- Make a new directory for CGAL and navigate to it
$ mkdir cgal
$ cd cgal
- Copy the downloaded CGAL tarball and extract it
$ cp ~/Downloads/CGAL-5.2.2.tar.xz .
$ tar -xvf CGAL-5.2.2.tar.xz
- Copy the downloaded Boost tarball and extract it
$ cp ~/Downloads/boost_1_76_0.tar.gz .
$ tar -xzvf boost_1_76_0.tar.gz
- Make another directory for the test case and navigate to it
$ mkdir test
$ cd test/
- Copy the downloaded sample code to generate the heart-like mesh (you can find it in this repository)
$ cp ~/Desktop/heart.cpp .
- Generate the required CMake files using the provided script
$ $HOME/cgal/CGAL-5.2.2/scripts/cgal_create_CMakeLists
- Install missing prerequisites (GMP and MPFR libraries)
$ sudo apt install libgmp-dev
$ sudo apt install libmpfr-dev
- Run CMake with appropriate parameters for configuring CGAL and Boost
$ cmake -DCGAL_DIR=/home/tuxriders/cgal/CGAL-5.2.2 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBOOST_ROOT=/home/tuxriders/cgal/boost_1_76_0
- Build the source code using GNU Make
$ make
- Run the compiled program
$ ./heart
- View the generated mesh in GMSH (refer to Episode 6 to see how to install it)
$ gmsh heart.mesh