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Tools to facilitate the readout of HGCal modules using UMN-produced DAQ hardware

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HGCal-RPi provides tools to facilitate the readout of UMN-produced DAQ hardware for beam tests of prototype HGCal modules.

The computer where this repository is cloned acts as the central hub for the Raspberry Pis. The 'hub' computer remotely starts and stops the readout helper processes on the Pis. The Raspberry Pi software and ORM firmware are copied out from the hub at the start of each run using rsync, ensuring each is running the latest versions. Boards are designated as readout or sync in etc/rdoutpis and etc/syncpis, and their respective code and firmware are in the rdout/ and sync/ directories.

Table of Contents


  • Server Software
    • Bash
      • Used to run all of the scripts (each expects bash in /bin/bash).
      • Version must be >= 4 for readarray support. Bash 4.1.2 is what has been used for the beam tests.
    • GNU Parallel
      • Used in some scripts to remotely execute software on the pis and automatically format the output.
      • GNU Parallel must also be installed on the Raspberry Pis.
      • All scripts can be modified to not use parallel at all, if necessary. This removes the requirement for GNU Parallel on the Raspberry Pis as well.
      • Version 20150522 was used during the beam tests, though most (if not all) versions should work.
        • Needs support for running over ssh and the --sshloginfile options.
    • rsync
      • Used to sync the server software and firmware with the Raspberry Pis.
      • Version 3.0.6 was used during the beam tests, though most (if not all) versions should work.
  • Raspberry Pi Software
    • The Raspbian OS should provide gcc, bash, and others.
    • GNU Parallel
      • Required for the parallel scripts on the server to work correctly.
    • bcm2835 C Library
      • Required to communicate with the FPGAs and other devices on the readout/sync boards.


0. System Configuration

For these instructions, we have assumed a 'dummy' setup, consisting of:

  • Two readout boards with Raspberry Pi ssh aliases piR1 and piR2. There are two hexaboards connected to the top two ports of both readout boards.
  • One sync board with Raspberry Pi ssh alias piS We assume the network has been set up correctly, ssh keys have been copied, and all requirements have been installed. You can see the test beam branches for examples of real configurations.

1. Setup

Modify etc/rdoutpis and etc/syncpis to contain the ssh aliases of the Raspberry Pis on your readout and sync boards. You should have the following in etc/rdoutpis:


And in etc/syncpis:


2. Start

After setup, run ./reset to get the Pis ready for data taking. Once the script finishes, you will be ready to take data through IPBus.

The reset script encompasses the following steps:

1. Stop Previously Running Executables

All running executables on the Pis are stopped with ./stop_pi_exes.

An error message will be printed if this was unsuccessful on a Pi. If this is unsuccessful, you should reboot the misbehaving Pis.

2. Power Cycle

The ORMs on each readout board are power cycled with ./etc/pwr_cycle. This creates a log file pwr.log on each readout board.

If a power cycle fails, an error message will be printed. Usually, this fails because the ORM is not receiving a stable clock. If there is a failure, first make sure the sync board is on. If it is on, try unplugging/replugging the sync board HDMI cables on both ends. If this fails, reboot the misbehaving Pis and try again. If none of the above steps work, there has either been corruption in the ORM configuration stored in the EEPROM, or the ORM is broken. You can try programming the ORMs with etc/prog_orms, but if that does not work, you will have to reflash through JTAG or replace the ORM.

3. IPBus Setup

The IPBus firmware on the ORMs is configured with ./setup_ipbus. This creates a log file ip.log on each readout board. You can program the ORMs during this step with the DOPROG variable. The board number starts from 0 and increments while it iterates through etc/rdoutpis.

  • The board with piR1 will have board number 0 (IP by default).
  • The board with piR2 will have board number 1 (IP by default). The IP is determined in rdout/src/set_ipbus_ip.c - currently, the structure is 192.168.222.[200 + BOARD NUMBER]. After setting the IP addresses, the etc/wait_for_ping script is run to wait until all boards appear on the network.

