- Create a file named
$ touch main.cpp
- Compile the file using gcc c++ compiler
$ g++ main.cpp
- Run the compiled executable
$ ./a.out
- Remove the executable
$ rm a.out
- Compile the source file with the output name
$ g++ main.cpp -o main
- Run the new executable
$ ./main
- Create two new files
$ touch helpers.cpp
$ touch helpers.h
- Compile multiple source files
$ g++ main.cpp helpers.cpp -o main
- Just compile (and not link) individual source files
$ g++ -c main.cpp
$ g++ -c helpers.cpp
- Link the compiled object files into the final executable
$ g++ main.o helpers.o -o main
- Remove object files
$ rm *.o
- Remove the executable
$ rm main
- Create the Makefile for GNU Make
$ touch Makefile
- Run GNU Make to build the program
$ make
- Remove compiled object and executable
$ make clean
- Create the input file of CMake
$ touch CMakeLists.txt
- Check CMake version
$ cmake --version
- Create a directory named
$ mkdir build
- Nvigate to
$ cd build/
- Call CMake to generate the Makefile
$ cmake ..
- Build the program using GNU Make
$ make