diff --git a/doc/gradual_overhang_speed.svg b/doc/gradual_overhang_speed.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cec3bfbd83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/gradual_overhang_speed.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,857 @@
diff --git a/include/LayerPlan.h b/include/LayerPlan.h
index a4fcc1fc0a..149138e9cb 100644
--- a/include/LayerPlan.h
+++ b/include/LayerPlan.h
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class LayerPlan : public NoCopy
struct OverhangMask
- Shape mask;
+ Shape supported_region;
Ratio speed_ratio;
@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ class LayerPlan : public NoCopy
Comb* comb_;
coord_t comb_move_inside_distance_; //!< Whenever using the minimum boundary for combing it tries to move the coordinates inside by this distance after calculating the combing.
Shape bridge_wall_mask_; //!< The regions of a layer part that are not supported, used for bridging
- std::vector
- overhang_masks_; //!< The regions of a layer part where the walls overhang, calculated for multiple overhang angles. The latter is the most overhanging.
+ std::vector overhang_masks_; //!< The regions of a layer part where the walls overhang, calculated for multiple overhang angles. The latter is the most
+ //!< overhanging. For a visual explanation of the result, see doc/gradual_overhang_speed.svg
Shape seam_overhang_mask_; //!< The regions of a layer part where the walls overhang, specifically as defined for the seam
Shape roofing_mask_; //!< The regions of a layer part where the walls are exposed to the air
@@ -400,6 +400,17 @@ class LayerPlan : public NoCopy
const double fan_speed = GCodePathConfig::FAN_SPEED_DEFAULT,
const bool travel_to_z = true);
+ void addExtrusionMoveWithGradualOverhang(
+ const Point3LL& p,
+ const GCodePathConfig& config,
+ const SpaceFillType space_fill_type,
+ const Ratio& flow = 1.0_r,
+ const Ratio width_factor = 1.0_r,
+ const bool spiralize = false,
+ const Ratio speed_factor = 1.0_r,
+ const double fan_speed = GCodePathConfig::FAN_SPEED_DEFAULT,
+ const bool travel_to_z = true);
* Add polygon to the gcode starting at vertex \p startIdx
* \param polygon The polygon
@@ -1007,13 +1018,6 @@ class LayerPlan : public NoCopy
* \return The distance from the start of the current wall line to the first bridge segment
coord_t computeDistanceToBridgeStart(const ExtrusionLine& wall, const size_t current_index, const coord_t min_bridge_line_len) const;
- /*!
- * \brief Calculates whether the given segment is to be treated as overhanging
- * \param p0 The start point of the segment
- * \param p1 The end point of the segment
- */
- bool segmentIsOnOverhang(const Point3LL& p0, const Point3LL& p1) const;
} // namespace cura
diff --git a/include/geometry/Shape.h b/include/geometry/Shape.h
index 552325676f..4397036633 100644
--- a/include/geometry/Shape.h
+++ b/include/geometry/Shape.h
@@ -256,6 +256,14 @@ class Shape : public LinesSet
void simplify(ClipperLib::PolyFillType fill_type = ClipperLib::pftEvenOdd);
+ /*!
