Releases: TinyModularThings/IC2Classic
IC2Classic Version
Version 1.4 is now out for IC2Classic. Its the first 1.10.2 Release,
and after a 13 Months Development and over 120 Testing Versions, i am glad to say you get a clean & bugtested (it got tested for 6 months)
mod where people had a lot of time to point out issues that the mod has.
So play with it and have fun.
Just so you know the changelog is written from top to bottom so you can read it easier. The lower you go the newer the changelog is.
Have fun reading it. (Its 2,200 lines)
Download is at the bottom.
For those who would like to support me. Here you find a paypal & patreon link where you can help me out reaching my goals.
-Starting: 1.9 MC version.
-Added: Json distroyer.
-Added: TestingItem & Block
-Added: New Config System & FMLConfigGui
-Added: ItemEvents now also Support ItemStacks and not Item&Meta Only
-Added: Expanding Config a bit. (Features)
-Added: Ores&Blocks (Copper, Tin, Uran, Bronze)
-Added: Fixing Hack for ExtendetBlockstates.
-Added: Rubber Sappling, Log, Leaves.
-Added: Rubber Log can now be rotated if has no Resin Spot.
-Added: WorldGenerator. (Seems to spawn found copper Ore).
-Fixed: RubberTreeGen caused Infiniteloop of checks.
-Fixed: Blocks got loaded wrong. (No Item in them in the registry)
-Added: Scaffolds BaseClass
-Added: Scaffolds (Wooden, Reinforced)
-Added: IronFence Pole. (RefinedIron)
-Added: Iron Fecne Model.
-Added: IronFence Lifting Ability
-Added: Reinforced Stone, Glass, Mining Pipe, MiningPipe Tip
-Added: IC2 Damage Sources
-Added: Explosive Base from IC2.
-Added: Nuke, ITNT, Dynamite & Dynamite With Remote Block
-Updated: To Forge 1868
-Added: Resin Sheet & Rubber Sheet
-Added: Foam Wall Blocks
-Added: A lot of base Items. (Dusts, Ingots, Cells)
-Added: Painters
-Added: ItemTransport Manager.
-Added: IItemHandler Support to the Transporter. (Prefers it) It automaticly Supports ItemStacks, Entities, TileEntities & Everything that has a CapabitiesProvider
-Fixed: Painter Base Texture was broken
-Fixed: Painter prevented that offhand could be used.
-Added: Sheep Coloring Supported.
-Changed: Dropped Forge Callback because they caused another bug. (If both with painter equipped offhand was the result color)
-Added: Keep clicking with 2 Painters (each in one hand) makes a disco. xD
-Fixed: Localization bug with painter
-Added: Tool BaseClass
-Added: Extra Addition to network Managers (+API) to send custom data from client to server. (Item Events & TileEntity Events)
-Added: Electric Item Managers.
-Added: Electric Drills
-Fixed: Derp Bugs with the Json Destroyer (textures got overriden)
-Changed: Splitted the Model Helper classes for Items to get more Modularity
-Fixed: SoundSystem clears removed Sounds (did not before) (Keepet them in the list of all sounds)
-Added: Custom Capability Provider
-Added: SoundCapaiblity. Allows Items to have custom Sounds stored without a dirty solution.
-Added: ToolTip for Eletric Items.
-Added: Chainsaw.
-Added: Bronze Tools.
-Added: Sicky Resin.
-Fixed: Random stuff.
-Added: Dye Type ToolTip for Painters
-Added: treeTap, Electric TreeTap, Wrench, IWrenchable
-Dropped: IC2 Exp WrenchAPI (The newest)
-Added: REBattery and EnergyCrystals
-Added: Circuits & Rubber
-Added: BlockMultiID Block class.
-Added: TileEntity Bases (+Hack for Better TileEntityTicks)
-Added: API + Implementation of TickCallbacks
-Added: generator base class
-Added: Coal Generator (Or Generator)
-Fixed: Forgot to apply ticks to networking & forgot to register the tickhandler
-Added: Placing Blocks with CustomNames will apply the TileEntity with it. That will be shown in the gui. And saved in the item when broken
-Fixed: Wrench did not wrench and Damage the wrench properly
-Fixed: IHasGui is back to classes
-Added: Geothermal Generator
-Added: BaseClasses for Machine Recipes
-Added: Logic for the New Advanced Data Transmittion API.
