- By module (nc.module.command)
- Sane default groups (nc.player, nc.mod, nc.admin)
- None applied by default
- Utility to check for safe locations to teleport to
- Random teleportation (rtp)
- tp: normal teleport command (to player, or coords) [staff]
- tpall: teleport all players in server [staff]
- tphere
- Option for staff to override /tptoggle
- tpauto: auto accept requests
- tpoffline: tp to player's last known logout location
- tpa/tpask: request to teleport to another player
- tpahere
- tpacancel
- tpdeny
- tpaccept
- tpaall: request to teleport all players here [staff]
- back: tp to prev. location
- home: homes system
- spawn: teleport to spawn point
- Warps system
- set/del/info/tp
- Jails?
- Mute
- Kick
- Kickall
- Ignore
- Ban
- BanIP
- SocialSpy
- TempBan
- TempBanIP
- UnBan/Pardon
- /break: breaks the block you are looking at
- /vanish, /v
- /invsee
- /clearinventory, /clear, /clean, /clearinv
- /clearinventoryconfirmtoggle
- /suicide
- /gamemode
- /remove, /butcher, /killall, /mobkill: kills all of specific entity in world
- /more: top up stack in hand (to specified or 64)
- /bigtree: spawn a big tree
- /tree: spawn a normal tree
- /give
- /unlimited: allow unlimited placing of items
- /item, /i: get an item
- /spawner: change mob of spawner
- /top: tp to the highest block above you
- /jump: jump to nearest block in line of sight
- /lightning, /smite, /shock: strike player with lightning
- /ice: freezes a player in powdered snow ice effect
- /speed: change fly or walk speed
- /rest: rests you or specified player
- /ext, /extinguish: extinguishes player
- /burn
- /feed, /eat: satisfy hunger (and saturation)
- /heal
- /powertool: assign command to item when used
- /spawnmob
- /sudo: execute as player
- /god
- /customtext: register custom text commands
- /exp, /xp
- /enchant
- /gc, /mem, /lag, /tps, etc.: reports memory, uptime, and tick info
- /thunder: enable/disable thunder
- /time: display/change world time
- /setspawn
- /weather
- /firework: modify a stack of fireworks
- /disposal
- /condense
- /book (reopening and editing signed books)
- /hat: set current item as hat
- tool benches:
- /workbench
- /cartographytable
- /grindstone
- /anvil [perms]
- /loom
- /smithingtable
- /stonecutter
- /seen: shows last logout time of player
- /skull
- /itemname, /name, /iname
- /itemlore, /lore, /ilore
- /info
- /rules
- /recipe: how to craft items
- /compass
- /motd
- /ping
- /playtime
- /whois (player info)
- /realname
- /list
- /near: lists nearby players
- /getpos, /depth: get pos of self [mods: of others]
- /mail system
- nicknames
- /msg, /w, /pm, /tell
- /me
- /broadcastworld
- /broadcast
- /helpop: msg online staff
- /nick
- /r, /reply
- /afk: marks you as afk
- Essentials-style worth.yml
- /setworth
- /worth: calculate item worth (of hand or specified)
- /payconfirmtoggle: whether you are prompted to confirm payments
- /balancetop, /baltop
- /balance, /bal
- /eco, /economy: manages economy [admin]
- /pay
- /sell
- /createkit
- /kitreset, /kitreset
- /kit, /kits
- /showkit
- /delkit
- Overcomplicated "gag" commands such as /beezooka, /kittycannon, /nuke, /fireball, and /antioch
- Commands that mess up players' synchronization with the server, like /ptime and /pweather
- Server management features such as /backup and essentialsx's restart script: that should be handled by your server management panel.