+ * Calculates the intersections between the given segment and all the segments of the shape
+ * @param start The start position of the segment
+ * @param end The end position of the segment
+ * @return The parameters of the intersections on the segment (intersection = start + t * (end - start)), unsorted
+ */
+ std::vector intersectionsWithSegment(const Point2LL& start, const Point2LL& end) const;
* @brief Import the polygon from a WKT string
diff --git a/src/FffGcodeWriter.cpp b/src/FffGcodeWriter.cpp
index e164cb475a..567e6d821a 100644
--- a/src/FffGcodeWriter.cpp
+++ b/src/FffGcodeWriter.cpp
@@ -3080,36 +3080,61 @@ bool FffGcodeWriter::processInsets(
- const auto get_overhang_region = [&](const AngleDegrees overhang_angle) -> Shape
+ const Shape fully_supported_region = outlines_below.offset(-half_outer_wall_width);
+ const Shape part_print_region = part.outline.offset(-half_outer_wall_width);
+ const auto get_supported_region = [&fully_supported_region, &layer_height](const AngleDegrees& overhang_angle) -> Shape
// the overhang mask is set to the area of the current part's outline minus the region that is considered to be supported
// the supported region is made up of those areas that really are supported by either model or support on the layer below
// expanded to take into account the overhang angle, the greater the overhang angle, the larger the supported area is
// considered to be
- const coord_t overhang_width = layer_height * std::tan(overhang_angle / (180 / std::numbers::pi));
- return part.outline.offset(-half_outer_wall_width).difference(outlines_below.offset(10 + overhang_width - half_outer_wall_width)).offset(10);
+ const coord_t overhang_width = layer_height * std::tan(AngleRadians(overhang_angle));
+ return fully_supported_region.offset(overhang_width + 10);
- // Build overhang masks for all the overhang speeds
+#warning remove SVG writing
+ SVG svg(fmt::format("/tmp/overhang_mask_{}.svg", gcode_layer.getLayerNr().value), storage.getMachineBorder(), 0.001);
+ svg.writePolygons(part.outline, SVG::Color::BLACK, 0.01);
+ // Build supported regions for all the overhang speeds. For a visual explanation of the result, see doc/gradual_overhang_speed.svg
std::vector overhang_masks;
const auto overhang_speed_factors = mesh.settings.get>("wall_overhang_speed_factors");
const size_t overhang_angles_count = overhang_speed_factors.size();
- if (overhang_angles_count > 0)
+ const auto wall_overhang_angle = mesh.settings.get("wall_overhang_angle");
+ if (overhang_angles_count > 0 && wall_overhang_angle < 90.0)
- const auto wall_overhang_angle = mesh.settings.get("wall_overhang_angle");
- if (wall_overhang_angle < 90.0)
+ const AngleDegrees overhang_step = (90.0 - wall_overhang_angle) / static_cast(overhang_angles_count);
+ for (size_t angle_index = 0; angle_index < overhang_angles_count; ++angle_index)
- const AngleDegrees overhang_step = (90.0 - wall_overhang_angle) / static_cast(overhang_angles_count);
- for (size_t angle_index = 0; angle_index < overhang_angles_count; ++angle_index)
- {
- const AngleDegrees actual_wall_overhang_angle = wall_overhang_angle + static_cast(angle_index) * overhang_step;
- overhang_masks.emplace_back(get_overhang_region(actual_wall_overhang_angle), overhang_speed_factors[angle_index]);
- }
+ const AngleDegrees actual_wall_overhang_angle = wall_overhang_angle + static_cast(angle_index) * overhang_step;
+ const Ratio speed_factor = angle_index == 0 ? 1.0_r : overhang_speed_factors[angle_index - 1];
+ overhang_masks.emplace_back(get_supported_region(actual_wall_overhang_angle), speed_factor);
+ }
+ // Add an empty region, which actually means everything and should be ignored anyway
+ overhang_masks.emplace_back(Shape(), overhang_speed_factors.back());
+ for (const auto& region : overhang_masks)
+ {
+ svg.writePolygons(region.supported_region, SVG::Color::RAINBOW, 0.01);
- gcode_layer.setSeamOverhangMask(get_overhang_region(mesh.settings.get("seam_overhang_angle")));
+ // the seam overhang mask is set to the area of the current part's outline minus the region that is considered to be supported,
