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$quantityPickerViewVersion = quantity-picker-view-1.3.0 License


QuantityPickerView is component for add/remove


  • To implement QuantityPickerView to your Android project via Gradle, you need to add JitPack repository to your root/project level build.gradle.
allprojects {  
 repositories { ... maven { url '' } }}  
  • After adding JitPack repository, you can add QuantityPickerView dependency to your app/module level build.gradle.
dependencies {  
 implementation "$quantityPickerViewVersion"}


You can inflate QuantityPickerView via XML or programmatically. View can be configurable either in XML or setting a QuantityPickerViewState.

Default colors will be set from your theme's colorAccent and colorPrimary attributes.

To set programmatically, you can call QuantityPickerView.setQuantityPickerViewState(QuantityPickerViewState).

⚠️ You need to provide all properties if you wish to set programmatically via providing QuantityPickerViewState.

Attribute ViewState Field Description Default Value
qpv_text text Text to show when currentQuantity is 0. ""
qpv_textColor textColor Text color. colorAccent
qpv_textSize textSize Text size. Should be pixel value if programmatically set. 12sp
qpv_textStyle textStyle Text style: normal(0), bold(1) or italic(2) Note: Default text font is Roboto Medium. normal
qpv_quantityTextColor quantityTextColor Quantity text color. colorPrimary
qpv_quantityTextSize quantityTextSize Quantity text size. Should be pixel value if programmatically set. `14sp
qpv_quantityTextStyle quantityTextStyle Quantity text style: normal(0), bold(1) or italic(2) Note: Default text font is Roboto Medium. normal
qpv_currentQuantity currentQuantity Quantity value, optional. 0
qpv_maxQuantity maxQuantity Maximum quantity value, optional.
qpv_minQuantity minQuantity Minimum quantity value, optional.
android:progressTint progressTintColor Tint for loading ProgressBar. colorAccent
android:background backgroundDrawable Background to all view. qpv_shape_default_background.xml
qpv_removeIcon removeIconDrawable Icon for remove, will be only visible when currentQuantity is 1. qpv_ic_default_remove.xml
qpv_addIcon addIconDrawable Icon for add, will be visible when currentQuantity is 1 or more. qpv_ic_default_add.xml
qpv_disabledAddIcon disabledAddIconDrawable Icon for add button disabled state, will be visible when maxQuantity is set and currentQuantity is equal to maxQuantity. qpv_ic_default_add.xml
qpv_subtractIcon subtractIconDrawable Icon for subtract, will be visible when currentQuantity is 2 or more. qpv_ic_default_subtract.xml
qpv_disabledSubtractIcon disabledSubtractIconDrawable Icon for subtract button disabled state, will be visible when minQuantity is set and currentQuantity is equal to minQuantity. qpv_ic_default_add.xml
qpv_quantityBackground quantityBackgroundDrawable Background for quantity text. transparent
qpv_orientation orientation Determines view orientation. 'horizontal`
qpv_collapsible collapsible Determines if view is collapsible. 'false'
qpv_buttonVerticalPadding buttonVerticalPadding padding for buttons vertically. 8dp
qpv_buttonHorizontalPadding buttonHorizontalPadding padding for buttons horizontally. 8dp
qpv_progressVerticalPadding progressVerticalPadding padding for progress bar vertically if orientation is horizontal, else horizontal padding. 2dp
qpv_quantityBackgroundVerticalPadding quantityBackgroundVerticalPadding padding for quantity background vertically if orientation is horizontal, else horizontal padding. 2dp
qpv_add_contentDescription text Text for Add Image of Talkback ""
qpv_remove_contentDescription text Text for Remove Image of Talkback ""
qpv_fontFamily fontFamily Font family for texts.

Public methods

Method Name Parameter Description
setQuantityPickerViewState viewState :QuantityPickerViewState To set QuantityPickerViewState programmatically.
setQuantity quantity: Int To set quantity immediately.
setMaxQuantity maxQuantity: Int To set maxQuantity immediately.
setMinQuantity minQuantity: Int To set minQuantity immediately.
setBackgroundImageDrawable background: Drawable To set backgroundImageDrawable immediately.
stopLoading To stop current loading.
reset To stop loading and set currentQuantity to 0.
incrementQuantityBy quantity increments current total quantity by quantity parameter


To get updates on QuantityPickerView you need to set this listeners:

Listener Data Return Information
onAddClicked quantityAfterAdd: Int showLoading: Boolean Will be triggered when user clicks text when currentQuantity 0 or add button when currentQuantity bigger than 0.
onSubtractClicked quantityAfterSubtract: Int showLoading: Boolean Wil be triggered when user clicks remove or subtract icon.
onQuantityTextClicked quantity: Int Wil be triggered when user clicks text
expansionListener expansionState: ExpansionState Will be triggered after expansion state is changed.


From XML, you can use attributes like below:

    android:id="@+id/quantity_picker_view" android:layout_width="match_parent"
    android:layout_height="36dp" app:qpv_currentQuantity="1" app:qpv_maxQuantity="10"
    app:qpv_minQuantity="1" app:qpv_quantityBackground="@drawable/qpv_shape_default_background"
    app:qpv_quantityTextSize="14sp" app:qpv_text="Add to Cart" app:qpv_textSize="12sp" />

To set QuantityPickerViewState programmatically:

val viewState = QuantityPickerViewState(
    text = "Fresh Money",
    textSize = asSP(12),
    quantityTextSize = asSP(14),
    backgroundDrawable = drawable(R.drawable.qpv_shape_default_background),
    removeIconDrawable = drawable(R.drawable.qpv_ic_default_remove),
    subtractIconDrawable = drawable(R.drawable.qpv_ic_default_subtract),
    addIconDrawable = drawable(R.drawable.qpv_ic_default_add),
    quantityBackgroundDrawable = drawable(R.drawable.qpv_shape_default_background),
    textColor = themeColor(R.attr.colorAccent),
    progressTintColor = themeColor(R.attr.colorAccent),
    quantityTextColor = themeColor(R.attr.colorPrimary)



This library is maintained mainly by Trendyol Android Team members but also other Android lovers contributes.

We developed this component for our needs, there is lots of improvements need to be implemented.


Copyright 2022

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.