Official discord bot for The Order of The Boar Discord server.
1 - Pip install all libaries listed on "requirements.txt"
2 - Install PostgreSQL on your machine.
3 - Fill "localCreds.json" with the credentials of your database
4 - Run "" in order to create the tables
5 - Create a app in the Discord Developer Portal and paste it's token into "localToken.txt"
6 - Run "", then the bot will be up and running if everything is fine
7 - Add the bot to a server and test it's commands
1 - Setup the PostgreSQL Add-On on your app, the code will read the credentials from the environment variables
2 - Create a new environment variable on Heroku called "TOKEN" and place your token there
3 - Upload the project files on your Heroku repository then run it
4 - Add the bot to a server and test it's commands
5 - (opt) - You'll probabily need to change the timezone from your app in order to collect the data precisely, create a environment variable called "TZ" and fill it with your timezone name from this list:
(PS) You can change how the credentials are read at line 218 from "" and the token at line 87 from "bot
(PS) There are some additional steps to make the C modules work, this will be covered in the future.