An error message will be printed if this was unsuccessful on a Pi. If this fails, follow the same debugging steps as seen in the power cycle section.

4. Start Executables

The script start_pi_exes is run to start the executables on the Pis. This creates a log file rdout.log on readout boards and sync.log on sync boards.

If the process was not started (i.e. there is no pid for the process), the script will print an error message. Check the rdout.log file on the misbehaving Pis to see if the hexaboards failed to configure. This may indicate a bad module, bad cable, or bad HDMI port.

5. Check Hexaboard Connections

The script etc/hexbd_conn is run to display a printout of the connected hexaboards. An example printout is below for the dummy setup, with comments after the #:

piR1:   0x0000 0x00ff (2 hexbds)    # top two hexaboards show all four skirocs - one bit per skiroc
piR2:   0x0000 0x00ff (2 hexbds)    # top->bottom on the readout board is right->left here
total:  2 hexbds

If there are any boards with < 1 hexbd, the printout will be red. If you see any with -1, this means the executable was not started.


There are two main files: new_rdout.c located in rdout/src/ and sync_debug.c in sync/src/. These two files act as helpers to facilitate the data collection process with IPBus. Both need to be started on each sync/readout board during each data-taking session. They do not necessarily need to be restarted for each run.


This program prints out statistics to help with debugging while a run is being taken. A typical printout is as follows (with comments after the hashes):

# these lines are printed at startup
version = 0x1105                                    # the fw version
constant = 0xbeef 0xdead                            # general constants
dummy = 0x1234 0xabcd
delay = 0x0008                                      # clock delay
cables_mask = 0x1000                                # mask showing connected cables
rdout_mask = 0x1000                                 # user-provided mask
max_count = 0x0000 0x0000
enable_veto = 0                                     # accept/ignore vetos
enable_trig = 1                                     # same for triggers

# these lines are printed once per loop
cables_mask = 0x1000
rdout_mask = 0x1000
loop =   0, waiting_for_trig = 0                    # are we waiting for the next trigger?
loop =   0, veto1 = 0                               # current veto status
loop =   0, veto2 = 0
loop =   0, rdout_done = 0                          # is the current readout done?
loop =   0, trig_reset = 0
loop =   0, maxed_out = 0
loop =   0, hold= 0xefff                            # mask telling which rdout boards are on hold
loop =   0, trigger = 0x0000 0x03e9       1001      # trigger count


This program facilitates the IPBus readout. At startup, resets are performed and general information is printed. During each iteration of the event loop, the following actions are performed:

  1. Each hexaboard is sent the reset command (CMD_RESETPULSE)
  2. Each hexaboard is sent the command to start acquisition (CMD_SETSTARTACQ)
  3. The CTL's FIFOs are reset
  4. The Raspberry Pi sends the RDOUT_DONE signal to the syncboard, indicating we are ready for the next trigger
  5. We wait for a trigger
  6. Once we have recieved a trigger, each hexaboard is sent the start conversion command (CMD_STARTCONPUL) and then the start readout command (CMD_STARTROPUL)
  7. We wait until the FIFO is empty, as an empty FIFO indicates that the IPBus readout is complete and we can safely move on to the next event. This process is repeated for each event until the data taking is complete.

An example output is as follows (with comments after the hashes):

# General Info Printouts
date_stamp = 0x0000 0x0000                  # currently used for trigger OK - see above
ctl firmware version = 0x3002               # firmware versions
orm_0 firmware version = 0x2002
orm_1 firmware version = 0x2002
orm_2 firmware version = 0x2002
orm_3 firmware version = 0x2002
CTL constant = 0xbeef 0xdead                # general constants
dummy = 0x0000 0x0000
block_size = 30720                          # size of a block of data in 32-bit words
emptying local fifos (partially)...done.

