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Required software

  • Terraform
  • gcloud CLI
  • Docker (with daemon running)

This setup was tested on the following versions:

Terraform v0.12.24

Google Cloud SDK 290.0.1
alpha 2019.05.17
beta 2019.05.17
core 2020.04.24


  1. Authorize in gcloud CLI.

This projects aims for setup as easy as possible. Default application login is not recommended for production use.

gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login
  1. Run make. While terraform is running, you will be asked to confirm applying changes. Answer wih yes.

You will be asked to pick a region for Cloud Run and Firebase. If you want to use Cloud Run region different than europe-west1, you need to commit changes in following files:

  • ./scripts/
  • ./web/firebase.json
  1. Make sure you enable Email/Password authentication provider in Firebase as described in the make output.

a. Open FireBase console: b. Choose Wild Workouts project c. Go to Authentication d. Choose Sign-in method tab e. Click on Email/Password, switch to Enabled and click Save.

Cloud builds

Go to to see your recent builds.


If you want to tear down the project, run make destroy.

If you want to create it again, make sure to:

  • Use different project name.
  • Remove terraform.tfstate file.