$cardInputViewVersion = card-input-view-1.3.0
CardInputView is custom view for Master or Visa debit/credit card inputs. It can verify card number, expire date and CVV for you.
- To implement CardInputView to your Android project via Gradle, you need to add JitPack repository to your root/project level build.gradle.
allprojects {
repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } }}
- After adding JitPack repository, you can add CardInputView dependency to your app/module level build.gradle.
dependencies {
implementation "com.github.Trendyol.android-ui-components:card-input-view:$cardInputViewVersion"}
You can inflate CardInputView via XML or programmatically. View can be configurable either in XML or setting a ViewState.
To set programmatically, you can call CardInputView.setViewState(CardInputViewState)
Attribute | Method | Description | Default Value |
civ_cardNumberTitle | cardNumberTitle | Title to show above card number input field. | "" |
civ_expiryTitle | expiryTitle | Title to show above expire date fields. | "" |
civ_expiryMonthTitle | expiryMonthTitle | Title to show on expire month field. | "" |
civ_expiryYearTitle | expiryYearTitle | Title to show on expire year field. | "" |
civ_cvvTitle | cvvTitle | Title to show above CVV input field. | "" |
civ_titleTextColor | titleTextColor | cardNumberTitle text color. | Color.BLACK |
civ_inputTextColor | inputTextColor | input field text color. | Color.DKGRAY |
civ_inputBackground | inputBackgroundDrawable | input field background drawableResource/drawable. | shape_card_input_field_background |
civ_inputErrorBackground | inputErrorBackgroundDrawable | input field background drawableResource/drawable on error. | shape_card_input_field_error_background |
civ_cvvInfoColor | cvvInfoColor | Button on the right side of the CVV field, tint for this field. | Color.RED |
civ_showCvvInfoButton | showCvvInfoButton | Show or hide cvvInfo. | true |
civ_validationEnabled | validationEnabled | Enable or disable input validations. | false |
To validate inputs, call CardInputView.validate()
. If you want to get created cardInformation, call CardInputView.validateAndGet()
this will validate and return CardInformation
if all fields are valid.
To reset all inputs, call CardInputView.reset()
To clear all inputs' errors, call CardInputView.clearErrors()
To focus and show soft keyboard on card number field call CardInputView.focusToCardNumberField()
, to focus CVV field call CardInputView.focusToCvvField()
To set supported credit card types call CardInputView.setSupportedCardTypes()
by default it supports and formats as CreditCardType.MASTER_CARD, CreditCardType.VISA
For expire month and year selection, you need to open custom dialog or input field, we suggest you to use Dialogs, to more information about Dialogs, click here.
To get updates on CardInputView you need to set this listeners:
Listener | Data | What to use for? |
onCardNumberChanged | cardNumber: String | To get latest input, you can set CardInputView.setCardTypeLogoDrawable(Drawable) or CardInputView.setCardBankLogoDrawable(Drawable) . |
onCvvChanged | cvv: String | To get latest cvv, to focus next field on your activity/fragment. |
onCvvInfoClicked | To open information dialog about CVV. | |
onCardNumberComplete | isValid: Boolean | If valid, open dialog for expire month dialog. |
onCvvComplete | isValid: Boolean | To focus next field on your activity/fragment. |
openMonthSelectionListener | To open dialog or input field for expire month. | |
openYearSelectionListener | To open dialog or input field for expire year. | |
cardNumberInputErrorListener | If the card number is invalid, it is triggered. |
From XML, you can use attributes like below:
app:civ_cardNumberTitle="Card Number"
app:civ_cvvTitle="Cvv Number"
app:civ_expiryTitle="Expire date"
app:civ_validationEnabled="true" />
To set viewState programmatically:
val cardInputViewState = CardInputViewState(
cardNumberTitle = "Card Number",
expiryTitle = "Expiry Date",
expiryMonthTitle = "MM",
expiryYearTitle = "YY",
cvvTitle = "CVV",
validationEnabled = true,
inputTextColor = Color.BLACK
This library is maintained mainly by Trendyol Android Team members but also other Android lovers contributes.
We developed this component for our needs, there is lots of improvements need to be implemented.
Copyright 2022 Trendyol.com
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.