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F. Conrads edited this page Jan 11, 2018 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the N-graphStore wiki!

N-graphStore will hopefully be a fast lightweight Graph storage for daily usage. It will have clustered lucene indexed directories as a database and a nice looking frontend.

It will be build with docker so no one needs any configuration anymore.

SPARQL Queries which works: ASK and SELECT using the following:

  • Triple patterns
  • Graph ?g, GRAPH urn://graph
  • FROM
  • {}


Task Description
Update Planner User QueryPlanner to get where clase done
Query Planner left: {ORDER BY, OFFSET, AGGREGATION}(plan is modelled, just needs to be implemented), FILTER, SUBQUERIES (Recursion), CONSTRUCT, DESCRIBE
Documentation Javadoc & wiki & comments
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