My non-exam assessment for A' level computer science; a simple 2D fighter game demonstrating object oriented and modular programming techniques as well as text file management.
Built on pygame. Pygame is a third party library that is required to be installed for this game to run.
View my feature testing video on youtube, here:
(!) rename stuff (i.e troll to skeleton, forest to swamp, files etc.)
(!) make game quit when you press quit game in leaderboard
Yet more modularity: Have clickable buttons call a function.
rework newScore: make textbox a new object with an 'active' attribute. remove explicit text input for newScore from graphicsBackend
move block into knight entity class, in case some future player classes cant block (e.g mage)
downscale troll healthBar text
fix glitchy player swing
fix glitchy troll attack anims
stop troll from continuously walking to make space, even if it hits a wall
add troll appear and die animations
properly animate 1 frame animations e.g drop, jump, knockback..
add jump/drop attack
new hit detection, using two text files per frame:
- have a file with co-ords for each frame for a box (over the attacker's sword) where a hit is detected
- have a file with co-ords for each frame for a box (over the receiving entity) where a hit could land
- EITHER of these would make block management much either, because I could just move/remove the recieving hitbox
- If i change the way blocking works like this, i will have to remove the way it's currently handled (with armour boosting)
split stamina bar into different colours at the points where the player has enough stamina to execute the different attacks
random item spawns -> food, potions, boosters
(?) add more enemies
(?) add more enemy types
(?) add more player types
make it easier to start with -> troll damage
add experience
level up troll after a random number of kills
display "troll mutation!" etc
display level above troll
Randomly choose whether to block a player attack or not
Add difficulty setting -> e.g increase base troll difficulty, FPS, number of trolls, number of kills per troll kill
store separate leaderboards for each difficulty