diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 423d578..522edc2 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -175,4 +175,4 @@ commands will be available on subject pages.
## Licence
-See [LICENSE.txt](`./LICENSE.txt`)
+See [LICENSE.txt](./LICENSE.txt)
diff --git a/email_listmode.json b/email_listmode.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd6d2ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/email_listmode.json
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ "name": "email-listmode",
+ "description": "Send email with listmode warnings",
+ "label": "Send email with listmode warnings",
+ "version": "1.0",
+ "schema-version": "1.0",
+ "type": "docker",
+ "command-line": "email_listmode #PROJECTID# #EMAILLIST#",
+ "image": "ghcr.io/ucl-mirsg/drc-containers:latest",
+ "override-entrypoint": true,
+ "mounts": [],
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "PROJECTID",
+ "description": "Project ID",
+ "type": "string",
+ "user-settable": false,
+ "required": true,
+ "replacement-key": "#PROJECTID#"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "EMAILLIST",
+ "description": "Comma separated list of email addresses",
+ "type": "string",
+ "user-settable": true,
+ "required": true,
+ "replacement-key": "#EMAILLIST#"
+ }
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "xnat": [
+ {
+ "name": "project-email-listmode",
+ "label": "Send email with listmode warnings",
+ "description": "Send email with listmode warnings",
+ "contexts": ["xnat:projectData"],
+ "external-inputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "project",
+ "description": "Input project",
+ "type": "Project",
+ "required": true,
+ "load-children": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "derived-inputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "project-id",
+ "type": "string",
+ "derived-from-wrapper-input": "project",
+ "derived-from-xnat-object-property": "id",
+ "provides-value-for-command-input": "PROJECTID",
+ "user-settable": false,
+ "required": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "output-handlers": []
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/email_radreads.json b/email_radreads.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c18fcea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/email_radreads.json
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ "name": "email-radreads",
+ "description": "Send email listing sessions without radreads",
+ "label": "Send email listing sessions without radreads",
+ "version": "1.0",
+ "schema-version": "1.0",
+ "type": "docker",
+ "command-line": "email_radreads #PROJECTID# #EMAILLIST#",
+ "image": "ghcr.io/ucl-mirsg/drc-containers:latest",
+ "override-entrypoint": true,
+ "mounts": [],
+ "inputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "PROJECTID",
+ "description": "Project ID",
+ "type": "string",
+ "user-settable": false,
+ "required": true,
+ "replacement-key": "#PROJECTID#"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "EMAILLIST",
+ "description": "Comma separated list of email addresses",
+ "type": "string",
+ "user-settable": true,
+ "required": true,
+ "replacement-key": "#EMAILLIST#"
+ }
+ ],
+ "outputs": [],
+ "xnat": [
+ {
+ "name": "project-email-radreads",
+ "label": "Send email listing sessions without radreads",
+ "description": "Send email listing sessions without radreads",
+ "contexts": ["xnat:projectData"],
+ "external-inputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "project",
+ "description": "Input project",
+ "type": "Project",
+ "required": true,
+ "load-children": false
+ }
+ ],
+ "derived-inputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "project-id",
+ "type": "string",
+ "derived-from-wrapper-input": "project",
+ "derived-from-xnat-object-property": "id",
+ "provides-value-for-command-input": "PROJECTID",
+ "user-settable": false,
+ "required": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "output-handlers": []
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 9504c5a..83db594 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -6,9 +6,11 @@ dependencies = [
name = "drc-containers"
requires-python = ">3.10"
-version = "0.0.1"
+version = "0.0.2"
+email_listmode = "drc_containers:email_listmode.main"
+email_radreads = "drc_containers:email_radreads.main"
