY, gdbconf)
sh_server, sh = pwns.sh_init_server(PORT)

Remote exploit

There is no benefit in using PwnRemoteSession. The function sh_init is equivalent to remote() from pwntools.
The class only exists to make it easy to switch between local and remote exploits.

from pwn import *
from pwndocker import PwnRemoteSession

BINARY = "./mybin"
RHOST = ""
RPORT = 1020

pwns = PwnRemoteSession(BINARY, RHOST, RPORT)
sh = pwns.sh_init_server(PORT)

Equivalent to

from pwn import *

RHOST = ""
RPORT = 1020

sh = remote(RHOST, RPORT)

Local exploit with custom container ip

from pwn import *
from pwndocker import GDBConfig, PwnGDBSession

BINARY = "./simplebin"
CHOST = ""

gdbconf = GDBConfig(BINARY, ghost=CHOST)
gdbconf.script = """
b main

pwns = PwnGDBSession(BINARY, gdbconf, chost=CHOST)
sh = pwns.sh_init()