quantityPickerComposeVersion= quantity-picker-compose-1.0.1
QuantityPicker is compose component to add/remove anything
- To implement QuantityPicker to your Android project via Gradle, you need to add JitPack repository to your root/project level build.gradle.
allprojects {
repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } }
- After adding JitPack repository, you can add QuantityPicker dependency to your app/module level build.gradle.
dependencies {
implementation "com.github.Trendyol.android-ui-components:quantity-picker-compose:$quantityPickerComposeVersion"
You can add QuantityPicker wherever you want with your modifier
Attribute | Type | Description |
modifier | Modifier | Compose modifier for QuantityPicker |
direction | QuantityPickerDirection | Picker Direction Vertical or Horizontal |
icons | QuantityIcons | Drawables for add subtract remove and colors |
quantityTextShape | QuantityPickerShape | Compose shape for quantity text. |
quantityPickerShape | QuantityPickerShape | Background of all view also defines border if it is not null |
textStyle | TextStyle | Text style for quantity text |
quantityData | QuantityData | Quantity values. It has min,max,current and postfix |
showLoading | Boolean | Loading state |
progressColor | Color | Color for loading progress indicator |
onAddClick | (() -> Unit) | Listener for add button clicks |
onSubtractClick | (() -> Unit) | Listener for subtract clicks |
If you don't need any customization
modifier = modifier,
quantityData = quantityData,
showLoading = isLoading,
onAddClick = { },
onSubtractClick = { }
If you need background or custom modifier for quantity text and all view
textStyle = Typography.body2,
quantityData = quantityData,
icons: QuantityIcons = QuantityIcons( // QuantityIcons.default
addIconResId = R.drawable.ic_plus,
subtractIconResId = R.drawable.ic_subtract,
removeIconResId = R.drawable.ic_trash,
iconColor = QuantityPickerDefaults.defaultColor,
disabledColor = QuantityPickerDefaults.disabledColor
quantityPickerShape = QuantityPickerShape( // QuantityPickerDefaults.quantityShape,
shape = RoundedCornerShape(50),
borderColor = MyQuantityPickerPrimaryColor,
borderWidth = 1.dp
quantityTextShape = QuantityPickerShape( // QuantityPickerDefaults.quantityTextShape
shape = RoundedCornerShape(50),
borderColor = MyQuantityPickerPrimaryColor,
borderWidth = 1.dp
showLoading = isLoading,
progressColor = MyQuantityPickerPrimaryColor, // QuantityPickerDefaults.defaultColor
onAddClick = { },
onSubtractClick = { }
This library is maintained mainly by Trendyol Android Team members but also other Android lovers contributes.
Copyright 2023 Trendyol.com Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.