share_subject_to_genetic_project = "drc_containers:share_subject_to_genetic_project.main"
diff --git a/src/drc_containers/email_listmode.py b/src/drc_containers/email_listmode.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d229e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/drc_containers/email_listmode.py
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+import sys
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from pyxnat import Interface
+from pyxnat.core.resources import Experiments
+from drc_containers.xnat_utils.email import send_email
+from drc_containers.xnat_utils.xnat_credentials import (
+ open_pyxnat_session,
+ XnatContainerCredentials,
+ XnatCredentials,
+class ListModeRecord:
+ """Store data from sessions with listmode errors
+ The frozen dataclass allows this to be used in a set to ensure no sessions
+ are repeated"""
+ id: str
+ label: str
+ subject_id: str
+ date: str
+ errors: str
+def get_recent_sessions(
+ pyxnat_interface: Interface, datatype: str, threshold_days: int, project_name: str
+) -> Experiments:
+ threshold_date = datetime.now() - timedelta(threshold_days)
+ str_threshold_date = threshold_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ columns = [
+ datatype + "/SESSION_ID",
+ datatype + "/SUBJECT_ID",
+ datatype + "/DATE",
+ datatype + "/LABEL",
+ datatype + "/PROJECT",
+ ]
+ constraints = [
+ (datatype + "/project", "=", project_name),
+ (datatype + "/date", ">=", str_threshold_date),
+ "AND",
+ ]
+ return pyxnat_interface.select(datatype, columns).where(constraints)
+def check_session(
+ pyxnat_interface: Interface, session_id: str, project_name: str
+) -> [str]:
+ resources = (
+ pyxnat_interface.select.project(project_name).experiment(session_id).resources()
+ )
+ num_lm_files = 0
+ num_norm_files = 0
+ lm_found = False
+ norm_found = False
+ errors = []
+ for resource in resources:
+ res_label = resource.label()
+ if res_label == "LM":
+ lm_found = True
+ for file in resource.files():
+ num_lm_files += 1
+ file_label = file.label()
+ try:
+ if ".bf" in file_label:
+ file_size = file.size()
+ if int(file_size) < 1000000:
+ errors.append(
+ f"LM File is too small " f"{file_label} - {file_size}"
+ )
+ except: # noqa: E722
+ pass
+ elif res_label == "Norm":
+ norm_found = True
+ for _ in resource.files():
+ num_norm_files += 1
+ if not lm_found:
+ errors.append("LM does not exist")
+ elif num_lm_files != 2:
+ errors.append(f"Wrong number of LM files {num_lm_files}")
+ if not norm_found:
+ errors.append("Norm does not exist")
+ elif num_norm_files != 2:
+ errors.append(f"Wrong number of Norm files: {num_lm_files}")
+ return errors
+def get_listmode_issues(
+ pyxnat_interface: Interface, threshold_days: int, project_name: str
+) -> set[ListModeRecord]:
+ session_datatypes = [
+ "xnat:crSessionData",
+ "xnat:mrSessionData",
+ "xnat:otherDicomSessionData",
+ "xnat:petSessionData",
+ "xnat:petmrSessionData",
+ "xnat:srSessionData",
+ ]
+ issue_list = set()
+ for datatype in session_datatypes:
+ sessions = get_recent_sessions(
+ pyxnat_interface=pyxnat_interface,
+ datatype=datatype,
+ threshold_days=threshold_days,
+ project_name=project_name,
+ )
+ for session in sessions.data:
+ session_id = session["session_id"]
+ session_label = session["label"]
+ subject_id = session["subject_id"]
+ session_date = session["date"]
+ errors = check_session(
+ pyxnat_interface=pyxnat_interface,
+ session_id=session_id,
+ project_name=project_name,
+ )
+ if len(errors) > 0:
+ error_string = ", ".join(errors)
+ message = (
+ f"Subject ID: {subject_id} "
+ f"Scan Date: {session_date} "
+ f"Errors: {error_string}
+ )
+ issue_list.add(
+ ListModeRecord(
+ id=session_id,
+ label=session_label,
+ subject_id=subject_id,
+ date=session_date,
+ errors=message,
+ )
+ )
+ return issue_list
+def construct_email(list_mode_records: set[ListModeRecord]) -> str:
+ body = "
+ for session in list_mode_records:
+ body += f"Subject ID:{session.subject_id} Scan Date:{session.date} Errors:{session.errors}
+ return body
+def email_listmode(
+ credentials: XnatCredentials,
+ project_name: str,
+ email_subject: str,
+ to_emails: list[str],
+ cc_emails: list[str] = None,
+ bcc_emails: list[str] = None,
+ debug_output: bool = True,
+ """Email notification about image sessions with listmode errors