-Added: BaseClasses for Machines & Electric Machines
-Added: Recipe Lists classes & API
-Added: Electric Furnace
-Added: Macerator
-Added: ModelMesher now ignores meta if not having subtypes
-Fixed: IC2 Classic Capaiblity Manager did caused crashes.
-Fixed: Batteries now have textures based of their charge.
-Fixed: RE Batteries are now when empty to 16 Stackable and do not show a durability bar
-Fixed: Machines do not forget wat their base EnergyTier is
-Changed: Dropped Forge new Slot System for IItemHandler (to hard to handle).
-Added: Custom Handler for my own Slot System (container) Is easier to handle and easier to support
-Added: IC2 Cables.
-Added: Cable Model
-Added: Cable TileEntity logic.
-Added: Tin, Coppper, Gold, Iron, Glass, Bronze, Detector, Splitter cable
-Fixed: TileEntity Cable had a sync issue.
-Started: Base Layout of the EnergyNet
-Added: GridBased Collection System for ElectricTileEntities.
-Added: PathFinding Logic + PathStorage to the EnergyNet
-Added: EnergySending to the EnergyNet
-Added: Explosions to EnergyNet (so machines explode if overdone)
-Added: Max Tier limit. Any Machine that has higher tier then 13 will be reseted to Tier 1.
-Changed: Improved the ShockDamage & Conductor breaking logic and got a bit more speed. (Only noticeable with big wireGrids)
-Added: EnergyNet completly. Needs still improvements..
-Fixed: Cablerenderer do no longer cause a memory leak
-Added: Cable BoundingBox
-Added: WireRegistry. Fixes issues of Removing insulation as a BlockState
-Added: Cable logic... (missing 1-2 things still)
-Added: Detector & Splitter Cable
-Fixed: Cable Renderer Bug
-Improved: EnergyNet Grid knows now when it is split or not.
-Added: Extractor, Compressor, Recylcer
-Added: BronzeArmor
-Added: Water Generator
-Added: Heat Vents (Heat, Steam, Electric), Coolant Cells, Reactor Plating
-Added: All Terrformer BluePrints (Including BiomeBlueprints)
-Added: WindManager Logic.
-Updated: I did work a little bit more on the Classic API.
-Added: WindMill
-Added: SolarPanel
-Added: Basic Logic for Wind. (Default)
-Added: API Access for Important Information (if someone wants to do a wind Monitor or something)
-Updated: A bit more EnergyNet work.
-Fixed: Improved the PathBuilding Speed
-Added: Iron Furnace
-Added: TinCan, Filled Tin Can
-Added: Canning Machine API, Custom FoodCan Effect API and Fuelable ItemAPI (allows to fill custom items with Fuel in the Canning machine)
-Added: Canning Machine Base. (CF is missing before it can be finished)
-Added: References for Generators
-Added: Particals for Iron Furnace
-Added: References for Machines
-Added: World Leaving causes unloading of everything (memory leak prevention)
-Added: Construction Foam.
-Added: Construction Foam to cables. With a basic trick
-Added: Construction Spray API and CF Sprayer.
-Added: CF Container API
-Added: IC2 Event Handler (handles IC2 Events)
-Fixed: Scaffolds upgrade bug
-Fininshed: Canning Machine
-Added: CFPellet
-Fixed: Sapplings, Cables, IronFences are no longer applying Color Multiplier
-Fixed: Models cache their created Quads so they do not have to be recreated every time they render
-Fixed: Basic Models only apply colors if a interface is implemented and also they cache their created Quads
-Added: Recipe API supports now Grandual Recipes
-Fixed: Networking uses now Registry names insteadof IDs
-Added: Obscurator sync class. For Item Events
-Added: Obscurator + Fancy Renderer.
-Added: Custom Event for retexturing. IC2 Exps is dropped.
-Added: Textured Wall Base..
-Added: Textured Wall Renderer.