+ // which will then be empty if everything is considered supported i.r.t. the angle
+ const AngleDegrees seam_overhang_angle = mesh.settings.get("seam_overhang_angle");
+ if (seam_overhang_angle < 90.0)
+ {
+ const Shape supported_region_seam = get_supported_region(seam_overhang_angle);
+ gcode_layer.setSeamOverhangMask(part_print_region.difference(supported_region_seam).offset(10));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ gcode_layer.setSeamOverhangMask(Shape());
+ }
const auto roofing_mask_fn = [&]() -> Shape
diff --git a/src/LayerPlan.cpp b/src/LayerPlan.cpp
index 170bcfa18b..0617d04a54 100644
--- a/src/LayerPlan.cpp
+++ b/src/LayerPlan.cpp
@@ -558,6 +558,124 @@ void LayerPlan::addExtrusionMove(
last_planned_position_ = p.toPoint2LL();
+void LayerPlan::addExtrusionMoveWithGradualOverhang(
+ const Point3LL& p,
+ const GCodePathConfig& config,
+ const SpaceFillType space_fill_type,
+ const Ratio& flow,
+ const Ratio width_factor,
+ const bool spiralize,
+ const Ratio speed_factor,
+ const double fan_speed,
+ const bool travel_to_z)
+ const auto add_extrusion_move = [&](const Point3LL& target, const Ratio& overhang_speed_factor = 1.0_r)
+ {
+ addExtrusionMove(target, config, space_fill_type, flow, width_factor, spiralize, speed_factor * overhang_speed_factor, fan_speed, travel_to_z);
+ };
+ if (overhang_masks_.empty() || ! last_planned_position_.has_value())
+ {
+ // Unable to apply gradual overhanging (probably just disabled), just add the basic extrusion move
+ add_extrusion_move(p);
+ return;
+ }
+ // First, find the speed region where the segment starts
+ const Point2LL start = last_planned_position_.value();
+ size_t actual_speed_region_index = overhang_masks_.size() - 1; // Default to last region, which is infinity and beyond
+ for (const auto& [index, overhang_region] : overhang_masks_ | ranges::views::drop_last(1) | ranges::views::enumerate)
+ {
+ if (overhang_region.supported_region.inside(start, true))
+ {
+ actual_speed_region_index = index;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Pre-calculate the intersections of the segment with all regions (except last one, you cannot intersect an infinite plane)
+ const Point2LL end = p.toPoint2LL();
+ const Point2LL vector = end - start;
+ std::vector> speed_regions_intersections;
+ speed_regions_intersections.reserve(overhang_masks_.size() - 1);
+ for (const OverhangMask& overhang_region : overhang_masks_ | ranges::views::drop_last(1))
+ {
+ std::vector intersections = overhang_region.supported_region.intersectionsWithSegment(start, end);
+ ranges::sort(intersections);
+ speed_regions_intersections.push_back(intersections);
+ if (! intersections.empty())
+ {
+ spdlog::debug("coucou");
+ }
+ }
+ const auto remove_previous_intersections = [&speed_regions_intersections](const float current_intersection)
+ {
+ for (std::vector& intersections : speed_regions_intersections)
+ {
+ auto iterator = ranges::find_if(
+ intersections,
+ [¤t_intersection](const float next_intersection)
+ {
+ return next_intersection > current_intersection;
+ });
+ intersections.erase(intersections.begin(), iterator);
+ }
+ };
+ // Now move along segment and split it where we cross speed regions
+ while (true)
+ {
+ // First, see if we cross either the border or our current region (go out) or the border of the inner region (go in)
+ auto get_first_intersection = [](const std::vector* intersections) -> std::optional
+ {
+ return intersections != nullptr && ! intersections->empty() ? std::make_optional(intersections->front()) : std::nullopt;
+ };
+ std::vector* intersections_current_region
+ = actual_speed_region_index < speed_regions_intersections.size() ? &speed_regions_intersections[actual_speed_region_index] : nullptr;
+ const std::optional first_intersection_current_region = get_first_intersection(intersections_current_region);
+ std::vector* intersections_inner_region = actual_speed_region_index > 0 ? &speed_regions_intersections[actual_speed_region_index - 1] : nullptr;
+ const std::optional first_intersection_inner_region = get_first_intersection(intersections_inner_region);
+ if (first_intersection_current_region.has_value() || first_intersection_inner_region.has_value())