# this section provides hexaboard information
hexbd: 0
hexbd: 0, queue error = 0                   # if any errors are 1, the hexaboard is not active
hexbd: 0, fifo error = 0
hexbd: 0, loop error = 1
hexbd: 1
hexbd: 1, queue error = 0                   # loop error is the most common - it means that
hexbd: 1, fifo error = 0                    # the cable is disconnected (i.e. no hexaboard)
hexbd: 1, loop error = 1
hexbd: 2
hexbd: 2, queue error = 0
hexbd: 2, fifo error = 0
hexbd: 2, loop error = 1
hexbd: 3
hexbd: 3, queue error = 0
hexbd: 3, fifo error = 0
hexbd: 3, loop error = 1
hexbd: 4
hexbd: 4, queue error = 0                   # this board is OK!
hexbd: 4, fifo error = 0                    # compare this to hexbd_mask and skiroc_mask below
hexbd: 4, loop error = 0
hexbd: 5
hexbd: 5, queue error = 0
hexbd: 5, fifo error = 0
hexbd: 5, loop error = 1
hexbd: 6
hexbd: 6, queue error = 0
hexbd: 6, fifo error = 0
hexbd: 6, loop error = 1
hexbd: 7
hexbd: 7, queue error = 0
hexbd: 7, fifo error = 0
hexbd: 7, loop error = 1

hexbd_mask = 0x10                           # bitmask to tell you which hexaboards are online
skiroc_mask = 0x000f 0x0000                 # bitmask to tell you which skirocs are online
Configuring hexbd 4...done.                 # hexaboard configuration (done for all active modules)

Emptying local fifos (partially)...done.
date_stamp = 0x3434 0xaabb                  # dummy date stamp

Start events acquisition
block_size = 30000
skiroc_mask = 0x000f 0x0000

Power Cycling

The script to power cycle the ORMs is etc/pwr_cycle. This power cycles all 4 data ORMs and the CTL ORM on each readout board. There is a small hardware modification on the RDOUTv2 boards that allow them to keep the hexaboards powered. These boards must use the rdout/bin/pwr_cycle_v2 power cycling executable, while the original v1 boards use rdout/bin/pwr_cycle_v1 The hexaboards do not recieve a clock while the ORMs are power cycling in the case of the v2 boards. Be sure that the hexaboards turn back on before taking data - sometimes they may need to be warmed up before they will start up.

FPGA Programming

The ORMs can be reprogrammed using the etc/prog_orms script. This programs all of the readout and sync board ORMs. The rdout/prog_rdout and sync/prog_sync scripts get run on the Pis over ssh - these contain the names of the firmware to be used. You can also check the Current Software/Firmware section for the hex files to use; this should be updated whenever there is new firmware. If programming an ORM fails, you will be notified. You can check the prog.log file on the Pi where the programming failed to see what went wrong. Make sure any executables are stopped before running this script.

Setting IPBus IP

The IPBus IP addresses on each ctl ORM are set during execution of setup_ipbus, which calls rdout/set_ipbus_ip on the Pis. The IP form is currently 192.168.222.[200+BOARD NUMBER] where the board number is determined by the position of the Pi's alias in etc/config (starting from 0). This can be changed in rdout/src/set_ipbus_ip.c. This script will print an error message and exit if the IP setting fails for some reason. You can check ip.log on the board that failed to see what happened.

Current Software/Firmware

These are the current versions:


  • CTL ORM: ctl_orm_cs.hex
  • DATA ORM: data_orm_dly.hex
  • SYNC ORM: sync_orm_busy2.hex

Hexaboard Config Strings

char prog_string[48] =
{   0xda, 0xa0, 0xf9, 0x32, 0xe0, 0xc1, 0x2c, 0xe0, 0x98, 0xb0, \
    0x40, 0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x0,  0x1f, 0xff, \
    0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, \
    0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, \
    0xff, 0xff, 0xe9, 0xd7, 0xae, 0xba, 0x80, 0x25


Tools to facilitate the readout of HGCal modules using UMN-produced DAQ hardware






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