-Added: Cable & CF Wall Textured Renderer. You can now copy textures
-Fixed: CF Wall was marked invisible (ALWAYS CHECK DEFAULTS WHEN YOU CODE)
-Fixed: EnergyNet did not add sinks&emitters to the grids if a grid combining was happening
-Added: CropRegistry
-Added: CropAPI for Base Seeds
-Added: Crop Block&TileEntity & Renderer
-Added: All Crops
-Added: WeedEx, TerraWart, HydrationCell
-Fixed: Offset of the Crop Models
-Added: Electrolyzer API
-Added: Electorlyzer RecipeList
-Added: Electrolyzer
-Added: CropScanner
-Added: Magnetizer
-Added: Pump
-Added: Compress & Pump compat
-Added: Miner & MinerPump Compat
-Fixed: Magnetzier did not charge ironFences properly
-Fixed: Pump not seeing Water or Lava because forge not does not implement IFluidBlock to their base classes
-Fixed: Compressor Crashing because of handling not null items
-Fixed: IC2 Cables & Textured Walls can now use ColorMultipliers
-Added: Reactor Swtiches
-Added: Hazmat Suit API.
-Added: Full Hazmat Suit (+Rubber Boots)
-Added: Base Electric Armor Class
-Added: Nano Armor + Event Handlers for it
-Added: Config for cost per damage modifier
-Merged: Keyboard info is no longer storing more data the havyier the player login/logout is...
-Added: Quantum Suit
-Added: ClientSide does decide if you can use Quantum boost with sprint
-Added: All the Uranium Rood Stuff (rods, Ingots, Isotopics, NearDepleted, Reeneriched Rods)
-Added: Solar Helmets
-Added: Scanners
-Added: Ore Value Registry
-Added: CFPack, Batpack & Lappack
-Added: Cutter + cutterAPI
-Added: Electric Hoe
-Added: FuelCans, + extended the API
-Added: Fuel handler for IC2 Stuff
-Updated: To 1.9.4 (Fixed most errors. A couple bugs are still there (Known))
-Fixed: All BoundingBox Issues with the Update to 1.9.4
-Fixed: Wind Handlers did not gain any ServerWorld Ticks & the realistic handler had inverted functions
-Added: Got the first day of lost progress back...
-Fixed: used wrong function for blockUpdates xD
-Added: Elytra now can be effected by wind. Server & Client can choose if they want to have it. (Server = Master, Client can choose if they want it)
-Added: Reactor Condensators
-Added: Reactor Reflectors
-Added: Product API to the Rod Products
-Added: Tea & Stone Mug.
-Fixed: CFPellet was not registered
-Fixed: Elytra Boost was to strong
-Added: Barrels (For beer & Rum)
IC2Classic Version
Fix Uptate Version.
Just some fixes to stuff that gets reported.
Yes 1.7.10 is not dead and IC2Classic Players dont mind to ask for fixes.
It might not be instant depening on the bug but there is still support.
-Fixed: Small Bugs with electric Heat Vent.
-Fixed: Trade-O-Mat checks now NBT Items.
-Fixed: Nano Saber duplicates shown in NEI.
-Fixed: Misspelss in the config
-Added: Sanity Check into the Reactorplanner to reduce crash possebilities
-Fixed: Crashes with trade-o-Mats
-Fixed: Crash that would happen in the Electric Enchanter
IC2Classic Version
Well this is a small hotfix/compat update,
just allowing Greg to be nicer to IC2 EU blocks.
And also a really close call Bugreport.
-Fixed: IC2Boats no longer turn into Electric Boats
-Added: GregTech Compat so greg can alter Generator Drops so that his recipes doesnt have to be that bad xD
IC2Classic Version
Just another hotifx update. Because of some bugs that didnt get out.
Also some new additions.
-Fixed: ReactorPlanner causing Issues. (Hopefully)
-Fixed: RubberWood drops now items properly
-Added: Missing Localisation to death Texts
-Added: Armor Slots to Energy Storages
-Fixed: Crop BoundingBox is now a no longer a full block
-Fixed: Reikas Recipe list produced a no use item
IC2 Classic Version
Hotfix because of more bugs... Stupid bugs...
-Fixed: Replacement textures should be now loaded properly.
-Fixed: Some modules got not loaded.
IC2 Classic Version
Just a little update for modpacks...
So yeah nothing really special
-Fixed: TileEntityMassFabricator no longer returns energy back.. And requests the amount of EU needed.
-Added: Rotated Machine Textures.
-Added: Replacement Texture Logic.