+ {
+ float intersection_parameter;
+ size_t next_speed_region_index;
+ if (first_intersection_current_region.has_value()
+ && (! first_intersection_inner_region.has_value() || first_intersection_inner_region.value() > first_intersection_current_region.value()))
+ {
+ // We crossed the border of the current region, which means we are getting out of it to an outer region
+ intersection_parameter = first_intersection_current_region.value();
+ next_speed_region_index = actual_speed_region_index + 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We crossed the border of the inner region, which means we are getting inside of it
+ intersection_parameter = first_intersection_inner_region.value();
+ next_speed_region_index = actual_speed_region_index - 1;
+ }
+ // Move to intersection at current region speed
+ const Point2LL split_position = start + vector * intersection_parameter;
+ add_extrusion_move(split_position, overhang_masks_[actual_speed_region_index].speed_ratio);
+ // Prepare for next move in different region
+ actual_speed_region_index = next_speed_region_index;
+ remove_previous_intersections(intersection_parameter);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We cross no border, which means we can reach the end of the segment within the current speed region, so we are done
+ add_extrusion_move(p, overhang_masks_[actual_speed_region_index].speed_ratio);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
void LayerPlan::addWipeTravel(const PathAdapter& path, const coord_t wipe_distance, const bool backwards, const size_t start_index, const Point2LL& last_path_position)
@@ -732,8 +850,6 @@ void LayerPlan::addWallLine(
const coord_t min_bridge_line_len = settings.get("bridge_wall_min_length");
const Ratio bridge_wall_coast = settings.get("bridge_wall_coast");
- const Ratio overhang_speed_factor = settings.get("wall_overhang_speed_factor");
- const auto overhang_speed_factors = settings.get>("wall_overhang_speed_factors");
Point3LL cur_point = p0;
@@ -799,14 +915,14 @@ void LayerPlan::addWallLine(
// no coasting required, just normal segment using non-bridge config
- addExtrusionMove(
+ addExtrusionMoveWithGradualOverhang(
- segmentIsOnOverhang(p0, p1) ? overhang_speed_factor : speed_factor,
+ speed_factor,
@@ -816,14 +932,14 @@ void LayerPlan::addWallLine(
// no coasting required, just normal segment using non-bridge config
- addExtrusionMove(
+ addExtrusionMoveWithGradualOverhang(
- segmentIsOnOverhang(p0, p1) ? overhang_speed_factor : speed_factor,
+ speed_factor,
@@ -921,14 +1037,14 @@ void LayerPlan::addWallLine(
else if (bridge_wall_mask_.empty())
// no bridges required
- addExtrusionMove(
+ addExtrusionMoveWithGradualOverhang(
- segmentIsOnOverhang(p0, p1) ? overhang_speed_factor : speed_factor,
+ speed_factor,
@@ -1948,15 +2064,6 @@ void LayerPlan::addLinesInGivenOrder(
-bool LayerPlan::segmentIsOnOverhang(const Point3LL& p0, const Point3LL& p1) const
- // const OpenPolyline segment{ p0.toPoint2LL(), p1.toPoint2LL() };
- // const OpenLinesSet intersected_lines = overhang_mask_.intersection(OpenLinesSet{ segment });
- // return ! intersected_lines.empty() && (static_cast(intersected_lines.length()) / segment.length()) > 0.5;
- return false;
void LayerPlan::sendLineTo(const GCodePath& path, const Point3LL& position, const double extrude_speed)
diff --git a/src/geometry/Shape.cpp b/src/geometry/Shape.cpp
index 61d029c4e2..b16d68b336 100644
--- a/src/geometry/Shape.cpp
+++ b/src/geometry/Shape.cpp
@@ -890,6 +890,25 @@ void Shape::simplify(ClipperLib::PolyFillType fill_type)
+std::vector Shape::intersectionsWithSegment(const Point2LL& start, const Point2LL& end) const
+ std::vector result;
+ for (const Polygon& polygon : getLines())
+ {
+ for (auto iterator = polygon.beginSegments(); iterator != polygon.endSegments(); ++iterator)
+ {
+ float t, u;
+ if (LinearAlg2D::segmentSegmentIntersection(start, end, (*iterator).start, (*iterator).end, t, u))
+ {
+ result.push_back(t);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
void Shape::ensureManifold()
std::vector duplicate_locations;