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84 lines (68 loc) · 3.41 KB


A simple, lightweight, and easy-to-use chess desktop application. Allows support for a two-player game of chess with loading from a FEN string.

Special Rules Implemented

  • En Passant Capture
  • Castling
  • Pawn Promotion
  • Fifty-Move Rule
  • Threefold Repetition Draw
  • Stalemate Draw



ChessBoardController: Controls ChessBoard.fxml view

MainController: Controls Main.fxml view



The main driver of program logic.

Significant Methods:

  • isLegalPosition(): Detects if the game was set up in a legal position
  • getPseudoLegalMoves(PieceColor color): Return the list of pseudo legal moves for a player
  • getLegalMoves(): Return the lsit of legal moves for this position
  • isLegalMove(Move move): Returns whether or not a move is legal
  • pushMove(Move move): Puts a legal move onto the board
  • popMove(): Undoes most recent move
  • setPieceAt(Coordinate coordinate, Piece piece): Changes piece at a coordinate
  • getPieceAt(Coordinate coordinate): Gets the piece at a coordinate
  • isCheckmate(): Returns if current position is checkmate
  • isDraw(): Returns if game is a draw (stalemate, insufficient material, 50 move rule, 3fold repetition)
  • loadFromFEN(String fen): Sets this game's FEN to FEN passed
  • getFEN(): Returns this game's current FEN

A wrapper around two coordinates.

Significant Methods:

  • equals(Move other): Returns if other is equal to this Move
  • getRowDifference(): Returns the difference between source and destination rows
  • getColDifference(): Returns the difference between source and destination columns
  • getFromCoordinate(): Returns the source coordinate
  • getToCoordinate(): Returns the destination coordinate

An abstract class that defines static constants for each piece type moves. Classes that extend MoveGenerator:

  • Rider: Pieces that "ride" in one direction until they hit another piece or a bound
  • Hopper: Pieces that may move regardless of other piece in their path

An interface that provides functionality to objects on a board that can be moved (i.e., pieces).

Method to implement:

  • getPseudoLegalMoves(Game game, Coordinate coordinate): Returns a List of Moves that the piece may possibly make (legal and illegal)
  • getLegalMoves(Game game, Coordinate coordinate): Returns a List of Moves that the piece is actually allowed to make

An enumeration that implements the Movable interface.

Significant Methods:

  • isAlliedWith(Piece other): Returns whether this peice is the same color as other
  • getPseudoLegalMoves(Game game, Coordinate coordinate): Returns a List of pseudo legal moves
  • getLegalMoves(Game game, Coordinate coordinate): Returns a List of legal moves

A wrapper a around a pair (row/column) of a square.

Significant Methods:

  • isInBounds(): Returns whether this Coordinate is within bounds of chess board
  • getAlgebraicNotation(): Returns the algebraic notation of this Coordinate as a string
  • offset(int dRow, int dCol): Returns a new Coordinate based on a row and column offset from this Coordinate
Other Enumeration Classes
  • PieceColor: The color (side) of a piece
  • Side: The side of the board, i.e., (king/queen)side
Exception Classes

Exception classes are used for communicating if a FEN entered through the GUI is invalid.

  • abstract IllegalPositionException
    • PositionIsCheckmateException
    • PositionIsDrawException
    • PositionIsInsufficientMaterialException