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Horizontal Simple Horizontal Animated Vertical Simple Vertical Animated

timelineViewComposeVersion = timeline-view-compose-1.2.0 License


TimelineView creates a timeline and shows actions over time.


HorizontalTimelineWithIndexText creates a timeline with points at their midpoints displaying their respective indexes. The line width is automatically calculated and centered horizontally to fit the screen. It can contain any number of steps.


  • To implement TimelineView to your Android project via Gradle, you need to add JitPack repository to your root build.gradle.
allprojects {  
    repositories {      
      maven { url '' } 
  • After adding JitPack repository, you can add TimelineView dependency to your app level build.gradle.
dependencies {  
    implementation "$timelineViewComposeVersion"}  


➡️ To start using TimelineView, TimelineView composable can be used like this

To customize each item, you can modify pointConfig and lineConfig.

  • Sample LineConfig
   val lineConfig = LineConfig(
            strokeCap = StrokeCap.Butt,
            color = Color.Gray,
            size = TimelineViewDefaults.LineSize,
            thickness = TimelineViewDefaults.LineThickness,
            lineType = LineType.Solid,
            animation = LineAnimation(
                initialValue = 0f,
                durationMillis = 1000,
                targetColor = Color.Green,
                targetValue = 1f
  • Sample PointConfig
val pointConfig = PointConfig(
            outSideColor = Color.White,
            borderWidth = TimelineViewDefaults.BorderWidth,
            insideColor = Color.Green,
            size = 32.dp,
            animation = PointAnimation(
                initialValue = 0.5f,
                targetValue = 1f,
                startDelay = 0,
                animationSpec = infiniteRepeatable(
                    repeatMode = RepeatMode.Reverse,
                    animation = tween(
                        durationMillis = 1000,
                        easing = LinearEasing,
  • Sample Model for TimelineView
val timelineItems = listOf(
        text = "Step Name",
        textStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.body1,
        pointConfig = pointConfig,
        lineConfig = lineConfig,
        modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(),
        items = timelineItems,
        orientation = TimelineOrientation.HORIZONTAL,
        onClick = {}

➡️ To start using HorizontalTimelineWithIndexText, HorizontalTimelineWithIndexText composable can be used like this

        modifier = Modifier.padding(horizontal = 16.dp),
        items = createHorizontalWithIndexTimelineItems(),



Parameter Name Type Description
outSideColor Color To set outSideColor
borderWidth Dp To set borderWidth
insideColor Color To set insideColor
size Dp To set point size
animation PointAnimation To set animation
Parameter Name Type Description
initialValue Float To set initial value of animation
targetValue Float To set target value of animation
startDelay Int To set start delay of animation
animationSpec InfiniteRepeatableSpec To set animationSpec of animation
Parameter Name Type Description
strokeCap StrokeCap To set strokeCap of line
color Color To set color of line
size Dp To set size of line
thickness Dp To set thickness of line
lineType LineType To set lineType, it accepts LineType.Solid or LineType.Dashed()
Parameter Name Type Description
initialValue Float To set initialValue
durationMillis Int To set durationMillis of line animation
targetColor Color To set targetColor when it will be changed during the animation
targetValue Float To set targetValue
Parameter Name Type Description
imageUrl String To set imageUrl
placeholder Painter To set placeholder
borderWidth Dp To set borderWidth of image
size Dp To set size
animation PointAnimation To set animation
Parameter Name Type Description
elevation Int To set elevation
color Color To set color
alpha Float To set alpha of shadow

Item Types

Parameter Name Type Description
text String To set text
textStyle TextStyle To set textStyle
pointConfig PointConfig To set pointConfig
contentMargin Dp To set contentMargin
lineConfig LineConfig To set lineConfig
pointShadowConfig PointShadowConfig To set shadow
Parameter Name Type Description
text String To set text
textStyle TextStyle To set textStyle of text
imageContentDescription String To set imageContentDescription
imageConfig ImageConfig To set imageConfig
lineConfig LineConfig To set lineConfig
Parameter Name Type Description
text String To set text
textStyle TextStyle To set textStyle
pointConfig PointConfig To set pointConfig
contentMargin Dp To set contentMargin
lineConfig LineConfig To set lineConfig
pointShadowConfig PointShadowConfig To set shadow
indexTextStyle TextStyle To set index style


This library is maintained mainly by Trendyol Android Team members but also other Android lovers contributes.


Copyright 2023  
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.    You may obtain a copy of the License at  
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and    limitations under the License.