diff --git a/custom_cards/custom_card_person_info_small/README.md b/custom_cards/custom_card_person_info_small/README.md
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index 000000000..ef9c16bcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/custom_cards/custom_card_person_info_small/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+title: Person Info Card
+## Description
+![Person Info](../../docs/assets/img/custom_card_person_info_small_dark.png)
+![Person Info](../../docs/assets/img/custom_card_person_info_small_light.png)
+The `custom_card_person_info_small` is based on `card_person_info`.
+## Credits
+- Author: Imaginelenses <@imaginelenses>
+- Based on [person info card](https://ui-lovelace-minimalist.github.io/UI/usage/custom_cards/custom_card_person_info/#variables) by Jordan Janzen <@jordandrako>
+- Version: 1.0.0
+## Variables
+| Variable | Default | Required | Notes |
+| -------------------------------------------- | -------------------- | ---------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| ulm_card_person_entity | | :material-check: | The person entity |
+| ulm_card_person_use_entity_picture | true | :material-close: | If you set this to true, the card shows the entity picture from your user, otherwise (set to false) shows the icon. Default is false. |
+| ulm_card_person_zone1 | | :material-close: | Set another zone (beside "home") to use for the card. You can set up two zones besides "home". |
+| ulm_card_person_zone2 | | :material-close: | Set another zone (beside "home") to use for the card. You can set up two zones besides "home". |
+| ulm_address | | :material-close: | Show an address as label, add an entity with a geo location |
+| ulm_card_person_driving_entity | | :material-close: | Set a binary sensor that depicts when this person is driving |
+| ulm_card_person_battery_entity | | :material-close: | Set a battery level sensor |
+| ulm_card_person_battery_state_entity | | :material-close: | Set a battery state sensor (eg the battery state sensor from the home assistant companion app will have the states "charging" or "discharging") |
+| ulm_card_battery_battery_level_danger | 15 | :material-close: | Changes the color of the Icon, if the battery level falls below the provided value. Must be higher than ulm_card_battery_battery_level_waring
+| ulm_card_battery_battery_level_waring | 30 | :material-close: | Changes the color of the Icon, if the battery level falls below the provided value.
+| ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_danger | var(--google-red) | :material-close: | Color of icon if battery level is within the 'danger' zone.
+| ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_warning | var(--google-yellow) | :material-close: | Color of icon if battery level is within the 'warning' zone.
+| ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_ok | var(--google-green) | :material-close: | Color of icon if battery level is not within the 'danger' or 'warning' zone.
+## Usage
+- type: "custom:button-card"
+ template: card_person_info_small
+ variables:
+ ulm_card_person_entity: person.imaginelenses
+ ulm_card_person_zone1: zone.work
+ ulm_card_person_driving_entity: binary_sensor.driving
+ ulm_card_person_battery_entity: sensor.phone_battery_level
+ ulm_card_person_battery_state_entity: sensor.phone_battery_state
+## Template Code
+??? note "Template Code"
+ ```yaml title="custom_card_person_info_small.yaml"
+ --8<-- "custom_cards/custom_card_person_info_small/custom_card_person_info_small.yaml"
+ ```
diff --git a/custom_cards/custom_card_person_info_small/custom_card_person_info_small.yaml b/custom_cards/custom_card_person_info_small/custom_card_person_info_small.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b593518c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/custom_cards/custom_card_person_info_small/custom_card_person_info_small.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+ template:
+ - "icon_info_bg"
+ - "ulm_translation_engine"
+ variables:
+ ulm_card_person_use_entity_picture: true
+ ulm_card_person_zone1: ""
+ ulm_card_person_zone2: ""
+ ulm_card_person_icon: "mdi:face-man"
+ ulm_address: ""
+ ulm_address_locality: ""
+ ulm_card_person_driving_entity: ""
+ ulm_card_person_battery_entity: ""
+ ulm_card_person_battery_state_entity: ""
+ ulm_card_battery_battery_level_danger: 15
+ ulm_card_battery_battery_level_warning: 30
+ ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_danger: "var(--google-red)"
+ ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_warning: "var(--google-yellow)"
+ ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_ok: "var(--google-green)"
+ triggers_update: "all"
+ tap_action:
+ action: "more-info"
+ entity: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_person_entity; ]]]"
+ hold_action:
+ action: "more-info"