+ Args:
+ credentials: XNAT host name and user login details
+ project_name: The project to search for sessions
+ email_subject: subject line of email
+ to_emails: list of email addresses. XNAT will only send emails
+ to addresses which already correspond to XNAT users on the server
+ cc_emails: list of email addresses for cc. XNAT will only send emails
+ to addresses which already correspond to XNAT users on the server
+ bcc_emails: list of email addresses for bcc. XNAT will only send emails
+ to addresses which already correspond to XNAT users on the server
+ debug_output: set to True to output debugging data to the console
+ """
+ with open_pyxnat_session(credentials=credentials) as xnat_session:
+ # Get list of ListModeRecords
+ sessions_to_report = get_listmode_issues(
+ pyxnat_interface=xnat_session, threshold_days=90, project_name=project_name
+ )
+ if debug_output:
+ print("Sessions failing listmode checks:")
+ if len(sessions_to_report) > 0:
+ for s in sessions_to_report:
+ print(s)
+ else:
+ print("None found")
+ if len(sessions_to_report) > 0:
+ # Construct email html body
+ body_html = construct_email(list_mode_records=sessions_to_report)
+ # Print email content so it is visible in the container log
+ print("Sending email with the following content:")
+ print(f"To: {to_emails}")
+ print(f"cc: {cc_emails}")
+ print(f"bcc: {bcc_emails}")
+ print(f"Subject: {email_subject}")
+ print(body_html)
+ # Send the email via XNAT
+ send_email(
+ session=xnat_session,
+ subject=email_subject,
+ to=to_emails,
+ cc=cc_emails,
+ bcc=bcc_emails,
+ content_html=body_html,
+ )
+def main():
+ if len(sys.argv) < 3:
+ raise ValueError("No email list specified")
+ if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ raise ValueError("No project name specified")
+ credentials = XnatContainerCredentials()
+ email_listmode(
+ credentials=credentials,
+ project_name=sys.argv[1],
+ email_subject="1946 Weekly Listmode Status Check",
+ to_emails=sys.argv[2].split(","),
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/src/drc_containers/email_radreads.py b/src/drc_containers/email_radreads.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..082ce8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/drc_containers/email_radreads.py
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+import sys
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from pyxnat import Interface
+from drc_containers.xnat_utils.email import send_email
+from drc_containers.xnat_utils.xnat_credentials import (
+ XnatContainerCredentials,
+ XnatCredentials,
+ open_pyxnat_session,
+class SessionRecord:
+ """Store data from sessions requiring a Radiological Read.
+ The frozen dataclass allows this to be used in a set to ensure no sessions
+ are repeated"""
+ id: str
+ label: str
+ subject_id: str
+def session_prefix(session_1_label: str) -> str:
+ """Return session label excluding _EARLY or _LATE suffixe"""
+ return session_1_label.removesuffix("_EARLY").removesuffix("_LATE")
+def filter_sessions(
+ pyxnat_interface: Interface,
+ project_name: str,
+ datatype: str,
+ exclude_ids: set[str],
+ exclude_session_substrings: list[str],
+) -> set[SessionRecord]:
+ """Return a set of SessionRecords, one for each session of the
+ specified datatype which exists in the specified project and contains at
+ least one scan of type T1, T2 or FLAIR, determined by examining the
+ scan Type fields. Sessions are excluded from the output list if their ID
+ appears in the specified exclude_ids set
+ Args:
+ pyxnat_interface: PyXnat interface
+ project_name: Name of project to search
+ datatype: Datatype of session to search for
+ exclude_ids: set of session IDs to exclude from output
+ exclude_session_substrings: ignore sessions with labels containing any
+ of these substrings
+ Returns:
+ set of SessionRecords, one for each session
+ """
+ sessions = set()
+ condition = [(datatype + "/PROJECT", "=", project_name), "AND"]
+ columns = [
+ datatype + "/SESSION_ID",
+ datatype + "/SUBJECT_ID",
+ datatype + "/LABEL",
+ datatype + "/PROJECT",
+ ]
+ image_sessions = pyxnat_interface.select(datatype, columns).where(condition)
+ exclude_labels = []
+ for session in image_sessions.data:
+ session_id = session["session_id"]
+ session_label = session["label"]
+ if session_id in exclude_ids:
