The repository for the ultimate-huskies website.
This wordpress site uses a modern stack to make development easy and maintainable. So make sure you have the required tools installed. The used file structure is based on Bedrock to enable Composer for wordpress. Its also using Timber to make use of TWIG as templating engine.
- clone this repo
- install php dependencies
composer install
- it installs the last wordpress version
- it also installs all required wordpress plugins
- create environment file to fill in the required parameters to connect to your database
cp .env.example .env
- point your server to
- install theme dependencies
npm install
- it installs libs to convert less and coffeescript
Run to (auto)compile changed coffeescript and less files.
npm run watch
nom run build
nom run build:scripts
nom run build:styles
composer require <pkg>
composer update
npm install <pkg> [--save|--save-dev]
./node_modules/.bin/bower install <pkg> [--save|--save-dev]
- Create new branch from
branch - Do your changes
- Open PR against
- Squash merge with PR title following conventional commits
- Log into server and checkout master branch