+ entity: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_person_battery_entity; ]]]"
+ show_label: true
+ show_name: true
+ label: >
+ [[[
+ if (variables.ulm_address){
+ return states[variables.ulm_address].state;
+ } else if (variables.ulm_address_locality){
+ return states[variables.ulm_address_locality].attributes.Locality;
+ }
+ else if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_driving_entity]?.state === "on") {
+ let state = states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state;
+ return `Driving - ${variables.ulm_translation_state}`;
+ } else {
+ let state = states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state;
+ return hass.resources[hass["language"]]["component.person.entity_component._.state." + state] ? hass.resources[hass["language"]]["component.person.entity_component._.state." + state] : state;
+ }
+ ]]]
+ name: "[[[ return states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].attributes.friendly_name ]]]"
+ entity: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_person_entity; ]]]"
+ icon: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_person_icon; ]]]"
+ show_entity_picture: "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_person_use_entity_picture ]]]"
+ entity_picture:
+ "[[[ return variables.ulm_card_person_use_entity_picture != false ? states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].attributes.entity_picture\
+ \ : null ]]]"
+ styles:
+ grid:
+ - grid-template-areas: "'i battery' 'n n' 'l l'"
+ icon:
+ - color: "rgba(var(--color-theme),0.9)"
+ - width: "42px"
+ - place-self: "start"
+ name:
+ - place-self: "center"
+ - margin-left: 0
+ - margin-top: "6%"
+ label:
+ - place-self: "center"
+ - margin-left: 0
+ - text-transform: "capitalize"
+ custom_fields:
+ notification:
+ - position: "absolute"
+ - top: "7%"
+ - left: "38px"
+ - height: "16px"
+ - width: "16px"
+ - border: "2px solid var(--card-background-color)"
+ - border-radius: "50%"
+ - font-size: "12px"
+ - line-height: "14px"
+ - background-color: >
+ [[[
+ if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state == 'home') {
+ return "rgba(var(--color-blue),1)";
+ } else {
+ return "rgba(var(--color-yellow),1)";
+ }
+ ]]]
+ battery:
+ - width: "30px"
+ - height: "30px"
+ - place-self: "end"
+ - align-self: "center"
+ - background-color: "rgba(var(--primary-background-color), 0.5)"
+ - border: "2px solid var(--card-background-color)"
+ - border-radius: "50%"
+ custom_fields:
+ notification: >
+ [[[
+ let height = "11px";
+ let width = "11px";
+ if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state !== 'home') {
+ if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state === states[variables.ulm_card_person_zone1]?.attributes?.friendly_name) {
+ var icon = states[variables.ulm_card_person_zone1].attributes.icon !== null ? states[variables.ulm_card_person_zone1].attributes.icon : 'mdi:help-circle'
+ return ``;
+ } else if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_entity].state === states[variables.ulm_card_person_zone2]?.attributes?.friendly_name) {
+ var icon = states[variables.ulm_card_person_zone2].attributes.icon !== null ? states[variables.ulm_card_person_zone2].attributes.icon : 'mdi:help-circle'
+ return ``;
+ } else {
+ return ``;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return ``;
+ }
+ ]]]
+ battery: >
+ [[[
+ if (states[variables.ulm_card_person_battery_entity]?.state) {
+ let battery_level = states[variables.ulm_card_person_battery_entity]?.state;
+ battery_level = Number(battery_level);
+ let charging = states[variables.ulm_card_person_battery_state_entity]?.state.toLowerCase() === "charging";
+ var infix = charging ? "-charging" : ""
+ let icon = "mdi:help-circle-outline";
+ if (battery_level == 100) {
+ icon = "mdi:battery";
+ } else if (battery_level < 10) {
+ icon = "mdi:battery" + infix + "-outline";
+ } else if (battery_level == "unknown" || battery_level == "unavailable") {
+ icon = "mdi:battery-off";
+ } else {
+ icon = "mdi:battery" + infix + "-" + Math.floor(battery_level / 10) * 10;
+ }
+ let color = variables.ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_ok;
+ if (battery_level !== "unavailable") {
+ if (battery_level <= variables.ulm_card_battery_battery_level_danger) {
+ color = variables.ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_danger;
+ } else if (battery_level <= variables.ulm_card_battery_battery_level_warning) {
+ color = variables.ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_warning;
+ } else {
+ color = variables.ulm_card_battery_color_battery_level_ok;
+ }
+ }
+ return `
+ `;
+ }
+ ]]]
diff --git a/docs/assets/img/custom_card_person_info_small_dark.png b/docs/assets/img/custom_card_person_info_small_dark.png
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/assets/img/custom_card_person_info_small_light.png differ