-Fixed: Nei hides now when ReactorPlanner gui is open
-Fixed: Text Box does not move when changing gui size
-Added: Nuke Texture
IC2 Classic Version
Just a hotfix Version... Made a huge derp when trying to fix another bug.
-Fixed: Crop Sticks were not able to be advanced in almost every case... (Simply Crossbreeding wasnt possible)
IC2 Classic Version
Well the 1.2.1.x release is now out. What does that mean?
Well 1.2.1.x brings out a lot of Fixes to Nuclear Reactors/Networking and some alpha elements from 1.10.2
Yes there are some alpha elements and they were not made for 1.7.10 (They are tested & functional) but if you find bugs with these things then thats the reason why.
Also added much GregTech Support so GT6 users could play with IC2Classic... (Already having someone testing it and it seems to work fine)
Sadly to all other small Fix/Updates IC2 Classic 1.2.1.x is not compatible with 1.2.0.x When you want to have differend versions on server & clients. (Example: you could play with on the client while the server has installed) So make sure that servers & clients are in sync.
Anyway Changelog:
-Fixed: Steel Recipes are now 100% working with IC2Classic. (You no longer craft then Refined Iron)
-Added: Refined Iron to Iron Dust recipe
-Added: Circuit Oredict support for recipes when GT is loaded
-Fixed: UpgradeContainer Gui Needed to be localized
-Fixed: Item Inventories do no longer duplicate Items when dropped in a certain way.
-Updated: Comapt to IC2Exp items (just updated the uselessItemlist to decrease crash chance)
-Fixed: Bronze Armor shows now up in the creative tabs.
-Fixed: Trade-O-mats no longer eat up the TradeInfo when doing a trade
-Fixed: Nuclear & Reactor Chambers Causing Unnessesary lag
-Added: Better Networking for machines etc. Using only networkdata when needed
-Added: ReactorPlanner V2 is cheaper & uses old texture in the 1.7.10 version so keep that in mind.
-Fixed: almost the whole mod to make the ReactorPlanner possible
-Fixed: Bugs with the ReactorPlanner.
-Fixed: Waila Plugin working also on serverSide syncing stuff.
-Fixed: GuiSync ignores if tileEntity is on client side now. (if its not there its not yelling anymore)
-Added: Custom Name to ReactorPlanner Setups.
-Added: Needed functions to the ItemAPI.
-Fixed: Crop Sticks do not eat the watercells/Buckets.
-Added: Extra Crop Info on CropStick Items when advInfo shown.
-Fixed: Crop did things wrong on rightclick.
-Fixed: Mushrooms no longer require water storage just a wet biome
-Fixed: Some bugs with the ReactorPlanner.
-Fixed: Random Bugs.
-Added: Some other localization
IC2 Classic Version
A little fix version.... From some bugreports & Feature requests in 1.7.10
This is not going to be the last update... I will backport some features from 1.10.2 because of request.
Also some gregtech6 support in this update (there will be a couple more fixes etc coming so ic2c is also gregtech compatible) and for those who think he will gregyfi IC2Classic... It wasnt greg who gregified IC2Exp. It was thunderdark... So no worry!
-Fixed: Mining Laser Explosions can no longer bypass Explosion Preventations (events)
-Fixed: Key Tracker did not refresh properly... (Can be fixed if you use the hud key as refresher (because it has no use at all))
-Added: Language for Russian
-Fixed: Iron Furnace no longer accept items in the output slot
-Fixed: CropAnaylzer no longer duplicates items
-Added: Function for greg tech support. (Adding custom ores to IC2Classic.) Also Fixed that incompat with ic2 exp..
-Added: Config for override Plates in oredict for ingots (Force Config)
-Fixed: IC2Classic no longer registers Ingots in plate names in the oredictionary if plates are already registered. (Exception of Force Config)
-Added: OreDict names for IC2 Tea leaves & IC2 Flour
-Added: OreDict recipe for Cold Tea
IC2 Classic Version
Small little hotfix update.
-Fixed: EnergyNet bug for GT Fixed
-Fixed: Dissabling world Time does no longer fuck up parts of IC2Classic
-Fixed: Miner does not getting back the mining pipes on retracting
-Fixed: Rocket Charge Did not work for the jetplate
-Fixed: The Special Renderer for the quantum jetplate