+ exclude_labels.append(session_prefix(session_label))
+ for session in image_sessions.data:
+ session_id = session["session_id"]
+ session_label = session["label"]
+ subject_id = session["subject_id"]
+ # Exclude any sessions exactly matching IDs in the exclude_ids list
+ if session_prefix(session_label) not in exclude_labels:
+ # Exclude any sessions whose label contains any of the label
+ # patterns in the exclude_label_patterns list
+ exclude = False
+ for label_pattern in exclude_session_substrings:
+ if label_pattern in session_label:
+ exclude = True
+ if not exclude:
+ scans = (
+ pyxnat_interface.select.project(project_name)
+ .subject(subject_id)
+ .experiment(session_id)
+ .scans()
+ )
+ scan_found = False
+ for scan in scans:
+ scan_type = scan.attrs.get("type")
+ if "FLAIR" in scan_type or "T1" in scan_type or "T2" in scan_type:
+ scan_found = True
+ break
+ if scan_found:
+ print(f"FLAIR, T1, or T2 found in session {session_id}")
+ sessions.add(
+ SessionRecord(
+ id=session_id, label=session_label, subject_id=subject_id
+ )
+ )
+ return sessions
+def get_sessions_needing_radread(
+ pyxnat_interface: Interface,
+ project_name: str,
+ exclude_session_substrings: list[str],
+) -> set[SessionRecord]:
+ """Return list of sessions which require a Radiological Read
+ Args:
+ pyxnat_interface: pyxnat interface
+ project_name: name of XNAT project to search
+ exclude_session_substrings: ignore sessions with labels containing any
+ of these substrings
+ Returns:
+ set of SessionRecords, one for each session which requires a read
+ """
+ session_datatypes = [
+ "xnat:mrSessionData",
+ "xnat:petSessionData",
+ "xnat:petmrSessionData",
+ ]
+ constraints = [("nshdni:radRead/project", "=", project_name)]
+ rr_sessions = pyxnat_interface.select(
+ "nshdni:radRead", ["nshdni:radRead/imagesession_id"]
+ ).where(constraints)
+ sessions_with_radread = set(
+ r["nshdni_col_radreadimagesession_id"] for r in rr_sessions.data
+ )
+ # Iterate through all session datatypes
+ session_list = set()
+ for datatype in session_datatypes:
+ # Get IDs of sessions which are not in the sessions_with_radread set
+ sessions = filter_sessions(
+ pyxnat_interface=pyxnat_interface,
+ project_name=project_name,
+ datatype=datatype,
+ exclude_ids=sessions_with_radread,
+ exclude_session_substrings=exclude_session_substrings,
+ )
+ session_list |= sessions
+ return session_list
+def construct_email_body(
+ server_url: str, project_name: str, session_records: set[SessionRecord]
+) -> str:
+ """Assemble the email html content with links to the sessions
+ Args:
+ server_url: URL of the XNAT server
+ project_name: name of the XNAT project
+ session_records: set of SessionRecords describing sessions which shoulf
+ be linked in the email
+ Returns:
+ str containing the email body as HTML
+ """
+ body_html = (
+ "
The following sessions in the 1946 XNAT database require " + "radiology reads:" + ) + + for session in session_records: + session_id = session.id + session_label = session.label + link_form = f"{server_url}/app/action/DisplayItemAction/search_value/{session_id}/search_element/xnat:petmrSessionData/search_field/xnat:petmrSessionData.ID/project/{project_name}" + + body_html += f"
+ body_html += (
+ f'Electronic form for reporting '
+ f"radiology read
+ )
+ return body_html
+def email_radreads(
+ credentials: XnatCredentials,
+ project_name: str,
+ email_subject: str,
+ to_emails: list[str],
+ cc_emails: list[str] = None,
+ bcc_emails: list[str] = None,
+ exclude_session_substrings: list[str] = [],
+ debug_output: bool = True,
+ """Email notification about image sessions without radreads
+ Args:
+ credentials: XNAT host name and user login details
+ project_name: The project to search for sessions
+ email_subject: subject line of email
+ to_emails: list of email addresses. XNAT will only send emails
+ to addresses which already correspond to XNAT users on the server
+ cc_emails: list of email addresses for cc. XNAT will only send emails
+ to addresses which already correspond to XNAT users on the server
+ bcc_emails: list of email addresses for bcc. XNAT will only send emails
+ to addresses which already correspond to XNAT users on the server
+ exclude_session_substrings: ignore sessions with labels containing any
+ of these substrings
+ debug_output: set to True to output debugging data to the console
+ """
+ with open_pyxnat_session(credentials=credentials) as xnat_session:
+ # Get list of SessionRecords describing sessions which require radread
+ sessions_needing_radread = get_sessions_needing_radread(
+ pyxnat_interface=xnat_session,
+ project_name=project_name,
+ exclude_session_substrings=exclude_session_substrings,
+ )
+ if debug_output:
+ print("Sessions requiring radread:")
+ if len(sessions_needing_radread) > 0:
+ for s in sessions_needing_radread:
+ print(s)
+ else:
+ print("None found")
+ if len(sessions_needing_radread) > 0:
+ # Construct email html body
+ body_html = construct_email_body(
+ server_url=credentials.host,
+ project_name=project_name,
+ session_records=sessions_needing_radread,
+ )
+ # Send the email via XNAT
+ send_email(
+ session=xnat_session,
+ subject=email_subject,
+ to=to_emails,
+ cc=cc_emails,
+ bcc=bcc_emails,
+ content_html=body_html,
+ debug_output=debug_output,
+ )
+def main():
+ if len(sys.argv) < 3:
+ raise ValueError("No email list specified")
+ if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ raise ValueError("No project name specified")
+ credentials = XnatContainerCredentials()
+ email_radreads(
+ credentials=credentials,
+ project_name=sys.argv[1],
+ email_subject="1946 update: Weekly Radiology Reads Email",
+ to_emails=sys.argv[2].split(","),
+ exclude_session_substrings=["_MR_20151215", "_MR_20151111"],
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/src/drc_containers/xnat_utils/email.py b/src/drc_containers/xnat_utils/email.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be5277d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/drc_containers/xnat_utils/email.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+from pyxnat import Interface
+def send_email(
+ session: Interface,
+ subject: str,
+ content_html: str,
+ to: list[str],
+ cc: list[str] = None,
+ bcc: list[str] = None,
+ debug_output: bool = True,
+ """Use XNAT API to send an email
+ Args:
+ session: pyXnat session
+ subject: email subject
+ content_html: string containing HTML email body text
+ to: list of strings, each containing an email address. XNAT will only
+ send the email to addresses which correspond to registered users
+ cc: list of strings, each containing an email address. XNAT will only
+ send the email to addresses which correspond to registered users
+ bcc: list of strings, each containing an email address. XNAT will only
+ send the email to addresses which correspond to registered users
+ debug_output: set to True to output the email text to the console in
+ addition to sending the email
+ """
+ if debug_output:
+ # Print email content so it is visible in the container log
+ print("Sending email to with the following content:")
+ print(f"To: {to}")
+ print(f"cc: {cc}")
+ print(f"bcc: {bcc}")
+ print(f"Subject: {subject}")
+ print(content_html)
+ url = "/data/services/mail/send"
+ body = {"to": to, "cc": cc, "bcc": bcc, "subject": subject, "html": content_html}
+ session._exec(uri=url, method="POST", body=body)
diff --git a/src/drc_containers/xnat_utils/xnat_credentials.py b/src/drc_containers/xnat_utils/xnat_credentials.py
index e903ef1..ad6e6f9 100644
--- a/src/drc_containers/xnat_utils/xnat_credentials.py
+++ b/src/drc_containers/xnat_utils/xnat_credentials.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
from dataclasses import dataclass
import xnat
+from pyxnat import Interface
@@ -31,7 +32,11 @@ def __init__(self):
host = os.getenv("XNAT_HOST")
if not host:
raise ValueError("No host in environment variable XNAT_HOST")
- super().__init__(username=username, password=password, host=host)
+ verify = os.getenv("XNAT_VERIFY_SSL", default="True")
+ verify = verify.lower() not in ["n", "no", "false", "f", "0"]
+ super().__init__(
+ username=username, password=password, host=host, verify_ssl=verify
+ )
def open_xnat_session(credentials: XnatCredentials):
@@ -49,3 +54,17 @@ def open_xnat_session(credentials: XnatCredentials):
+def open_pyxnat_session(credentials: XnatCredentials) -> Interface:
+ """Initiate XNAT session using credentials set by XNAT container service
+ Args:
+ credentials:
+ """
+ return Interface(
+ server=credentials.host,
+ user=credentials.username,
+ password=credentials.password,
+ verify=credentials.verify_ssl,
+ )